I’m pleased to announce my latest project, The Frugal Map. This has been several months in the process!
So what is The Frugal Map?
The Frugal Map was created* to help readers find their perfect blog match. Whether the perfect blog match is by category, store, location, there is a blog out there for your particular style.
At launch, there is 35 bloggers on the map. I would love to get the map filled out as much as possible with bloggers all over the country! If you aren’t included on the map, please read submission guidelines along with the form here.
The Frugal Map has some unique features:
- Frugal Map Function: Allows users to find a blogger near their location in an interactive map format.
- Search Function: Allows users to search multiple blogs across the Frugal Map Network.
- Hottest Deal RSS Feed: Gives users the most recent hot deals from the bloggers in the Frugal Map Network.
- Specific Store Landing Pages: Allows users a one stop resource for for store deals including blogger store deal links, resources, and FAQ for the particular store.
- Specific Blogger Landing Pages: Allows users to read more about their favorite blogs and connect with them via Twitter, Facebook, RSS, and specific store deal links.
- Embeddable iFrame: Embed The Frugal Map on your blog as a resource for your readers.
I feel these features will make it beneficial to both readers and bloggers. There is no link back to The Frugal Map or a blog button required. It is highly appreciated to link to The Frugal Map, embed it on your own site, or grab a button but not required.
Head over to The Frugal Map for special “Grand Opening” giveaways!
*Local designer, Brad, 4tunate-design.com, created my map. Check out his site for affordable, creative, and effective design options for all of your marketing needs.
Briana, I just came across your site and I LOVE it! I am featuring it on my Blog in the Spotlight on by Facebook Page! You and I share the same thoughts about Coupon Organization! I am anti binder, for sure!!!
Please check out my page and feel free to leave a comment for the fans:)
Bright blessings,
Become Shoppertunistic~Coupon Class This week’s Blog in the Spotlight is Bargain Briana! She has some great deals posted that I haven’t seen anywhere else, like this wristlet below. I especaially enjoyed her Frugal Map where you can locate local blogs for your area, since savings are usually regional. I also appreciated her 15 Days of Couponing articl…
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BargainBriana — Because Bargains Don’t Find Themselves
BargainBriana.com™ is a site written by Briana Carter to help others moms (and everyone else!) find the best quality bargains.
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Become Shoppertunistic~Coupon Class https://bargainbriana.com/tag/15-days-of-couponing/
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Become Shoppertunistic~Coupon Class https://bargainbriana.com/introducing-the-frugal-map/
2 seconds ago · Like ·
What a marvelous idea! I have been looking for something like this for so long so I could find blogs relevant to my area of the country! Thanks for all your hard work!
Figured out I needed to click in the upper left hand corner on Frugal Map…love it…thanks! This will be very useful!
I get this blankish page with “Mobile Theme On/Off” in the middle of the page. Do I need to change some settings?
My state isn’t included on the Frugal Map but I can alert my friends who live elsewhere!
This is amazing, and really has a nice look to it! Well done!! I hope some Oregon bloggers add their sites to your map, so far I only know of one blog in this state.
What a GREAT idea! I live in the “Land of No Doubles” but read all blogs from out of state. I probably still will….y’all are great, but a blog targeted to a person’s own area is all the more useful! :)
What a great idea and a perfect way to find other frugal bloggers in our areas :)
.-= Tanya´s last blog ..CVS – Taking Advantage of Two Weeks Worth of Sales =-.
My husband and I were just talking about how a feature like this would be great – and here it is! Nice work!
You are BRILLIANT. Thank you. And perfect timing for me, as 2 weeks ago, I moved from Texas (where I knew ALL my coupon gals), to the Pacific Northwest, where now I don’t know who covers the stores near me! :) So THANK YOU!
Great job, and wonderful idea. I submitted my blog for OKlahoma! Thanks again for all your hard work.
.-= shannon´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday =-.
thank you
Very cool idea! I’m a brand new blog but I can’t wait until I’m 3 months old so I can join your map. :)
What a fabulous idea! The design is rockin’! Thanks for all the time you put in developing this great resource!! It will become invaluable to those looking for great frugal deals!
.-= Money Savin’ Momma´s last blog ..Just Dance Wii Deal + Free $5 Amazon credit =-.
THANK YOU! Way to see a need and fill it – all of your work to put this together is really appreciated!
CONGRATULATIONS!! looks great!
WOW how awesome! Luckily I’ve already found my blog match- YOU! Thanks for all your posts and I’m sure this map will help so many!
You are amazing! I’m going to see if I can’t embed this on my blog…
.-= Budgets are the New Black´s last blog ..Good Read$ for the Weekend =-.
great idea! what about frugal fashion blogs, can those be considered on the frugal map?
.-= Niki Cheapskate´s last blog ..50% off clearance @ Old Navy! =-.
Such a great idea! Thanks!!!
Great idea!
.-= Christy´s last blog ..16 Pepsi 2-liters for $1 TOTAL @ CVS =-.
I should have posted that I’ll be embedding the Frugal Map once I have my blog fully up and running. Thanks so much for putting this together.
.-= Christy´s last blog ..More AWESOME CVS Deals this Week =-.
It is absolutely perfect, Briana! You worked so hard. Congrats! :-) Katie