If you are working toward a more organized life, you are likely working on your family budget as well. Whether you are couponing regularly to create a large stockpile, or simply using coupons here and there to save money keeping them organized will help you succeed. Organizing Your Coupons can be simple and rewarding as long as you continue to keep it up. Using your coupons on a regular basis means you need them well organized and orderly.
Organizing Your Coupons
Purge Expired Weekly: Coupons expire all too quickly, and sometimes you won’t get a chance to use them. Each week go through your coupons to purge any that have expired. Instead of throwing them away, take the time to stuff them into an envelope and send to a military family stationed overseas. Coupons are good for an extra six months past expiration dates on overseas military bases.
Choose A Storage System That Works Well For You: Whether you sort them into a binder, into folders, leave inserts whole and file away, or use your grandma’s method of sorting into envelopes doesn’t matter. Try various methods of storage until you find one that works well for you. This week try something different, or revamp your current method to make it more useful.
Keep Only What You Will Use: Some people get caught up in the excitement of learning how to coupon and saving money. They will keep every coupon they come across. It isn’t really necessary to keep or use every coupon. Keep only the items you truly need. Foods and household products that you will regularly use are what you need to hold onto. Coupons for items you can’t or won’t use, can be donated or given to others who can use them.
Organizing our coupons will make you more effective at budgeting for your household. Not only will you be better able to stay within your grocery or household budget, you’ll be able to begin putting money into savings as well. This is great for helping you get on track with your savings plan.
{52 Weeks to a More Organized Home/Life}
If you have any of the hoarding tendencies we describe in this post, you may want to work on getting organized for the New Year. Getting organized and staying organized always seem to be on my list of New Year’s Resolutions. Would you like to join me in getting organized for 2015? Each week we will tackle one area of the home to help you get organized, reclaim your sanity, and save money since disorganization can lead to spending more or missing out on discounts.
Are you interested in actually getting organized for 2015? We have worked extensively on a series to help you get organized in 52 weeks. If you would like to receive these emails about how to get your home organized in 52 weeks, you can sign up to receive just ONE email per week. You can sign up at any time during the year without missing a beat.
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