When you’re a college student, money is tight. Any way you can save is a good way. Textbooks can cost hundreds of dollars each quarter, tuition, and accommodations cost even more, and then there’s meal plans in the cafeteria. So don’t waste the little money you do have left over. Stretch every penny and get the value you want and need on staple items. Here’s a guide so you can start saving right away.
Now that you’re a college student, you’ll need your own computer. Whether you want a laptop or desktop, there are both student discounts and online exclusive tech deals. Most computer companies promote student deals as a completely separate division of the company. For instance, Dell University now offers a free 32” TV with the purchase of any computer over $700. While this may feel like a lot of money, most capable computers cost far more than $700. Another example is the Apple Store for Education, which rewards students who buy Apple with hefty gift cards. While these are great deals, remember you only save money on something you buy if you planned to buy it regardless of whether it was discounted. Don’t let lower prices sucker you in while shopping. You’ll certainly find a lot to spend your money on.
Deal Finder
Let deal finders work for you, instead of wasting your own time. Dealnews.com has a team of deal hunters that constantly monitor more than 2,000 reputable online market places and then post the best deals they find. This site finds everything from computers to running shoes. Some students attend college across the country from home. If this is you, find flight deals here as well.
Car Maintenance
If you have a car with you while at college, you’ll need to maintain it. Cars are expensive. There’s no way around it. Gas, insurance and maintenance will set you back. But if you need new tires, TireBuyer.com sells name brands like BF Goodrich and Continental, and all less expensive than your local auto shop. Not only are the prices more affordable, but you can compare different brands and read up on the pros and cons of different models before you buy. They’ll also ship your tires to a certified installation specialist, all of which you can do from online.
If you are one of the few freshmen who live off campus, you’ll be faced with preparing your own food for the first time. With Blue Apron you’ll get all the food you need delivered to your door. Choose from a variety of dishes that come with comprehensive directions. This is great for students who are crunched for time, as there’s no need for lengthy grocery store excursions. You can opt out any time you like. With fresh vegetables, meats, cheeses and more, all contained in a refrigerated box, these meals are delicious and enough for two people, so you’ll always have leftovers for later when you’re on a study tear and need food fast.
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