Amazon ‘Clip This Coupon’ Deals
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Coupons Available for Several Participating Items:
- $1/1 Amazing Fruits From Amazon Acai Supreme Dietary Supplement (90 Grams Bottle)
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- $1.50/1 Duracell Rechargeable Batteries
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Coupons Available for Single Item (Final Price Included):
- $25/1 Verilux HappyLite Deluxe Sunshine Simulator
Final Price: $101.17
- $8/1 Cinderella (Three-Disc Diamond Edition: Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy)
Final Price: $23.49
- Save 20% on Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works (Lean (O’Reilly) Kindle eBook
Final Price: $13.19
- $3.50/1 The Big Book of Phonics, Grades K-3
Final Price: $17.86
- $3/1 LeapFrog LeapPad Ultra eBook: Disney·Pixar Cars 2
Final Price: $15.16
- $1/1 Baby Buddy Baby’s 1st Toothbrush, Blue
Final Price: $5.09
- $17.71/1 SKLZ Quickster 7 x 7-Foot Net with Baseball Target
Final Price: $92.24
- $3/1 Litter Locker II Hygenic Soiled Litter Disposal System
Final Price: $13.37
- $10/1 Spenco 2nd Skin Scar Gel (80-Grams) Final Price: $6.46 WYS&S
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