Nicole’s Nickels has put together a great round up of the coupons you can find in magazines for July. Maybe, you have been receiving some of these for free like me!
My favorite is the 25% off any purchase at Gymboree found in the June/July Family Fun Magazine. I can do some damage even with a 25% off coupon code for Gymboree.
Be sure to check out my all time favorite magazine for coupons – ALL YOU Magazine! For just $17.99 you will receive 2 years worth of money saving coupons! Each edition has over $30 in coupons and some months even more.
I received my July issue of All You today, and posted the coupons that are in it on my blog. There are some really good ones this month, but the value is about half that of last month. However, I’m not sure if there is going to be a discrepancy between the coupons in the newsstand issue and the subscription issue because there’s nothing posted yet on
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..All You July Coupons =-.