Earth Day is April 22. Here are some ways to “celebrate” the Earth and green living. Thanks to Mission to Save for rounding up these Earth Day freebies and deals.
Earth Day Freebies and Deals 2013

National Park Week – National Park week runs 4/20 – 4/28 and from 4/22- 4/26 the 401 national parks waive all entrance fees. See parks here.
Origins – $10 off $25 purchase, plus Free Standard Shipping + a free sample at checkout, in celebration of Earth Day! Offer is valid from 6pm 4/22 – 6am 4/23 (gift sets excluded). Use Offer Code TENOFF at checkout. Please note: This year Origins is NOT sponsoring a Trade-in Event
Amazon – From Eco-friendly house and beauty products to Energy Saving items, Amzon is like a one stop shop to make every day Earth Day.
Pottery Barn Kids: Get a FREE packet of seeds from 4/20 – 4/22, while supplies last in store.
Recyclebank – Earn over 500 points in April with the Eco Time Capsule. Read more about it here.
The Vintage Pearl – 50% of each Vintage Earth Charm necklace sold in April goes to to Blood:Water Mission, founded by music group Jars of Clay, who is working hard to overcome the HIV/AIDS and water crisis in Africa. See more about the necklace here.
EVOS – Free Organic Milkshake on 4/22 (locations in FL, GA and NC)

Disney Store – On 4/22 receive a FREE Brave or Cars 2 Reusable Bag when you come in and recycle 5 plastic shopping bags. Call store to confirm participation. (Ohio stores are)
Michael’s Arts & Crafts – 3 great Kid’s Club craft events, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20. Read more here.
Anthropologie – Several locations are hosting a children’s potting event on 4/21. Several events held on 4/18 and 4/20 as well. (Thanks The Frugal Mom)
Verde – FREE Verde Energy Audit App for iPad. With over 20,000 people using this tool to be more green, the average person learns how they can save $774.43 in electricity costs, or over 54%. Verde helps you find the best things in your home to update and become more energy efficient. Find out exactly how much money and environmental impact that you can save by upgrading to a new television, refrigerator, air conditioner or lighting.
Happy Earth Day App: An interactive song to sing along with, in celebration of Earth Day.
Living Locurto – Free printable Earth Day Bookmarks. Laminate them and give to your kiddos to pass out at school.
Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores – FREE trees on 4/22? When I called 800 # the customer service rep said, yes they would be giving out Free tress on 4/22. But I called both my local stores and they said no. This year they are giving out packets of tomato seeds, while supplies last- starting now. So definitely call your store for participation.
Starbucks – bring in a reusable cup and get a FREE hot or iced coffee or a hot or iced tea on 4/22. Be sure to call first, not all stores participate.
Check out the FREE Samples and Offers Page to find even more freebies. This page is continually being updated!