I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate just because I love ya’ll!
THIS IS NOW CLOSED: Winner is Mary. Thanks to everyone who entered!
Check out my past series on How to Save/Earn with Amazon:
- Part I: Amazon Affiliates
- Part: IIa: Shopping for the best deals at Amazon
- Part IIb: Price Protection (Amazon no longer offers this protection. :( )
- Part IIc: Shipping & Amazon Prime
- Part III: Selling on Amazon
- Part IV: Extra Tips & Tricks
How to win?
Easy Entry: Just leave a post on this entry.
Bonus entries:
- Blog about my giveaway.
- Grab my button (If you have a button and you added mine let me know. I will add your button to my link page.
- Subscribed to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. (Just click the green “Share This” button at the bottom of my post!)
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry!
Ends Friday 11/17 around 11pm PST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner will be announced on the 11/18 and I will contact you to get your mailing address. Only US residents for this giveaway! (If winner(s) doesn’t respond within 48 hours with their mailing address, I will pick another winner.)
I subscribed to your blog via email. Thanks again.
Would love to win this. Thanks for the chance..
There is always so much to buy from amazon so I would love to win this. Oh and I love your background paisley image…so very pretty!:)
I can always use an Amazon gift certificate! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Amazon rocks my world!
What a great prize! I would love to have it!
Your button is on my blog
Carolsues last blog post..
I subscribe
Carolsues last blog post..
I love Amazon! I do my online shopping there almost exclusively!
Carolsues last blog post..
Penelope Pinces last blog post..Pecuniary Reading: The Costs of Keeping Children, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
I’m subscribed to your feed via email. :)
Penelope Pinces last blog post..Pecuniary Reading: The Costs of Keeping Children, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
I love Amazon!
Penelope Pinces last blog post..Pecuniary Reading: The Costs of Keeping Children, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
I shared using Digg
I just subscribed via email
Great giveaway! I have my fingers crossed, hoping I win!
Melissas last blog post..Progress for Preemies!
amazon is awesome, obviously
subsribed today too. (email)
Love the giveaway…love amazon. :)
I’d love to win!
I love you too… (giggle)
I would love to purchase some stuff from my WishList.
I am a google subscriber! Thanks for the chance.
Ilissa H.s last blog post..Evolve Review & Giveaway
This would really help with Christmas. Thanks for the chance! :)
I am a subscriber now thru email
A friend told me about your site and I love it. I sneak check it at work!
and last but not least…
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Frugal Living Moms last blog post..$25 Amazon Gift Certificate Giveaway- last chance
Consider yourself Twittered
Frugal Living Moms last blog post..$25 Amazon Gift Certificate Giveaway- last chance
I’m proudly sportin’ the Bargain Briana button! :)
Frugal Living Moms last blog post..$25 Amazon Gift Certificate Giveaway- last chance
I already subscribe to your blog
Frugal Living Moms last blog post..$25 Amazon Gift Certificate Giveaway- last chance
I blogged about your giveaway
I’m also a subscriber of your RSS feed via Google Reader.
I love Amazon – this would be perfect for Christmas. Thanks!
i would love to buy my son a chistmas present with this
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I snagged one of your buttons too :)
Shanakas last blog post..It could be ALL YOU
I love Amazon because they have everything!
Beckys last blog post..Me Encanta…
Wow…how nice this time of year!
I subscribed via email… and I love your paisley!
This would help out on my amazon wishlist. Thank you for a chance to win.
I’ve had my eye on some organizing things so this would really be a huge help!
bloged you:
Thanks for offering this contest!!
Jennifer M.s last blog post..New $1/1 Muir Glen Coupon
Fun giveaway. Please enter me!
Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!
Oh, I hope I win!!!
Thanks so much, this would be so helpful for Christmas!!
Jessicas last blog post..Cereal Deal at Target!
I just subscribed to your feed via Yahoo, also.
Ooh, please enter me, I LOVE Amazon! Thanks!
oh we could certainly use this to help finish up christmas shopping
How fun!
I LOVE Amazon – thanks for the giveaway!
Love Amazon! We registered here when our son was born, they have so many great products!
Melodys last blog post..
please enter me.
i noticed you had a giveaway and wanted to enter but I looked around your site and I think I’m in love…:D
Love the blog! Thanks for the chance!!!
This would be great with Christmas coming up!
sounds like a great mini xmas gift for someone! thanks.
GREAT Giveaway!
I love me some Amazon! Thanks
Great giveaway – thanks for the chance!
wow! what a super giveaway!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I hope I win!
i would so love this.
you are wonderful!
Hi ..
Nice Blog.. and i really need the gift card.. lol
Hi Briana,
I just found your blog and i will check it out often!!
Great info and advice:)
Yea for Amazon and thank you for a great giveaway!
I’m also subscribed to your blog in my Google reader!
I have your button on Thrifty Jinxy!
I loved to win this gift card. Because I am a mom to 6 children, I have several things on my wish list (for Christmas gifts). Thanks for the info. on Amazon, I’ve shopped through them several times. I did learn some new info. from your website/blog. ALso thanks for this giveaway.
Amazon is great! Thanks for offering it!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I’d love to be entered!
Just in time for the holidays! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Amazon, but I’ve never thought about making money with them before!
I love your giveaways..and am back again hoping to win!
Count me in!
I subscribed to your RSS feed too!I subscribed to your RSS feed too!
What a great giveaway–thanks so much for your generosity!
So excited
We could get great use out of this – many thanks! I’m also on your regular feed and really enjoy it. elizabeth at abpm dot com
This would be awesome to win! I could get my kiddos some toys from amazon!
love amazon!!!
Also, I am now following you on Google Reader!
I could do some serious Amazon shopping with a giftcard!
This would be a great way to start Christmas shopping!
I love Amazon and this would be great for holiday shopping- thanks for the chance to win!
This would be great for Christmas gifts!
Love Amazon!
I would love to win; what a great giveaway!
I love Amazon and would love to get this for Chrsitmas shopping!
Gotta love Amazon! Great Giveaway!
I bought most of my children’s books for home-school through Amazon.com…It was so easy, fast, and reliable!
cool giveaway!
Great giveaway, Briana – thanks! :)
I stumbled your giveaway
Username: wastebasketsa
I blogged about this giveaway: Here
I am a subscriber!
I have your button on my blog: Here
I would love to win this!
favorite u on Technorati(user: danandmarsh)
Hey subscribed and confirmed by rss email!!! Very nice!
I think an Amazon gift card is a great giveaway idea, much more useful than the usual types of prizes!
This would be great to have with the holidays coming up. I’d love to get the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a day book for holiday cooking.
Hey added your button to my blog
Walks With Words
Please would love you to add my button to your site, please email me for the code. Thanks and nice to meet you!
Hey love this giveaway, who doesn’t like Amazon?
Thanks for the chance to win!
Amazon–Woo! My favorite.
What a nice giveaway! Thanks
What a great giveaway!
An amazon giftcard would be awesome!!
Thank you for the opportunity.
this will make great Christmas shopping for someone!
Awesome giveaway, this would be great for Christmas shopping.
Please enter me, thanks!
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Love amazon!
This would really help out my Christmas shopping!
Thanks for the chance to win.
i would love this for christmas
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
i could totally use this!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
I would love to win – Amazon is the first place I click to when I’m looking for something!
Great giveaway. I love Amazon!
I’m a subscriber!
Great giveaway!
This would totally help with Christmas shopping- this is going to be a tough year. Thanks for the chance!
Thanks a million. Amazon is the coolest.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
I also grabbed a button for my blog!
I subscribed to email updates.
The more I use Amazon, the more I find to like! I love your link to the page to find an item at a certain price to fill your cart. Thanks for the giveaway!
i love amazon and your site! this would really help out my budget!
What great tips!! Thanks :)
Thanks for this giveaway, I’m really in need of it!
Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Nice way to get a start on Christmas shopping!!
New to your site…thanks!
I love Amazon! What a great giveaway!!
Love Amazon.
I would love to win…what a great giveaway!
I love Amazon! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I would love to win this.
What a great giveaway! How FUN!
Thank you!
Awesome giveaway!! We love Amazon
Very generous. Thank you.
I just ordered some books from Amazon today! Such great deals and i love the free shipping over $25. thanks!
Count me in! Great giveaway.
Great giveaway, thanks!
Really? just leave a comment? wow how nice of you – and I agree with Amy above – this would be great for Christmas.
awesome giveaway! amazon.com rocks!
I’d love to win the gift certificate to use towards books or DVDs!
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
I would love to win this just in time for christmas..Thanks for the chance..
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! You rock!
I have added your button too!
Amazon is great! Thanks for the chance!
I blogged about it! What a cool giveaway http://1stopmom.today.com/2008/11/10/you-should-enter-a-few-giveaways/
This could possibly help me make a dent in my 38+ pages of Amazon wishlist!
I’m in too! Go Amazon!
i love amazon!!!
Got to love Amazon! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway. Another great advantage from Amazon is their new frustration free packaging.
I’d love to win this…would use it toward Christmas shopping!
I’m in!
I would love to win this!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
And I just subscribed to your feed.
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
I blogged you for an extra entry:
Would love to win and get started on the holiday shopping!
I’d love to win! Thanks for the chance!!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
Thanks for the chance.
I subscribed via e-mail. Thanks!
Wow, you’ve got amazon down! I’m impressed. I’d love to put the Gift Card towards a Scooba! Perfect!!
very timely and helpful for the upcoming holidays!!
Your blog button is on my blog, towards the bottom witht he other buttons, shescribes “dot” com.
I am already a subscriber (e-mail) to your blog.
Great giveaway! I love Amazon. THANKS!!!
I stumbled you- my stumble name in LivinWithMe
I subscribed.
I’m a subscriber!
Yeah for Amazon!
I could really use this for Christmas!
I would love to win a gift card to Amazon. I also signed up for your e-mail. Thanks.
Excellent! I love Amazon!
I would love to be entered for this one! I just bout some of the kid’s Christmas from Amazon! I love that site!Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love Amazon!
I love to shop on Amazon-this would be great!
This would come in handy for the holidays. Thanks for the chance!
This certainly would come in handy this Christmas. Thank you.
great tips!
Awesome giveaway count me IN!
For me, it’s all about the books!
Subscribed to your feed via Google Reader!
I have your button up on my left sidebar @ my Reviews/Giveaways blog
A Bookworm(Mom)’s Diary
My button’s on the right sidebar. Thanks!
I enjoyed reading your posts.
Count me in. My wish-list on Amazon has never been longer!
Nice give away!
Thanks for the great giveaway and great amazon tips.
This would be great for Christmas!!!
Thanks for the great tips! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Super! I do most of my shopping at Amazon.
Thanks for this! We do tons of shopping on Amazon.
I subscribed, Thanks for the giveaway!
I stumbled this post! Thanks so much!
Ooooh, the possibilities! :-) Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I subscribed!
Great giveaway! This would be awesome to win with Christmas just around the corner. . .
Wonderful! Stumbled your post. Thanks for offering this.
what a great giveaway!
jpkittie315 at hotmail dot com
subscribed vis RSS
please enter me
I subscribed vis RSS/Google Reader
Great giveaway
I just subscribed for the email list so I don’t miss out on any of your wonderful tips!
I found your website thru dealseekingmom. Thanks for all the great tips you share with us!!!
I would love, love this GC from Amazon!!! Hmmm, what would I get…books, toys some puzzles for the boys!!!
too bad they took away the price protection
I subscribe via google reader
I love Amazon. By the way, as I was scrolling down to this, I kept marveling at your paisley print, it is such a fun background!
your button is on my mail blog – misaacmom.blogspot.com
blogged about it.
I am a subscriber
thanks for hosting this – LOVE amazon.com
Thanks again
I love online shopping. It’s even better with someone else’s money! Thanks !
Love the $$
I hope I win!!
I am subscribed via email. thanks!
Love Amazon, great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
I suscribed!
Love Amazon! Thanks for the chance!
Count me in please.
I’d love to win the Amazon Gift Certificate
I’d love a gift card–thanks for the chance to win!
hello, leaving a message. thanks for doing this. Jen
Every little bit helps. Thanks!!
Thanks – this looks great!
I love Amazon! Sign me up — thanks!
Great website!
I love Amazon, thanks for the chance to win!
Yeah Amazon.
I can’t decide if I would use it for Christmas gifts or spend it all on myself!
Great givaway! I would love to win to use it for Christmas gifts.
Love Amazon, and love books. Thanks for the chance!
Great giveaway!
love the blog and all your great deals!
I am subscribed.
ceashark at aol dot com
Very cool give away just in time for the Christmas shopping season!
Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win
ceashark at aol dot com
I’d love to win this!
Amazon is one of my favorite go-to websites when I’m shopping, and I just found a book I’ve been looking for there! Thanks for the giveaway!
Really enjoyed your informative post on selling on Amazon. I have sold on Ebay before, but was really getting tired of all the high fees. I may just give this a try next time I have something to sell!
I digged…
I subscribed via email!
Great giveaway! I can always use anything extra for my family. Diapers is pretty high on the list right now with my 2 wk old.
Thanks for the chance! I also subscribed to your blog. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for offering this. It would be helpful in buying some Christmas gifts. :-)
I would love this. This would help greatly towards my Christmas shopping this year.
This is a great giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! Great!
As Dorothy from the Wizard of Giveaways would say “Amazon and $25 and a Giveaway…oh my”
Cool giveaway!! Would love a chance to win!!
Enter me please!
Great giveaway! Just in time for all that big holiday shopping! Pick me! Pick me! :)
There are so many things my twins need this would be great!
I’m glad I found this site. Awesome give-away!
I subscribed!
Cool giveaway and site!!
We do almost all our Christmas shopping via Amazon, so winning this would be great!
I love amazon, I buy alot of books there its nice because they have the reviews to read, and the prices are really good.
I want to win.
I hereby enter me
hi there, subscribed via email…what a wonderful giveaway!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amazon.com is the perfect place to shop for gifts for anyone! If you can’t find what someone would love getting there … then that person doesn’t like anything and doesn’t deserve a gift from you.
Thanks for the chance to win!
allibrary [at] aol [dot] com
I’m a subscriber!
What a great giveaway! Please enter me!
Great giveaway! Just in time for holiday shopping!
Awesome giveaway!
I would love to win!!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to get this!! Thanks!!
Love Amazon! I shop there a lot and I’m an affiliate too.
I heart amazon!!
I would love to be entered into the drawing! Amazon rocks
Marvelous; thank you!
This would be awesome for Christmas shopping! Thanks!
Perfect timing for Christmas presents!
Great giveaway. Thanks!
what a great giveaway! thanks so much :))
I would love to win this gift card!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I also added your giveaway to my Super Freebie Friday post!
I would love to win this gift card, especially with the holidays quickly approaching!
I gave you thumbs up: mary_freebies.
I am an email sub’.
I have your button on my sidebar.
Hi there!
Here is my comment entry to this giveaway.
Good luck to me only. :D
I am also a subscriber.
I love Amazon.com!
Wow! This is great. Thanks for the giveaway.
We love AMAZON! Thanks for the chance to win.
Me want card” me read good; really good,
I’m a subscriber
I enjoyed your “Shopping for the Best Deals ” post. Thanks for the tips. I love shopping at Amazon:) I just bought some Christmas gifts for my girls there.
Great blog!!!
I put your button on my blog.
I am a subscriber.
I love Amazon!
added your button to my main blog
I’m a HUGE Amazon fan!
http://bloggysweeps.blogspot.com/ – posted via share this
how cool
Best Deals
You can see all of the sales, promotions, and markdowns on Amazon in this spot. (It is also under “Today’s Deals”. You can then sort by the highest percent off, sale price, etc.
Love this tip
Please enter me for you giveaway! I have a book I would love to get from Amazon.com
What a great way to start x-mas shopping.
I’d love to win! Thanks,
Thanks for the great giveaway!
That would be great for Christmas shopping!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
katiellloyd at yahoo(dot)com
Would love a giftcard!
very cool giveaway.
not sure if already signed up for this but with x-mas coming i entering all contests i can have not won to date but maybe soon? *fingers crossed*
Oh, and I’m an RSS subscriber.
I love Amazon!
i feel lucky
subscribed to email
Thanks for the giveaway!
I check your blog weekly. Thanks for helping us save!!
I’m also a subscriber. Thanks for all you do to help us save :)
Wow, how sweet to be loved, great giveaway, may the best clicker win!!! have a super day, and remember, you are special!!!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
I LOVE shopping and I love shopping on amazon even more! So, keeping fingers crossed! : D
I love your site!
Would love to win! Thanks!
I Stumbled this site!! I am Kelliebug :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Amazon – especially with Christmas coming up!
Would certainly make use of an Amazon gift card. Hope to win!
What a great gift that I could give someone for x-mas!!
I subscribed.
Would love to win! Thanks!
Awesome giveaway!
I’ve got you button on my blog
I blogged http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2008/11/25-amazon.html
I stumbled this post ~ momof2ballerinas
I joined your feed so give me another chance please.
What a great prize. Never win anything, but sure would love this one!
Just subscribed to your RSS :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Please enter me!
Wow, what a great giveaway! Sign me up! I need Christmas presents for my husband and he has an Amazon Kindle and this would really bless him for Christmas since we’re not getting each other presents because the budget is so tight this year. Thanks so much !! God Bless You!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Fun!!! Wonderful giveaway!
I would love to win the Amazon gift card!
I loove Amazon.
Aw, how fun!
I know just what I’d get …
Great giveaway. Thanks
I tweeted (@preciouspennies)
I have also subscribed to your RSS feed via RSS Bandit.
Your button is on my blog button slideshow in the right sidebar. It’s also on my links page if you didn’t want to wait for the slideshow to cycle through =D.
I’ve blogged about your giveaway here: http://mypreciouspennies.blogspot.com/2008/11/giveaways-galore_06.html
Would love to be entered – thanks.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway! : )
Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck to everyone. :)
I love Amazon.com! Please enter me for the gift certificate.
Just what I need to get some stocking stuffers for Christmas. Thanks!
I’d love to be entered, Amazon is where I buy most of my presents! Too bad on Amazon stopping price protection. I tried that once last Christmas & it didn’t work. They did end up sending me a $5 gc to say sorry though & that was about what the difference was, LOL.
Wow….Coolness. I am going to bookmark your bag from now on. You have lots of great tips and ideas here. Great job!
Thank you so much for hosting such a nice giveaway! I hadn’t realized that the price protection was no longer available, thanks for letting me know.
I subscribed via google reader.
Thanks for entering me!
I blogged about your contest at christinacooks.blogspot.com
Please enter me!
I am subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Your button is on my sidebar:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh wow, a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate…AWESOME!!
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
faved you on technorati!
I dugg!
I have your button!
Email subscribed!
I have a “few” things on my amazon list! thanks Brianna!
Also blogged about your giveaway here:
Thanks for the chance.
Add me to the list of entries. I’ve never bought anything from Amazon before, lol.
Great giveaway!!!
Please enter me in the great giveaway! Thanks!
This would be great to have this time of year.
You can never have too many books!
Yeahy for amazon and for your site!
Fun giveaway!!
I love Amazon.com!!!!
Please enter me, I lovvvveee Amazon! Going to read your other article now about shopping at Amazon :).
Great giveaway. I love Amazon.
could seriously put this to use! thanks.
cool giveaway, thanks!
thanks, cool giveaway!
I am a subscriber.
I’m a big Amazon fan! I love to buy their books!!!!!
Loving the giveaway ease, thanks so much.
thank you
I am a subscriber, thanks briana!
Yahoo – freebie!
Please pick me! I’m so far down on the list but I’m crossin’ my fingers :)
crystal adkins
Great giveaway. Thanks!
I am a subscriber to your wonderful site.
Just added you to my Google Reader!
I’m all about Amazon for the holidays!
Great giveaway! thank you!
love your site!
Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog!
i would like to be entered in the contest!
Awesome Idea!
I am new to your website. I found it through”money saving mom.com”. I am just a typical mom and wife who is putting my husband through school (thus the need to clip coupons!) Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I love shopping on Amazon especially for Christmas. Thanks for the chance.
I subscribed a couple of weeks ago. Can I still play?
I love amazon.com!!
What are the chances I could win again?! Have to at least try. My son loves his crocs, by the way! Thanks.
Sad to say, this is the first time I came to your site.
Now I’m subscribed!
Hi! We haven’t really “met”, but we both help Courtney at MomGiveaways.com
I’d love to win this and buy Christmas presents!
I’m subscribed
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Love amazon!!
I just love it! Amazon is the best! I’m going to keep my fingers crossed. Thank you so much for the chance!
I love Amazon. Great giveaway. Thank you.
Oh my gosh! I would LOVE to win something like this! Thanks.
Wow.. this is great. I would love the chance to try Amazon!
Money’s tight right now…I could really use this! Thanks!
What a great giveaway! Iknow just what I would buy!
Hi! I do a lot of shopping around Christmas time at Amazon so I could really put this one to use! Thanks for being so generous!
I Stumbled this post! Username: keeerried216
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
Winning $25 for Amazon.com would be awesome…count me in! =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m already an RSS feed subscriber!
I love shopping on Amazon.
Would love to have a $25 GC to Amazon! :)
I love Amazon!
Ooooh, I love Amazon!
What a great giveaway!!
Sweet! And the $25 would make the purchase eligible for free shipping- bonus! Thanks
Also, I am a feed subscriber!
I would love this! Perfect for Christmas gifts!
Would love to win – thanks!
I am a subscriber in Bloglines(have been for a bit now) Hope that counts
Oh I would love to win this. I want the new Jon And Kate plus 8 book and I can’t afford it! Love your site BTW!
Amazon in time for Chirstmas! Thanks!
Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!
Very cool giveaway!
Sounds great!
I love Amazon and this would help with a birthday coming up as well as Christmas! Thanks for the chance!
Just in time for the holidays! I just signed up for an Amazon Affiliate account – still trying to get it all figured out!
I’d love to win!
Ohhhh I really could use this right now. My daughters 5th birthday is coming up. I LOVE amazon. Thanks for the opportunity.
Would love to win this one. I just brought a toy yesterday and I am sure I will find more.
Grabbed your button! http://www.grocerypricebooks.com/grocerypriceblog/check-out-these-other-great-blogs
I love Amazon-amazing selection, competitive prices and I can shop in my p.j.s have to love that
Submitted to Delicious! http://delicious.com/url/597c0e0abeb0b36302838a9d2be3db80
Thanks for the Amazon giveaway!
Submitted to Propeller!! I don’t know how long those take to show up?
I would really liek to win this!! Thanks for such a great give away!!
Posted it! (Does it show I want this? lol)
I love Amazon! It’s where I shop so I can stay out of the malls as much as possible during the holiday season. :o)
Blogged it! http://www.grocerypricebooks.com/grocerypriceblog/giveaways/25-amazon-gift-card-giveaway
I’m a subscriber!
I blogged about it!
very good idea! I would LOVE to win….. we’re on a budget and Christmas is coming :)
Very cool – keeping my fingers crossed!
Subscribed to RSS!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stumbled/Discovered it! ID SweetChicky
Thanks for the chance!
Dugg It! ID GP Books
I can always use money to spend at Amazon!
Twittered it! ID HollyHobby
What a great giveaway! I have been saving up my GCs to get my son a “big” christmas gift so it would so rock if I was lucky enough on this one! Thanks for offering it!
I hope I win! I’m planning on shopping for my nieces and nephews on Amazon! :)
Count me in!
Stumbled you!
This is why I love Twitter! Thanks for the giveaway…$25 at Amazon is amazing.
brandyu at gmail dot com
Would love, love, LOVE to win this.
Ok I just subscribed to your blog also! Thanks! Kim
This would be perfect to use for the holidays!
This would be helpful for the upcoming holiday season!
I love ordering books form amazon….thanks for the giveaway! keden66@aol.com
I love Amazon! I could put that card to good use!
I’m a follower, thanks for the giveaway! : )
I love amazon! I want one!!
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
I am such an Amazon junkie. Thanks for the chance.
Tweeted your giveaway too!
That’s awfully generous of you! I’d love to use a GC for Christmas shopping!
I subscribed via RSS.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I heart amazon. Thanks for the chance to win!
I also subscribe via email. I look forward to your posts!
What a great giveaway – I love amazon.com!
Count me in.
Yay!! I’d love to win this :)
I love Amazon!
I’m also a subscriber.
I frequently shop at Amazon and would love to win a gift card.
I love Amazon!
I’m a happy subscriber to your feed too – thanks! elizabeth at abpm dot com
Thanks for the opportunity – love your blog!
Your button is on my sidebar.
I subscribe via email too, thanks!
Fun! Doing all my Christmas shopping on Amazon…this would be perfect!
I dugg the giveaway (user: SeattleLT). Thanks!
I learned so much from reading your amazon posts last time, and I check the daily deals now all the time. Thanks for all the great info!
great giveaway!
Yay! Amazon rocks — I use them to feed my book addiction :-)
I’m a subscriber!
I love Amazon! Thanks for the chance to win!
I check your blog often-cool giveaway!
Love Amazon! Thanks for the giveaway…
I’d love to win this!
I would love to win this prize :)
This is an awesome prize! If I win, I might have to check out that Jillian 30 day shred. :)
That would be great for Christmas shopping!
I heart Amazon!
thank you for all your hardwork in finding great deals, freebies and giveaways. I visited your site daily. I like it because you are local to me. It helps me to plan ahead for shopping. being a SAHM, saving money is the only way that I make money. If I win, I will use the gift cert for xmas for little ones!!
thanks again.
I stumbled this post…although I shouldn’t have…since now I have less of a chance to win with the extra people entering :-).
I subscribed! Great blog! I can’t wait to read more!
I am a subscriber to your blog :-).
I think this is my first comment here, but let me say that I love your blog and thanks for the opportunity to win this!!
This is a perfect giveaway for Christmas presents! Thanks for the giveaway.
Hmm,my first comment didn’t stick so here goes again. Yes please, books for Christmas!
Oh…and I also subscribed to the RSS feed :)
I could have used this just the other day. Great giveaway!
Great giveaway, I need some new books to read over Christmas!!
I already subscribe to your feed.
OK… last entry… I added your button to my blog. http://lovegodnotmoney.blogspot.com.
This would SO help with Christmas presents.
Thanks for the give away :).
That’s the link to where I wrote about your giveaway on my blog. I REALLY want this gift certificate, if you can’t tell. :)
I also subscribed to you via RSS. Can’t wait to read more bargain posts!
I saved your post to my delicious!
Cool giveaway!
thanks for the chance :-)
I subscribe via RSS on my personal blog, thanks!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I already subscribe through Google Reader.
I would love to try and win this! I am a huge amazon shopper and this would really come in handy for the holidays :D thanks for the opportunity!
Great giveaway.
I’m such a huge fan of Amazon Prime (and Amazon’s Affiliate program) !
just subscribed to your feed….
I’m a subscriber via RSS!
It’s an understatement to say that I”m an amazon fan….would do the happy dance to win!
Great giveaway! Thanks so much! This series is one of my favorite shopping guides!
I subscribe via email!
What a great giveaway for this time of year!
Who doesn’t like Amazon? I never have a problem finding what I want there. Thanks. Hope you pick my number!
Thank you for such a great giveaway!
Subscriber via RSS – and a big Amazon fan!
Awesome! You are announcing the winner on my son’s 2nd birthday… maybe that will be lucky and I can buy him some more books…
(And I’m about to blog about you…)
You are easily one of my favorite blog authors. I check my Firefox feed Reader to see if you post daily. Keep up the great work. Go Colts.
LOVE Amazon! My fingers are crossed…
I added you to my GOOGLE Reader! Now I’ll be able to enjoy all your new posts.
$25 to Amazon? Count me in!
I twittered about your giveaway. (Crazymamasita)
I subscribed.
I would really love this!
Very cool giveaway! Thanks. :)
I am a subscriber via RSS.
Cool giveaway!