Living in the digital age, it is important to think about your digital information as yet another part of your household to take care of. Organizing Your Digital Information is important for many reasons. Not only are you making sure your information is safe, you are keeping track of important documents and information you may need for school, budgeting or even taxes.
Organizing Your Digital Information
Create Folders In Your Email Accounts: We love Gmail for the ease of creating folders that also have sub folders. It makes it great for times when you want a folder for your child, but also need one for their band information, school information, dental appointments, etc. You can have one main folder with sub folders within to log this information. This is a great way to utilize your email while keeping it tidy.
Use Google Drive For Storage: Documents, Spreadsheets and more can be stored in Google Drive for easy access anywhere you have Internet connection. This is a free method of creating documents and keeping them in one simple location for access later.
Use Cloud Storage: For things like your pictures, videos and other items you don’t want to take chances with losing, we recommend you organize in something like Dropbox or Amazon Cloud. Both have free and paid versions depending on the amount of storage you need. For business or large quantities, the annual fee to upgrade with Dropbox is well worth the peace of mind that your information won’t be lost should something happen to your computer.
Create A Master Password List: One thing that is very important in digital information is having secure passwords. These passwords should include at least one capitalized letter, a number and a character. Some sites will only allow a password with letters and numbers, so creating a few combinations of those is important too. Remember that your passwords should be combinations that are hard for others to guess. No names, birth dates, anniversaries or addresses. Use random or things that only you would recognize. Utilize a program like Lastpass to keep your most recent passwords saved so you don’t have to remember them every time you log in.
Organizing your digital information is a valuable part of home organization these days. Now that more and more things in your life are online, it is imperative that you keep things orderly there as well. From bill pay to storing your pictures, digital information is a huge part of daily life.
{52 Weeks to a More Organized Home/Life}
If you have any of the hoarding tendencies we describe in this post, you may want to work on getting organized for the New Year. Getting organized and staying organized always seem to be on my list of New Year’s Resolutions. Would you like to join me in getting organized for 2015? Each week we will tackle one area of the home to help you get organized, reclaim your sanity, and save money since disorganization can lead to spending more or missing out on discounts.
Are you interested in actually getting organized for 2015? We have worked extensively on a series to help you get organized in 52 weeks. If you would like to receive these emails about how to get your home organized in 52 weeks, you can sign up to receive just ONE email per week. You can sign up at any time during the year without missing a beat.
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