As the year of household organization draws to a close it is time to start thinking about Organizing Your Goals For The New Year. This week is all about reflecting on what you have accomplished this year, and what you want to see happen in the new year. From health to financial causes,organizing your goals will give you focus you need to start the new year out on the right foot.
Organizing Your Goals for the New Year
Financial Goals: Sit down with your spouse to look at your financial goals for the new year. Organizing your budget, your remaining debt and any savings plans you want to put into place is very important. Look at your total income, expenses and debt. Make plans to eliminate more debt and put more into savings for the year. This is a great time to also look at things you should downsize or let go of to help with your monthly expenses.
Household Goals: This can be anything from staying more organized consistently to setting up goals or remodeling, doing more landscaping or other small home projects for the year. Creating realistic goals about what you want to have happen within your home will help you stay on track throughout the year. {Read: How to get organized in 15 minutes}
Health Goals: These can be set for every member of the family, or simply for the family a whole. Things like getting more family exercise time, eating more organic foods or even growing your own garden can all be in this category. For larger health concerns like weight loss, getting cholesterol or blood pressure under control you can make more specific plans for the individual person.
Family Goals: This is one area that is truly the most important on the list. Setting goals to grow and bond is very important. This can include things like having a family game night, reading the Bible or praying together, and even simple things like no yelling or arguing at the dinner table. Setting goals to meet your families needs is very important. {Read: How to increase Family Time today}
As you reach the end of another year, you can look back on your now organized home with pride. From the kitchen to the basement, you have spent time sorting your home and organizing your life. This final week spent organizing your goals for the new year is just the next step in the journey that can start over again to renew your purpose and vigor for an organized home.
{52 Weeks to a More Organized Home/Life}
If you have any of the hoarding tendencies we describe in this post, you may want to work on getting organized for the New Year. Getting organized and staying organized always seem to be on my list of New Year’s Resolutions. Would you like to join me in getting organized for 2015? Each week we will tackle one area of the home to help you get organized, reclaim your sanity, and save money since disorganization can lead to spending more or missing out on discounts.
Are you interested in actually getting organized for 2015? We have worked extensively on a series to help you get organized in 52 weeks. If you would like to receive these emails about how to get your home organized in 52 weeks, you can sign up to receive just ONE email per week. You can sign up at any time during the year without missing a beat.
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