This year I decided I wanted to do a garden. We have tried to do a garden in the past and it often ends in a weedy rotting vegetable mess. This year, I decided to take a smaller approach to my garden with a raised garden attempt.
I’ve put together raised garden beds and creating my perfect raised bed garden soil mixture and planted vegetables that our family will eat. Now it’s time for a update on what is growing. One of my issues with gardening in the past was the difficulty in watering our garden. I’m happy to say that the kids have been helping water the garden often! It’s much easier to remember to water the garden when it’s right by the house too. Since the water supply is right beside the garden there really is no excuse.
So what’s growing….about 7-10 days after we planted the peas and green beans, we have sprouts! It’s exciting times!
Stay tuned for the next post in this Raised Vegetable Garden series!
Read more:
- {Raised Bed Gardening Part 1} Putting Together the Raised Beds
- {Raised Bed Gardening Part 2} Putting Together the Soil
- {Raised Bed Gardening Part 3} Planting, Planting, Planting
- {Raised Bed Gardening Part 4} What’s Growing?
- 5 Water Features You Can Try This Weekend
- 10 Tips for Organic Gardening
- Frugal Gardening Tips
- Gardening With Kids
- Create a Lasagna Garden
- Create a Salsa Garden
This is the first year I have planted a garden in years. My husband built me a raised bed and I am enjoying watching the plants grow. Can’t wait to eat some of the veggies!