I’m still a few years away from sending a child to college but it isn’t that far off now that I have a 8th grade student. However, I’m guessing I have a few readers out there that have children heading off to college. All parents want to send their child off to college well-equipped and prepared for anything.
ReadyU is a program that aims to improve the lives of college students by helping them through the anxiety of leaving home, meeting new friends, and living on their own. This can be quite an adjustment for most students. ReadyU provides content, experience, and solutions to conquer life outside of the classroom.
According to P&G data*, the items parents and students forget to pack most often for college are:
- Toothbrushes for college men
- Feminine hygiene products for college women
- Cough and cold products for college men and women
Kids in college LOVE care packages! While your student or a student you know is at school, you can send them the ultimate ReadyU care package with products from Gillette, Old Spice, CoverGirl, Tide, Herbal Essences, Crest, Olay, Secret, and Duracell. From getting ready for their morning class or doing their own laundry (ACK!), this care package will help them feel closer to home!
Here’s a example of a few items that you may need to send:
How to Win?
Prize: 1 lucky winner will receive a prize back containing products from Gillette, Old Spice, Covergirl, Tide, Herbal Essences, Crest, Olay, Secret and Duracell
You can enter up to 4 times with the following methods:
1. Leave a comment: What types of items do you like to send in your college care packages? Or any other type of care packages?
**If you are reading in an email or a feed reader, you must click over to enter this giveaway. Entries via email are not accepted.
2. Become a Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and ReadyU on Facebook.
3. Tweet the following on Twitter:
Enter to win a @ProcterGamble @theReadyU Prize Pack http://bit.ly/o9xnc3 @bargainbriana
4. Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry. If you are already a subscriber, leave a comment letting me know you are already subscribed.
Please leave a comment for each additional entry.
Giveaway ends Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 6 p.m. EST
Winner will be chosen by random. Be sure bargainbriana@gmail.com is in your safe sender list as you don’t want to miss the email if you are the chosen winner. If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner. U.S. Entries only.
This giveaway was sponsored by P&G. Post was written 100% by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
**Data from P&G
Vitamins and anti-bacterial gel would be useful!
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Mrspoofa/status/106099890530172929
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My daughter gets shampoo & conditioner, shavers & shave cream, personal items (lol) a roll of quarters for laundry along with soap, tasters choice instant coffee, contact solution & really anything else she needs. :) Its a good thing I get most of it for free.
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I like to include all the samples I receive!
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I love sending baked goods, and stationary to write home on!
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Snacks, small gifts, gift cards and rolls of quarters for the laundry/snack machines.
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tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/cmouse01/status/105727506514055169
When I was in college, my aunt would use her couponing and rebating skills to load up on snacks – chips, crackers, candy and send those in care packages to me. The other stuff was fine, but the snack boxes were the best. I loved them, and so did my friends!
I send candy!
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When we send stuff off to my brother in Korea, we usually send food items that are harder to find there.
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I always loved when my college friend got string cheese and slice and bake cookies in her care packages from home.
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/cistran/status/105347505327321088
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I would send a package of personal hygiene items, some household items, and snacks.
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I liked Bargain Briana and ReadyU on facebook.
I always include the following: toothpaste, floss, toothbrushes, shampoo, razors, medicines etc.
Paper towels, disposable plates, dish soap, laundry detergent.
E mail Subscriber to your blog!
I like both pages on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)
I sent a care package once to a friend! Chicken Soup, Juice, Cough Medicine, Books, Puzzles, Crayons and Coloring Books! Lets face it, your never too old to color when you are feeling sick!
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I like to send useful items that tend to add up cost-wise for college students. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, lunch items, snacks and gas cards.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/socksrcat1
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I like to send sample size stuff for emergencies, boxes of band aids, deodorant and cookies.
Shaving products and soap! You can’t go wrong…and of course snacks for study breaks!
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I tweeted—-mt4cb Cheryl Abdelnour
Enter to win a @ProcterGamble @theReadyU Prize Pack bit.ly/o9xnc3 @bargainbriana
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I stock my kids up on foods for the dorm and personal items, plus cleaning supplies.
I like to send care packages to my brother stationed in the military! Love to send him some of his favorite foods and encouraging notes!
I send toiletries and laundry products, along w/ a ton of late night snacks. School products-like post-its, pens, and batteries are also helpful.
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i like to send chocolate in care packages to my friend
Bargain Briana email subscriber!
Send cold n flu kits in my care packages: disinfectant wipes and spray, cough drops, cough syrup, lotion facial tissue
Earplugs for noisy roomaates and hallmates,bucket for dring accidnets along with an old towel, tarps to prottect floors.
I am already a subscriber to your email.
I am Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and ReadyU
Care packages should included some energy or protein bars, pain relievers, prepaid cards, snacks, hand sanitizers, etc.
I send my daughter body wash, lotions and snacks in individual packs so she can grab them and go. I’ve also sent jars of peanut butter and homemade cookies!
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tweet – https://twitter.com/#!/MyAngelEryn/status/104996051961913344
I “like” your blog and ReadyU on Facebook (christina foley)
I like to send home baked goodies, treats that can only be found locally, their favorite bath/body/personal hygiene things and a nice card & letter.
I just tweeted! Enter to win a @ProcterGamble @theReadyU Prize Pack http://bit.ly/o9xnc3 @bargainbriana
I like to send gift cards for a meal out.
I liked both bargain brianna and ready u on facebook
I am an email subscriber.
I like to send snacks and bath and body products.
I get emails from Bargain Briana.
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My son get the free samples that I receive. Helps cut down on his expenses to buy the stuff there.
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I like to send canned foods and bulk snacks from Sam’s club!
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I like to send mac and cheese!
I am a college student and I LOVE care packages! It’s so hard to have money to getyour own essentials so I love it when my parents send me stuffing need like feminine products, shampoos, soaps (and especially laundry stuff), toothpaste and medicine. Its also great getting easy to make food for the dorms and stuff I eat when I’m sick. And the number one best is homemade treats :D I love my moms cooking and always miss it!
I LOVE to send care packages! My favorite things to put in care packages are, body wash, bandaids, razors, shaving cream, deoderant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo & conditioner, toilet paper, laundry soap, and BATHROOM CLEANER (especially for boys:) This year, I’ve been able to make some really nice ones thanks to couponing. However, the deals are getting harder to make lately. With 1 neice and 4 nephews in college, I am working diligently to be able to make care packages for each of them. What fun!
I like to include beef jerky for late night study sessions.
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My son is leaving tomorrow for his second year of college. In his “care packages” I like to pack his favorite cookies, popcorn, gummy worms, and sometimes a new pack of guitar picks (he’s a musician).
Sunscreen! Back in my college, the weather was sunny year-round. And a sewing kit, for those minor tears and broken buttons.
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Practical things like cough products and aspirin-kids forget them
The stuff I put in my son’s college care package are: blade refills for his razer, shaving cream, cold medicine, bounce dryer sheets, roll of quarters, new toothbrush and toothpaste, carmex, poptarts, cookies, singles flavor drink mixes and lots of twix candies :)
I like to give my neice, Purex Sheets or free samples of Tide so she doesn’t have to lug big bottles to the laundromat. Roll of quarters helps and she is always appreciative of grocery store gift cards (we don’t want her to starve while she’s away!)
You can’t forget those chocolate cookies for the long weekends!!!!
The types of care packages I send with my son is sending all his personal needs up:
Laundry detergent & softner (along with the quarters)
Toothbrushes and Toothpaste (I love all the freebie you help us find)
Body Wash & Soap
The small packages of cookies and chips.
Bottle Water
and 2 Liter bottles of pop on occassion.
I receive your emails and I also follow you on facebook and signing up right now for RightU.
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I like to send cookies!
I subscribe to your email newsletter! Thanks!
I tweeted this message Enter to win a @ProcterGamble @theReadyU Prize Pack http://bit.ly/o9xnc3 @bargainbriana from 2teens2mother 1 minute ago.
I Like both Bargain Briana and ReadyU on Facebook.
I get a lot of free samples of shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, granola bars, etc and I send these items for my daughter to share with her friends.
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I like to send healthy snacks like granola bars
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I like to send deodorant, toothpaste, a gas card and cookies!!!