Couponing is more than just bringing home a cart full of free shampoo or razors. Setting Realistic Couponing Expectations is important for your ultimate success. While you can easily save thousands of dollars a year by couponing, you must understand that not all deals will be available in your area, nor will you be able to get everything for free.
Setting Realistic Couponing Expectations
Start with small goals and work your way up. In the beginning, you will be learning how to read coupons and understand store policies. You’ll also be working on building up your stockpile while figuring out what is the best price on most of your commonly purchased items. As you learn, set small goals for yourself so you can feel a sense of accomplishment even when it isn’t the best couponing week out there. Start with a reasonable 10% savings on your household grocery budget, or set a goal to find at least one free item at the store each week. Setting realistic couponing expectations is what will help you in the long run. Not every person or every store will allow the free products you have seen on television in the past.
Understand that every store has a different coupon policy. Not only will every store have a different policy, but different regions for the same store will also have different policies. On top of the varied policies you will encounter, you also should understand that no matter what a policy says – it is always up to store management discretion how or if they accept a coupon. Whether you like what a manager says or not, they do have final say on whether your coupon will be accepted in store.
Stop comparing your success to others. The television shows of recent years have made couponing a widely popular way of life and hobby. Unfortunately what was seen on the widely popular show isn’t always something you can duplicate at home. From great coupon hauls you see on TV, to the ones you may see on Instagram, you have to accept you won’t always have as great success. Stop comparing what you can get at your local stores to what others have managed at theirs. Every couponer and every store are different. Be proud of what you do save for your family and stop worrying about what you don’t.
Set yourself up for success by setting realistic couponing expectations. Concentrate on your personal savings and learn as you continue to coupon on a regular basis.
Looking for coupon matchups? Find all the stores we cover here at the Store Coupon Matchups Page. Need coupons? Print out coupons for all your favorite products here.
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