There are at least two premieres that you can watch before they air next week on
Chuck – one of my favorite shows! Click HERE to watch “Chuck Versus the First Date” it before it airs!
Life – (I’ve never gotten into this one but other people seem to like it!) Click HERE to watch “Find Your Happy Place” before it airs!
Nothing to download, it will just start playing. You will probably have to watch some commercials, though.
These are other places you can watch shows you missed for FREE online! (These are all legitimate sites!) Love to have this as a back up in case my DVR doesn’t record something or someone (cough, cough) cancels one of my shows, etc.
Most of these you will have to watch 30 second commercials between segments and you might have to download something to upgrade your media player. It is usually pretty simple.
NBC (Select Full Episodes, Click on Videos and a green symbol will indicate whether full episodes are available.) This is how I watched Heros since there are too many good shows on Monday nights!
ABC – Offers full episodes of many shows. Just go to and click on “Full Episodes” to see what is available. Looks like most of the popular shows are included! I’ve watched numerous shows here before. I caught up on last season’s of Lost.
CBS – Offers select shows in HD. Ones I could find are CSI: Miami, How I Met Your Mother, The Worst Week, NCIS, Star Trek Remastered. You can also watch other videos HERE. I’m not seeing that many full episodes, though. Anyone know? It doesn’t seem as user friendly as NBC or ABC.
Fox – Full episodes of shows like Bones, Fringe, House, Prison Break, Family Guy, ’til Death, America’s Most Wanted, and many many more!
CW – Full episodes of many, many shows. Probably because they are geared towards the “younger” set.
USA Network – Full episodes of some of their popular shows like Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, The Starter Wife, etc.
TNT – Full episodes of The Closer, Raising the Bar, Saving Grace, and more.
FX – Their website says they will have full episodes coming soon! (You can watch It is always Sunny in Philadelphia on Yahoo – see below!) Hopefully, they will have full episodes for shows like Nip/Tuck, The Shield, Damages, The Riches!
Yahoo TV – Full Episodes of many different shows including: Chuck, Sons of Anarchy, America’s Toughest Jobs, Paris Hilton is my new BFF, Life, Knight Rider, Lipstick Jungle, Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Bones, Prison Break, and Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader. You can see the full list and dates of premieres HERE. I did read an article that states CBS will be joining them. I don’t see any CBS programming on there, though.
Do you know of any more you want to share? Please make sure they are legitimate free sites.
HULU.COM is a wonderful place to watch your favorite shows/movies. It’s legal, and pull shows from several different networks so you get almost everything in one place. You can subscribe to your favorite shows so they show up in your queue when new episodes are posted.
I too am in love with the show, Chuck!!!
Monday nights for me are Heroes, Chuck and The Sarah Connor Chronicles !
Sunday nights are about to be as good to me. Dexter, Desperate Housewives and True Blood are all on at the same time. Luckily I can record 4 at the same time with Uverse.
Speaking of which you can watch the first episode of this season’s Dexter at along with several other shows.
@ Ger – Oh, after looking at that, I’m not sure about it…Is it links to official sites or do you have to download the shows? I don’t want to do anything illegal and have the tv police after me! ;)
@ Sheila – I’m excited about Chuck too! I might watch it on my laptop while doing my CVS/Walgreens deal on the desktop! :) Mondays are my favorite night too but too many shows…I can only record 2 at once and then we usually watch MNF…so something has to go. At least now I know I can watch my NBC shows on the puter! Thanks for the tip on the Sci Fi channel!
@Ger – that is a great site. Thanks for that tip! I will def. be bookmarking it! provides links and downloads for hundreds of TV shows and Movies! <-Sci Fi Channel shows. Episodes of Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Ghost Hunters, etc…
Yay! I am so excited about Chuck! Last season it was paired with Heroes and that was my favorite night of the week!