Many people find that they need additional financing for various reasons. Some people take out a personal loan because they are getting married. Others take out a personal loan to cover the costs of a remodel. In other words, personal loans are taken out by consumers for many reasons. Maybe you are not sure when to get a personal loan. Maybe you think that a loan like this is just for certain people. You may be surprised to find out when and why others are taking out personal loans.
Medical Expenses
No one likes saying these two words out loud, but they are a very real thing. Medical expenses normally happen when you least expect it and they can be hard to cover. When medical expenses pop up, this may be a good reason to apply for a personal loan. A new Discover Personal Loans survey reveals that 17% of respondents said they would use it for an unplanned expenditure like a major medical expense.
An Unexpected Expense
Life is unexpected, isn’t it? You truly never know what is going to happen. Something big could happen and wipe out your entire savings, which is why you may find yourself taking out a personal loan for that unexpected expense. Whether your water heater goes out in your house or you need to replace the tires on your car, unexpected expenses arise and you need a way to pay for those expenses.
Debt Consolidation
Surprise! Some people want to consolidate their debt, which is why a personal loan comes into handy. You can pay off those piddle debts and only have one payment a month. Sure does make paying the bills super easy.
Discover Personal Loans survey reveals that 60% of those who have used a personal loan report having good or excellent financial health. And, more than half of those who have used a personal loan in the past and grade their overall financial health as excellent or good, say they are very or somewhat interested in using one again.
So, don’t think just because you’re taking out a personal loan that you are ruining your finances. Instead, you may be giving yourself the boost you need to get financially ahead. No matter why you need a personal loan, a Discover Personal Loan could be a great option for you.
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My views are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Discover Products Inc. and its affiliates. This post was sponsored by Discover Card. Rest assured, this Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
What a coincidence. I just received an offer from Discover for a personal loan and funny enough, I am part of the 60% that consider their credit to be excellent. Unfortunately, I’m not in need of a personal loan at the moment. That kind of sucks seeing that the people who would need this loan would probably never get an offer. I’m in the car title loan business and I can tell you that most our borrowers would definitely benefit from a Discover personal loan. However, their bad credit history prevents them from qualifying and they have to go the subprime route. Although title loans are not the best lending solution, it seems they are the go-to option for those that would never get an offer from Discover.