Who couldn’t use a Home Depot Gift Card? I have so many projects on my “to do” list, I know I could have it spent easily. Right now is a great time to purchase one and a great Valentine’s Gift for your sweetie!
Now through February 28, The Home Depot is offering a commemorative “Dream” gift card celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.When you purchase a collector’s edition “Dream” gift card, The Home Depot with donate 5% of all sales to the Center for Civil and Human Rights, up to $1 million dollars. The donation will assist in the building a permanent exhibition home for his personal writings and papers. You can learn more by watching a short video at youtube.com/homedepot.
The collection of original documents by Dr. King includes more than 10,000 items, among them 7,000 handwritten notes spanning from 1946 to 1968. They include drafts of his “I Have a Dream” speech, his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” other theological writings and his Nobel Peace Prize addresses. The King Papers will be part of the exhibition offering of The Center for Civil and Human Rights. The Dream cards can be purchased at any store, or online at homedepot.com/dream.
Home Depot has offered a $50 Gift Card for one lucky reader!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Leave me a comment with what inspires you!
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends February 13th around 8am EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by random.org, will be announced by 2/13/09 and I will contact you to get you set up online. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
my daughter inspires me every day
Also a subscriber via email, great giveaway ! Thank you!!
My boys inspire me to carry on, and keep me so busy and occupied that it does not leave me much for any room for extra worries or guilt, keep going is my motto, and with kids that’s all you do, is keep going till the day is over. My mom is an inspiration to me as well, one strong woman, and I love them all!
I Twittered the giveaway :
I subscribe to your feed in Google Reader :)
Your blog and button are in my blogroll :
I blogged about the giveaway :
I’m inspired by books, movies, and positive people who make a difference :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
subscriber- ashlomb at yahoo dot com
Bright colors inspire me, blank walls, blank canvases!
My kids! They are so creative! I wish I had a tenth of their creativity. Thank you.
I have your button!
AJacobsens last blog post..Send a Virtual Cupcake for Valentines Day and help save lives!
Of course I have to say that my children inspire me! Not only by their appreciation of all things, but they inspire me to be a better mom and a better christian example.
I am inspired by my children when they see knew things or realize new ideas / concepts in the world. I am also inspired when I read books about people realizing their potential in the world.
I subscribed via Google reader.
Ny family inspires me.
i also added your button
Lately I’ve been inspired by reading the Tightwad Gazette. Terrific book!
Liz @ Frugally Blondes last blog post..Decorations for a Dollar
Thanks for the giveway! My kids imspire me…the loves of my life!
My 83 year old grandmother who just went parasailing for her birthday inspires me :)
I tweeted your giveaway! (My username is @ThriftyJinxy)
Chrysas last blog post..Free Book Download + Enter to Win a Prize Package
I’m subscribed to your RSS feed.
My family (including my pets) inspires me!
I blogged about this giveaway: Here
I am a subscriber!
I have your button on my blog: Here
I stumbled your giveaway
Username: wastebasketsa
I love to look at stuff on etsy and get crafting ideas!
Rebecca Cs last blog post..Wii Fit twitter party!
My daughter inspires me! She makes me want to be a better person, to slow down and look at what really matters, to enjoy every moment in life, to not take anything for granted. Being a mom is the best!
jennys last blog post..Smooth Away- a review.
My kids inspire me!
I would have to say my church family inspires me. There are so many people that need help! It’s fun to reach out and connect with them!
Waking to a new day inspires me!
My daughter inspires me!
Heathers last blog post..34 weeks
My family inspire me especially my 2 year old daughter.
Maria Scotts last blog post..FREE 7 Day Pass to Bally Total Fitness
My daughter inspires me. She has dyslexia, and learning to read and write is very hard. She struggles so hard, but never gives up. She is my inspiration! She is 8.
Enter me please. My hubby would love that prize!
I am inspired by my sister-in-law, Rebekah. She is serving as a missionary/teacher at an orphanage in the Dominican Republic for 2 years. She inspires me to be content and to be a more creative mom :)
A Stumble. :) Thanks again!
mannequins last blog post..It’s Wednesday links day
I blogged it!
mannequins last blog post..It’s Wednesday links day
I’m an email subscriber!
mannequins last blog post..It’s Wednesday links day
You know what inspires me? Lying in a hot bath with lots of magazines. I always see something I want to try to create!
I am a subscriber :)
Music inspires me the most
My daughter inspires me!
I’m inspired by wonderful prizes like this
My husband and daughter inspire me.
My daughter.
My mom inspires me to try and be a good mom to my daugher!
Those who see a need, know it could and very well may cost them everything, but go to work anyway, because they know it is the best and right thing…no matter what.
The prayer of a little child. :)
Chantels last blog post..Let Go
Classical music. :)
A rainy day!
Bedding inspires me – there are so many unique styles out there and makes me think of all sorts of things I can do. Thanks for the chance at this – I have a whole craft room that needs organized and this could help greatly! iclipalso(at)yahoo(dot)com
I twittered
i blogged
My husband inspires me to live a healthier lifestlye.
donnellyjen (at) hotmail (dot) com
What inspires me any movie or television series that strives to be art. Or at least, tries to be more than just a movie or TV show. Not enoug people appreciate television for the medium it can be (The Wire, Life on Mars, Buffy/Angel/Firefly etc.) but I’m glad I o.
Things that inspire me: Pretty colors and funky designs; my children and my mother; travel magazines; vintage Pyrex; imaginative books; the Biggest Loser; the Bible and my beautiful friends!
I’m a subscriber!
I am inspired by my wonderful husband, who works so hard to support his family and is a marvelous father who always has time for his children!
i am inspired by the tree outside which survived an inch of ice last week
What inspires me is seeing people being polite and cheerful. It’s sad that it’s so rare to see but it makes me feel that people are basically nice.
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Oh! Very Fun! Please enter me to your giveaway!
Marilyns last blog post..**My Fruit Roll-Ups Review… GIVEAWAY!**
I am a subscriber through Google Reader! Thanks!
Kristies last blog post..Win it: $50 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway
I grabbed your button and it’s sitting happily on my blog! Thank you!!
http:// worxhard4themoney.blogspot.com/
I added you to my blogroll! :) Thanks!
http:// worxhard4themoney.blogspot.com/
I blogged about this giveaway! Thanks!!
http:// worxhard4themoney.blogspot.com/2009/02/switchplateplanet-giveaway.html
Kristies last blog post..Win it: $50 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway
My family inspires me!!!! Thanks for this opportunity. :)
Kristies last blog post..Win it: $50 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway
I subscribe via email
My kids inspire me to keep on going everyday even when things get tough:0) they brighten my day….
My children inspire me – seeing the world through their eyes every day is just the best!
Mommyishomes last blog post..Swap Package Received!
I’m subscribed to your email feed. :)
Music inspires me, especially film music (original scores) because I love movies. When I hear a good theme in a movie, I have to go to the piano and play it, which then inspires me to compose my own.
Penelope Pinces last blog post..Frugal, Unique and Meaningful Valentine’s Day Gift & Date Ideas, Plus Budget Tips
Got your button.
I’m following you on Twitter.
I see you’re from Indy, I’m in NW Indiana, small world.
Twitter ID – HomeBizLiz
I’m a new subscriber.
Thanks for the chance!
My boys inspire, they are great kids and work hard.
I am not a email subscriber
My granddaughter in college inspires me. She volenteers at a youth center for under privialed children and is majoring in Christian Social Work. She is never down but a Christian roll model for anyone. And no she is not ugly, she is a beautiful girl with a personality that draws both young and old to her. She befriends everyone. I wish I could be as trusting as she is. She has overcome adversity that it would take too long to tell you the story of her background.She makes me want to be a better person.
Nature inspires me. Particularly on a tropical island or on a scenic mountain.
my children inspire me
Barbaras last blog post..Going Green on a Budget
As of today YOU inspire me! New to the site adn getting familiar! Thanks!
I’m inspired by the work I do. I plant trees and do habitat restoration, and sometimes I’ll see swans and eagles, or killdeer. I feel so lucky to be outside every day.
My children inspire me to be a better person. My internet inspires me with all the wonderful bloggers that inspire me to save more money, be more creative, to be happy with what I have and feel lucky for my blessings.
My family inspires me the most! I don’t know what I’d do without them.
I am a subscriber.
Fav in Technorati.
My kids inspire me to be the best person I can be.
I’m a subscriber!!
Music inspires me!!
thumbs up in stumble by charm32
Charlotte (Life’s a Charm)s last blog post..$50 Gift Card to Home Depot
i subscribed
google reader
Charlotte (Life’s a Charm)s last blog post..$50 Gift Card to Home Depot
posted your button
Charlotte (Life’s a Charm)s last blog post..$50 Gift Card to Home Depot
i am always inspired by work of art and good music..
great giveaway!
Charlotte (Life’s a Charm)s last blog post..$50 Gift Card to Home Depot
grabbed the button
subscribed to your site
My 4 children, some books, and the word of God inspires me. Thanks for the chance to win a great prize.
Following you on twitter as karenladd!
I am a subscriber!
My son inspires me. Despite his severe ADD, he has completed a college degree and is working on his masters. In addition, he tutors low income and children with disabilities. With his personal experiences he has been able to bond with those children who are struggling in school and has managed to make a real difference. We are so proud of him.
I’m a subscriber.
My grandchildren inspire me to be a better person. They are all so wonderful and loving!
I’m a feed subscriber! :)
I am inspired by my mother. She left her home country and raised me and worked to support our family. She’s the best!
My kids inspire me…they live a life of mental difficulty but still love life sooo much.
I am inspired by my grandparents. They are amazing people who have had amazing lives and who are so giving
I am inspired by many things- it could be a color, a magazine photo, just finding an object that needs some love.
Hollys last blog post..Have you seen this lady?
I am a subscriber
I’m inspired by nature, other cultures, and seeing what people make with their hands.
Kathleens last blog post..Review/Giveaway: Barefoot Books
My 2 beautiful children.
nicoles last blog post..Free Magazine Subscriptions
I am subscribed via Google Reader :)
My family, my friends, and all of the cities I’ve lived over the past couple of years inspire me.
Other people’s successes inspire me to step out and do something creative.
Ialso have your button!!
Jennifer Daugherty
Iam a subscriber!!
Thanks so much for this giveaway!
Jennifer Daugherty
My 4 year old son inspires me. He is so eager to learn and whats to know how things work or why and I get inspired teaching him and helping him learn all he can!
Jennifer Daugherty
My 3 year old daughter inspires me to get healthy and live a long life with her!
Weekends inspire me. I try to get all my work done during the week so we can all relax as a family on the weekend. I try to think about the weekends when I feel unmotivated, and that usually gets me moving!
My children inspire me. They inspire me to be a better person to be patient and to be calm!!
Heather S.
I subscribe!
Rebekahs last blog post..I do not like my kids to scare me.
My children inspire me. Yes, that’s sappy and cheesy, but my two boys were miracle pregnancies and births, and when I look at them and remember, I am inspired.
Rebekahs last blog post..I do not like my kids to scare me.
I subscribe!
Other moms in my life–friends, bloggers, my mom…they all inspire me to be more patient, diligent, attentive, creative and generally a better person. Thanks!
I have your button on my blog at http://msindy2206.blogspot.com
I’m a subscriber.
My husband, Rich inspires me.
stumbled ~ momof2ballerinas
Ginnys last blog post..Review ~ Green Works Wipes
Ginnys last blog post..Review ~ Green Works Wipes
I get inspired by reading crafty blogs & magazines. Real Simple is a great non-craft magazine that inspires! I also get inspired by my girls!
Ginnys last blog post..Review ~ Green Works Wipes
I am inspired by my husband. He works long hours without complaint so that I can stay at home with our newborn daughter. He doesn’t mind my whirlwind coupon cutting and even helps me bargain hunt on the clearance racks. :)
Devons last blog post..Welcome to Winterwood Press!
I subscribed!
Devons last blog post..Welcome to Winterwood Press!
I have been itching to paint my bedroom for quite some time..this would take away all those, “I can’t afford the paint right now” excuses..
I am a subscriber too.
I get really inspired when I look at mid-century photos. Something about that era makes me really excited and creative.
I subscribe!
I’m inspired by my family. These beautiful people make me want to be a better person and live the best life that I can, both for myself and for them. They inspire me to be the best mom and wife that I can be, to remember that life is a learning experience, and to always keep an open mind. I love my family and all that they mean to me!
I’m inspired by those with a positive outlook.
This website inspires me!
My inspiration is from God. He is my source of peace, strength, hope and salvation.
My husband and all the other service members out there unselfishly giving up so much for me and my family everyday…. and my daughter’s who leave me in amazement with all the wonder there still really is in the world..
Lisa C.s last blog post..Superbowl Countdown Over
I am inspired to be a better person on a daily basis for my children. I had a wonderful role model in my mother and she is what I aspire to be as a mother. It’s amazing what you will do to be a great parent!
Kendra Fields last blog post..Halftime Show in 3D?
I am a subscriber.
My mom inspires me and my children inspire me as well. I always think about what I would say to them or tell them to do and even if it’s something hard for me, I tell myself that I’m ultimately doing it for them and I can pull through and do it. Love them! :)
I’m a subscriber!
My husband. He is always telling me to try things when I express an interest even if I don’t think I’ll succeed.
My kids inspire me. Nature inspires me and random acts of kindness between strangers inspire me.
I also have your button up!
My husband inspire me. He makes me want to be a better wife and mother.
Photography inspires me to catch the best in every person/animal. Everyone is beautiful and its so great to catch that in photos.
added you to my sidebar
posted about this giveaway:
I am inspired by those who see a need and then take the next step to fill it ~~
My friends inspire me!
My grandmother inspires me. She’s such a strong female figure, and she’s so much fun!
Kellys last blog post..Menu Mondays
inspiration comes from everywhere – mostly nature and my son
I am teacher and my rotten little first graders inspire ME!!
I would LOVE to have this gift card because on Tuesday morning I woke up to the sink in our bathroom with out the pop up thing in the drain. My husband said that he must have pulled the stopper up to quickly and the piece that holds it on snapped. (This is our first house, we moved in a little over a year ago, and the house was built back in ’77) Needless to say I am in the need to make a trip to
I love looking at the kitchen displays in the store. I also like to bring home the idea sample pages to get ideas.
Elizabeths last blog post..Day 2
I’m a happy subscriber!
I’m inspired by our new President!
I am inspired by the goodness of people. Thanks for the giveaway.
Tims last blog post..Another beautiful quilt giveaway.
I subscribe.
My kids inspire me. They are so happy and selfless and are such good examples to me.
Twittered and Tweeted at http://twitter.com/TTRigell
i subscribe with my other email address Tweety0166 at aol DOT com
My family inspires me to be a better person!
Thanks so much for the chance!
My grandmother inspires me. She is 84 and has went through a lot and still gives all the love she can. Thanks for the chance.
I subscribe by email.
I have your button at http://slowingdownabit.blogspot.com/
I blogged about this at http://slowingdownabit.blogspot.com/
seeing all the creative blogs out there inspires me. there is so much talent! it makes me want to create more!!
I work with kids with disabilities and they inspire me–and thier parents. I love what i do and wouldn’t trade it for all the money in the world….well, maybe. It really puts a lot into perspective and teaches you a lot about life.
I could SO use this,i have about 30 gazillion projects going on in our house right now!
Springtime inspires me, my children inspire me to be a better Mom and my church inspires me to be person. If your open to it I would say that there’s inspiration just about everywhere.
Even in a contest : D I just subscribed, so please enter me – Home Depot has plants right? and spring is coming ;)
BevEs last blog post..Bookshipper is having a Giveaway!
Going outside everyday inspires me. What a wonderful gift God has given all of us. Nature.
What inspires me? Literally, the blogs in which I read about hundreds of dollars being saved. I live in a small rural town with a walmart and two local grocery stores so I don’t always get all the “great” deals…but I’m saving none the less!
I am a subscriber.
my daughter in college inspired me. She is beautiful, smart, talented and full of potential. She is like a flower bud just opening and she is just now learning how absolutely beautiful and capable she is. She inspires me daily!
Who inspires me….my mom! She is so creative and talented! I would love to win this gift card to give my master bath a little face lift!!!
I am an email sub’.
Your button is on my sidebar.
What, or rather who, inspires me: hard working friends!
Mary_Freebiess last blog post..Blog Contest: $15 Cash via PayPal
I am inspired by nature.
I am inspired by my son to be a better mom and by my husband to be a better wife!
I blogged: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/02/bargain-briana-50-home-depot-gc.html
My son inspires me. He is extremly creative and has a super imagination.
Button on blog – abc order
gahome2moms last blog post..Celebrate African- American Hertiage & With Love Giveaways
What inspires me? I think I’ve heard this question before. Hmmm… My children. My children always amaze me. I love all five of them the same. This much {———————————————————————-} You get it! :)
My kids inspire me.
Christies last blog post..I was tagged
My mom inspires me. She worked and raised a family, and has taught me that having patience is vital in raising children.
Clarices last blog post..Okay, your turn to vote!
I’m inspired to LIVE every time I see the ocean. Just breathing in the fresh air makes you happy to be alive, and to make the best of your life!
I have your button at http://www.retherfords.blogspot.com.
Betsy Retherfords last blog post..9 months old…
I subscribed!
Betsy Retherfords last blog post..9 months old…
I would have to say that music inspires me. It helps pump me up in the morning and relaxes me on my drive home after a long day.
Betsy Retherfords last blog post..9 months old…
My son’s face when he learns something new inspires me.
Stumbled – jenny2006
I’m a subscriber!
I added you to my Google Reader. Can’t wait to save more ;)
I grabbed your button! Woohoo!
I am inspired by the courage and strength that I see in my family, friends, and neighbors.
I twittered the giveaway http://twitter.com/shopannies/status/1180195891
angelas last blog post..my rock star
Fav’d you on my technorati-IdahoJill, thanks
Jill W.s last blog post..Some GREAT giveaways for you! And some news!
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets inspire me!
angelas last blog post..my rock star
happy and loyal subscriber, thanks!
Your button is on my sidebar, thanks!
I just read over some of the answers-I was just going to put my daughter, mom, and husband, but I like the answer ‘people who volunteer’ and people who can live very frugally…both are inspiring to me, too! thanks
Jill W.s last blog post..Some GREAT giveaways for you! And some news!
have your button on my blog
angelas last blog post..my rock star
I blogged about the giveaway http://shopannies.blogspot.com/2009/02/giveaway-home-depot.html
angelas last blog post..my rock star
my children and now grandchild inspire me and makes me want to get them the best
angelas last blog post..my rock star
My children inspire me to be a better person!
Stumbled by TheAngelForever
I subscribe to your feed :)
My family members inspire me. Thanks for the opportunity.
TheAngelForevers last blog post..Bird is the word
I also subscribe!
My son inspires me, every day, to be the best example I can be.
BeThisWays last blog post..Free Gas From Mobil!
Integrity inspires me…to do one’s best, and make the right decsions!
Reading inspires me – anything, from cookbooks to home reno books, even fiction.
My daughter inspires me, even though she is only 16 months. She inspires me to be a better mom, be more patient, more creative, and more loving
Danielle Js last blog post..A Little Bit of Country Living
I also subscribe.
I’m inspired by my children!
I find the beauty of nature inspiring…..
I subscribe to your RSS via Yahoo.
Love, honor, redemption, and passion inspires me. Thanks!!
I’m a subscriber.
What inspires me right now is the thought of getting pregnant and a new beautiful baby!! I love seeing pregnant women and moms who are in love with their kids, it’s great to see.
(I am not a freak, just undergoing infertility treatments, have #4 IUI tomorrow)
My daughter inspires me each and every day.
Home Depot! I love Home Depot and there are so many things I need from that great store! I’m inspired by acts of heroism! For example, I was very inspired by all the people that immediately rushed to save the people from the plane that landed in the Hudson River.
TRigell at aol dot com
I am inspired by foreign missionaries who make great sacrifices to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am inspired by my son and his carefree attitude!
i’m a subscriber
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
melanies last blog post..Have to share….
The seasons inspire me to make changes.
I’m an email subscriber.
My son and daughter inspire me. Their imagination is endless.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I’m also a subscriber!
Shannons last blog post..Special Breakfasts for Valentine’s Week
HOME DESIGN inspires me. I am a certified interior decorator who went through the process for myself. A Home Depot card to me would be like a toy store for a child. This would be such an exciting giveaway to win!
Shannons last blog post..Special Breakfasts for Valentine’s Week
My daughter’s love and unendless curiousity and thirst for learning inspires me.
I subscribe
Our minister’s wife inspires me. She is a gentle caring person who always has a kind word for everyone. Her faith is not be questioned and I would love to be more like her.
My husband inspires me. He’s so strong I call him my rock.
I’m a Google subscriber!
my daughter-in-law inspires me. she and my son have had a tuff time financially the last couple of years. she never seems to get her down. she is a great mom and wife. she inspires me to keep a positive attitude.
I am a subscriber.
My son inspires me to continue even through the tough times we are having now.
my friends and family inspire me
Adams last blog post..Don’t look back don’t hesitate
I am already subscribed!!
posted on technorati http://technorati.com/faves/twinjackienurse
Jackies last blog post..Giveaways this week
I posted on twitter twinjackienurse
Jackies last blog post..Giveaways this week
Blogged about your giveaway
Jackies last blog post..Giveaways this week
I am a subscriber.
My Mother inspires me – she has always been my inspiration.
I’m a subscriber!
Jingles last blog post..Fancy Felt Fancies
I am inspired by wonderful colors! You know…the ones that just pop out at you and pull you in and make you wish you could capture them for all of eternity, all while knowing full well that a photograph could never encapsulate all that you see before you. Those kinds of colors.
Jingles last blog post..Fancy Felt Fancies
I am inspired by my children.
Jessica Cs last blog post..
I’m a subscriber.
I’m inspired by people who persevere through difficult times.
My three year old daughter inspires me!
I subscribe
What inspires me is my mom. She has raised 8 children by herself. All have gone to college and are doing well. I have 3 kids and can see how much work just 3 is and she did 8. Amazing and inspiring.
Stumbled (keeerried216) the post!
Kerries last blog post..I’m very sorry in advance…
I’m an e-mail subscriber!
I’m inspired by the outdoors! I could stay outside, any season, taking pictures all day…I love going to different places and watching the weather change!
Kerries last blog post..I’m very sorry in advance…
I have your button. ceeceeblogger.blogspot.com
I subscribe.
My husband and children inspire me. I look at them and realize, WOW, I am so blessed, lucky, fortunate to have these people in my life.
Grabbed your button.
Babas last blog post..The Stone House
Babas last blog post..The Stone House
I am inspired by: confident women, walking in the trees, lace, earthy colors, quiet time, new challenges, old books, crafty women, coffee and chocolate.
Babas last blog post..The Stone House
I just stumbled Username AlwaysAlibi
I’m subscribed :)
Since it’s a Home Depot Gift Card, what inspires me is HGTV.
They always make everything look so easy, and they really do have a lot of great ideas for fixing up and decorating your home, it makes me want to do something to make mine just as nice ,at least I try ;)
My inspiration is my husband.
My inspirations change daily (other than the obvious – God, my family, etc). I’m usually inspired by someone new each day. Whether it be someone I see doing a kind deed for someone else which inspires me to do the same or using a coupon to save money which inspires me to keep going and not give up even though it’s a lot of work (less w/ your help tho! THANKS! LOL).
I am a subscriber!
AND I twittered it! I really REALLY could use that card!
Laura Lees last blog post..This week’s shopping!
And I subscribe!
Laura Lees last blog post..This week’s shopping!
And I have your button!
Laura Lees last blog post..This week’s shopping!
My neighbor who is the ultimate “earthmom” is turning me into a greenie too–kicking and screaming, I might add, but it’s working! I’m finally excited about all the changes. Right now on my list is a set of new landscape lights that are solar powered. And living down in hurricane central, the solar power could drastically come in handy! (So see, the home depot card is already spent!)
Laura Lees last blog post..To Clear It Up
Kindness is inspirational.
I subscribe via email.
member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
My pregnancy has inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle. I am more aware of the environment and what actions affect it.
member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
Thaos last blog post..32 Week Update
My inspirations are nature (and I can’t wait for summer!), my family, and my friends.
i’m inspired when i’m caught up on sleep and my kids and husband are out of the house…ha! i hate speaking the truth! thank you for this opportunity!
I subscribe to your feed :o)
Mo (Un-Mainstream Mom Reads)s last blog post..45. Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven by Susan Jane Gilman
My daughters inspire me … to be a better person, to give to those less fortunate, to be as kind as possible … knowing that my actions shape their lives and futures inspires me to try harder.
Mo (Un-Mainstream Mom Reads)s last blog post..45. Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven by Susan Jane Gilman
The drive to be debt free and not owe anyone money drives me! Also knowing that I can get the things my family needs while keeping our finances in order also drives me.
I subscribe by RSS! :)
Jesus inspires me!!!
people with far more problems but still smiling and sharing what they have that inspires me (i crib about so many irrelevant trivial things :-().
I subscribe!
Craft shows, I love to go and look at others creations.
i’m a subscriber
I am a subscriber. Thanks!
I am inspired by the young girls in my girl scout troop. They love to do things for others. How nice it is for me to be able to help them with these acts of kindness.
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My baby inspires me to live a better life – especially financially!
this might sound dumb, but i’m inspired by my neighbors. we just moved into a house in a new neighborhood and EVERYONE on this block recycles…so i was inspired to start recycling. the other day, the first sunny day since the monsterous snow storm we had, all the neighbors were out shoveling their sidewalks and driveways…so i got off my butt and started shoveling too. they inspire me to plant flowers and have craft parties with the neighbor kids. i don’t think i’d have the motivation to do half the things i do now if i didn’t move here and feel the pressure to keep up with the jones’s =) but it’s good for me and i’m thankful for it.
I’m inspired by bright and bold colors. I’m inspired by watching other’s creativity.
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People who volunteer. I have worked at non-profits for a long time and I am always amazed at the people who take time from their lives to help others. I have had people come in and stuff envelopes, feed the hungry, clean apartments, answer phones and staff the numerous events that I am involved in. The dedication shown by all volunteers everywhere gives me hope that people do care.
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Tenas last blog post..Ensure Multipack ‘Try Me Free’ RebateExpires December 31, 2009
inspires me? The gospel.
Tenas last blog post..Ensure Multipack ‘Try Me Free’ RebateExpires December 31, 2009
I’m inspired by artwork: old, new, woven, painted, drawn. .. created by my kids. MKW
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I am inspired by all women who have more kids than I do and yet hold it together better than I do!
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I am inspired by those who have so much less than me, but do so much more!
Michelles last blog post..A Sonnet of Style-The HP Mini Vivienne Tam
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Michelles last blog post..A Sonnet of Style-The HP Mini Vivienne Tam
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Michelles last blog post..A Sonnet of Style-The HP Mini Vivienne Tam
I have to say it’s my mom. She taught me so many things when I was growing up in addition to raising my sister and I on her own with very little money. When I was 10 she went back to school and got her college degree. I didn’t realize until I was a mom how hard that must have been for her; working, raising two little girls and going back to college.
Michelles last blog post..A Sonnet of Style-The HP Mini Vivienne Tam
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The things that currently inspire me include: nature, President Obama, my sisters, and all the great blogs I read!
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Melanie Bs last blog post..Safety Caps-Review
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Melanie Bs last blog post..Safety Caps-Review
Melanie Bs last blog post..Safety Caps-Review
My daughter’s writing inspires me. She’s so gifted. I believe she will make an important impact on the world. Heck, she already has.
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woo hoo! Um, what inspires me right now is poetry, crafts, art, my daughter, and well, life! I love lush colors and form, I love modern design, etc
Melanie Bs last blog post..Safety Caps-Review