A few weeks ago, I participated in a live event with Peter Walsh, THE organizing guru, to promote the new [In]Place line available at Office Max. It was a fun and eye opening event. You can read more about it over at the Buzz…by Bargain Briana. You will even be privy to some of my unorganization pictures!
You don’t want to miss Peter Walsh’s Top Organizing Tips available in a printable PDF for your viewing pleasure!
I started using the system to organize my mess a little better. It has been a couple of weeks now and I’m still using it and I think I have my papers a little more under control. The hardest part is keeping up on a system. I have different files in the File Tote which categories such as “Bills to Pay”, “Complete – File”, “Baseball”, “Reviews/Giveaways To Do”, “Ideas”, etc.
- Affordable system
- Elimination of 1/3 cuts
- Erasable Pen to mark on file folders (eliminate sticky notes on file folders!)
- Heavy Duty Poly
So enter to win this fun prize package!
File Tote from [IN]Place System by Peter Walsh, DiVoga product set and rubberband ball. (The kids love the rubberband ball!)
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Check out the [In]Place System and let me know what your favorite piece is.
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Comment on my full review: Organize Your Life
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 5/1/2009 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by random.org, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 05/02/2009 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
oops, end of quote after “mess.”
This was my favorite part of your review: “There is no such thing as later.” He used an analogy of starting a load of laundry and then leaving it sit for a week. End result = big stinky mess. LOL – no comment…
I subscribe to your blog via RSS!
I liked the desk top sorter
I love this system! I’m torn between the file tote & the rolling case file. Very cool system & much needed at my house!
Ginnys last blog post..Mother’s Day Gift Idea ~ Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder
I subscribe!
I love your Organize Your Life review! Like you, I’m not all that organized. And I’m glad that you pointed out the need to organize papers…I hate all the stacks of stuff I have lying around!
My favorite part is the [IN]PLACE SYSTEM Post-it Wallet!
I have A LOT of magazine sbscriptions and could definitely use some magazine files.
I am a Google subscriber! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/
Kristies last blog post..Mod Tots Giveaway
I have your button! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/
Kristies last blog post..Mod Tots Giveaway
I blogged about this giveaway! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/2009/04/inplace-system-giveaway.html
Kristies last blog post..Mod Tots Giveaway
I can’t quite get the full grasp of it from the picture, but I think I would like the document wallet! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/
Kristies last blog post..Mod Tots Giveaway
I Tweeted the giveaway :
I subscribe to your feed in Google Reader :)
Your blog and button are in my blogroll :
I blogged about the giveaway :
My favorite piece is the file tote :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
email subscriber
My favorite piece is the file tote.
I subscribe.
Dinas last blog post..The Noticer by Andy Andrews: Book Review
Got your button
Dinas last blog post..The Noticer by Andy Andrews: Book Review
Love the document sleeves.
Dinas last blog post..The Noticer by Andy Andrews: Book Review
i subscribe
I like the desktop organizer. I could really use that at work.
I love this system. I think I like the file tote the best.
You can NEVER have too many Document Wallets. Brilliant prize & fabulously useful products. Well done!!
I also commented on your full review
My favorite piece is the [IN]PLACE SYSTEM Post-it Wallet.
The rolling case file is awesome!
i love the file tote!
If I had room on my desk I would love the desktop sorter.
I like the Desktop Sorter.
I like the [IN]PLACE SYSTEM Interlocking Hanging Files. It would save the annoyance of loosing documents, only to later find them in the bottom of the file cabinet.
I so want to win this system…. I have your button and I left a comment on your review page… that’s two… I’m going to try for three …. wish me luck…. thanks
I commented on your “Organize Your Work Life” post!
I’m a subscriber!
I LOVE the Documents Wallet. Our important documents are spread out ALL over the place! So aggravating!
I love the file tote. I need to be more organized
I subscribe.
My fav. piece is the Post-It Super Sticky Cube and Wallet. I can’t live without my sticky notes! m_huston(at)hotmail(dot)com
Love all the organizational stuff — And, boy, do I need it with all the Fundraising School Projects. Like the File Tote the best!! Great to have everything in one place & portable, if I have to sit in car, I can take with me and work or read!
The Document Wallet looks like it would be very helpful to my organizational efforts.
I’m a subscriber, and organization is my bag. Love to win one. Thanks.
I subscribe to your emails. Look how sweet the avatar is……my sweet dog/friend for 15 years, recently past. I SO miss her.
The File Tote looks ultra convenient! Also like the colored post its.
The Desktop sorter would be really handy.
The Desktop Organizer would be great! Thanks.
My favorite is the magazine files. I have lots of magazines and its a great way to organize them
I am a subscriber by e-mail.
My favorite would be the file tote.
RSS subscriber
Peggy Gormans last blog post..Win a $50 Target gift card at Blogaways!
email subscriber
Peggy Gormans last blog post..Win a $50 Target gift card at Blogaways!
I love how everything is so neat ,I need the PLACE SYSTEM Organization Kit,everything I would need . I need to get organized!1 Thanks
Peggy Gormans last blog post..Win a $50 Target gift card at Blogaways!
I subscribe to your blog via google reader! Thanks!
Big fan of the desktop sorter! I like all may papers right there in front of me, so it’s perfect! Thanks!
I subscribe to your newsletter by email.
I commented on your full review.
I like the [IN]PLACE SYSTEM Expanding Document Wallet.
I need lots of help in this area.
I subscribe too!
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
I commented on your review page!
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
I like the interlocking folders! What a great idea!
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
I am a subscriber. Love the updates!
I love the desktop organizer along with the clip tabs! I think they would work great at keeping me organized!
I really like the desktop organizer and also the post it notes.. All the post it notes.. I could use some of the document sleeves as well. Ok, I could use it all. I am disorganized.
Thanks for making me admit it.
Maureens last blog post..Boss!
The desktop organizer is what I really need! Nice stuff!
You are a favorite on my technorati. http://technorati.com/faves/Connected2Christ?show=blogs
I like the document wallet. Thansk for the chance.
Tweeted!! http://twitter.com/sweepstakesgirl/status/1607750692. –Michelle, blogattoday ([at} gmaildotcom
~Michelle @ Women Who Wins last blog post..Made By Survivors Charity & GIVEAWAY
I have your button on my sidebar! –Michelle, blogattoday ([at} gmaildotcom
~Michelle @ Women Who Wins last blog post..Made By Survivors Charity & GIVEAWAY
Nifty! I like the flash examples of how to organize! I like the [IN]PLACE SYSTEM Post-it Wallet best. I’m a Post-it Note freak!! –Michelle, blogattoday ([at} gmaildotcom
~Michelle @ Women Who Wins last blog post..Made By Survivors Charity & GIVEAWAY
I love , love , love the file tote !
And I’m a subscriber via RSS. Thanks! =]
I commented on your review page. =]
I like like the desktop file sorter.
I love this new system! My favourite would be the expandable file with the handles. I will be checking this out next time I’m in the store!
What a great prize! I like the file tote.
I love the organizational tote! I love to organize!!!
I like the file tote. It would help out in our house a great deal since my husband thinks that little piles of paper work all over are “organized”!
I am a subscriber :o)
I subscribe via email.
Jennifer S.s last blog post..Your Turn – Side Dish
I like the file tote.
Jennifer S.s last blog post..Your Turn – Side Dish
I like the “big stinky mess” comment. Cause that is where I am at and I would love for it to me nice and organized!
I am a subscriber
I like the desktop organizer, my desk is a mess and if I had everything up it would be great!
I love love the file tote! it looks like i will be more organized if i use the file tote.I love the post -it -notes too because they are bright colors
and they are fun to use.
I am a subscriber.
I love the file tote. This would surely help me improve my organization skills.
I subscribe to your blog and LOVE it!
I am a organization freak! This is an awesome prize!!!!!
Thanks again for your hard work!
I’m subscribed :D
The rolling case organizer is amazing :D SO neat! THanks!
I posted on the full review.
Mandi Martins last blog post..Kmart Double Coupon Deals 4/18 – 4/26
I’m IN LOVE!!! This totally is right up my alley! Love how organized but yet still very stylish it is! I pick the colored post-it-notes in the system as my favorite detail!
I actually have a few pieces of the DiVoga collection. Love the bright colors — have a few of the binders, clips, notepaper, magnets…okay, okay, so it’s more than just a few pieces!! LOL!
I subscribe.
Pilars last blog post..NJ/NY Residents: Rutgers Day ~ April 25
Since I am an organized freak, it’s really hard to tell you what I liked the most of this system, I loved EVERYTHING! LOL!! But if I have to pick one item, I’ll go with the File Tote.
Pilars last blog post..NJ/NY Residents: Rutgers Day ~ April 25