Elmo and The Bookaneers: Pirates Who Love To Read debuts on DVD on April 21, 2009 from Genius Products and Sesame Workshop. The “Bookaneers” are led by Tina Fey (one of my favorites!)
Watch as the “Bookaneers” come ashore on Sesame Street and want to plunder Elmo’s bookshelf. Can Elmo pass the test to become a bookaneer? My kids love watching “mElmo” as they call him and I have treasured memories of watching Sesame Street as a child.
So “Arrr” you ready for this reading adventure? Suggested retail price is $14.93. Right now you can pre-order Elmo and the Bookaneers on Amazon for $9.99 with FREE Super Saver Shipping or Prime.
I have been given one copy of Elmo and the Bookaneers: Pirates Who Love to Read to give to a lucky reader!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Leave me a comment on this post with your favorite Sesame Street Character.
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 5/1/2009 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by random.org, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 05/02/2009 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
I love grover but cookie monster is pretty cool
i subscribe!
We are Elmo’s biggest fans!
Grover was always my favorite. The newer ones like Elmo & Zoey are just too cute as well though!
Ginnys last blog post..Mother’s Day Gift Idea ~ Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder
subscribed in bloglines
Ginnys last blog post..Ebay’s new Ebay Bucks Program
button is up
Ginnys last blog post..Ebay’s new Ebay Bucks Program
Cookie Monster!!
Cynthias last blog post..Toddler Faux Pas CONTEST!
and I subscribed to your newsletter!
Grabbed your button!
Sunnys last blog post..I was born on Mother’s Day…
I love Grover!
Sunnys last blog post..I was born on Mother’s Day…
I subscribe.
I loved Grover as I was growing up, but Elmo later became a favorite.
I love Elmo.
Elmo is my favorite
We love Elmo in this house!!!
As a kid, Grover was always my favorite!
Got your button
Dinas last blog post..The Noticer by Andy Andrews: Book Review
I subscribe.
Dinas last blog post..The Noticer by Andy Andrews: Book Review
The cookie monster!
Dinas last blog post..The Noticer by Andy Andrews: Book Review
I blogged:
I twittered about this contest:
have your button on my blog!
My daughter loves Elmo!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/furygirl3132/status/1659838910
I am also an email subscriber.
My girls both really love Elmo, but I really love Oscar the Grouch, he’s so cute and too funny! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!
I personally like Grover. It ain’t easy being blue! :) My daughter loves Elmo or ‘Mo as she calls him and Abby Cadabby.
Skys last blog post..Say It With Word To the Wall – Giveaway!
We like big bird!
i would love this for my 2 yr old
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/addictedknitter/status/1648403587
Micheles last blog post..Bookfair tonight
I loved kermit the frog!
Micheles last blog post..Bookfair tonight
Suscriber. Thanks!
We’re big Elmo fans in our house!
I love Telly Monster! :-)
Kristies last blog post..Make Something Monday: Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie
i like cookie monster
Grover has always been my favorite, but my kids like Big Bird and Elmo.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Elmo.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Janet Fs last blog post..Grandma Rocks CD Review and Giveaway!
we love cookie monster
We like Ernie round these parts. And Grover…
Elmo is the only Sesame Street character my kids ask for by name, but they also like Abby.
My son absolutely loves Elmo the best! He would love this. Thank you for entering me. Have a fabulous night.
Sara Roses last blog post..Thursday Thirteen – 13 Sewing projects I will attempt
I’m a subscriber!
My #1 favorite would be The Count. I love him. My #2, and a close one, too, would be Grover.
My son loves Elmo. When he hears his voice he stops whatever he was doing and runs to the tv.
Elmo is magic to my 7-month-old granddaughter!
I prefer Cookie Monster, mostly because I wish I could eat as many cookies as he does. My son on the other hand loves Elmo, but has recently been taken with Ernie!
It’s a tie between Elmo and Abby for my little girl. I personally like Big Bird. :)
I subscribe to your newsletter by email.
I like Elmo the best.
My son, who has Down Syndrome, absolutlely LOVES Sesame Street! It is the only show that he will actually watch. While he loves all of the characters, Elmo seems to be his favorite.
Mommy’s is Ernie.
Your button/icon is now on my blogsite.
I follow your blog via blogger. Thanks your info is great.
I tweeted – @toadandtoadette… not sure if I did it correctly to include you.
Danas last blog post..Elmo Giveaway
I blogged about it… My son LOVES Elmo. Tina Fey is one of my favorites.
Danas last blog post..Elmo Giveaway
I’m a subscriber! Thanks!
We love Elmo! Had season passes to Sesame Place for many years and he was always a favorite to go see and be in his parade!
Elmo… Elmo… Elmo…
Elmo is the favorite in my house!
Grover is the best!
I love Oscar. I can relate to him. Although Grover is wonderful too.
I am a subscriber with the email.
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks, great giveaway.
Maureens last blog post..Boss!
I love Big Bird, my daycare kiddos love elmo, my niece is a HUGE Abby Cadabby fan. Thanks for the giveaway, looks like the kiddos would love it.
Maureens last blog post..Boss!
My son would love this! My favorite is Elmo and Zoey. :)
Grover is the best – especially as “Super Grover”
I’ve already subscribed.
Does this count as two entries?
jeff smiths last blog post..Book Review: Bon Appetit
I love Grover!!
I have always loved Cookie Monster.
Tweeted it!
Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents Reviewss last blog post..Business Cards for Mommy Bloggers: Vista Print – Review
Tweeted it!
Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents Reviewss last blog post..Potty Tots Potty Training Program – Review & Giveaway
I subscribe via Newsletter
Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents Reviewss last blog post..Leaving Entrecard – More Than One Way To Get Traffic To Your Blog
You’re button is up on 2 of my blogs!
Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents Reviewss last blog post..BonBon Cupcakes Microfiber Ruffle Leggings – Review and Giveaway
Elmo by far is our family favorite! Elmo was DDs favorite & is now ‘Lil Moomette’s favorite! What a great prize!
Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents Reviewss last blog post..Save The Environment – Tilty: A Better Sippy Cup
I love Cookie Monster.
i subscribe
I always loved Snuffy
I’ve had my 3 yr old grandson with me for about a month now, due to illness in his mother’s family, and our favorite 100% Elmo! He drinks from Elmo cups, he sleeps with Elmo blanket and watches Elmo on Seseme Street everyday. I love these characters that bring such joy and peace to little ones.
I subscribe
Elmo for us!
Big Bird!
My favorite Sesame street character is Big Bird. My 18month old son loves “Melmo” and he calls him.
I subscribe!
Terras last blog post..Wordless Wednesday 4/15/09
Your button has been grabbed!
Terras last blog post..Wordless Wednesday 4/15/09
We love Abby Cadabby!
Terras last blog post..Wordless Wednesday 4/15/09
Ernie sings the best songs. Rubber Duckie, Put Down the Duckie, Dance Myself to Sleep, and I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon. Can’t get any better than those.
We love Elmo !!! Going to Sesame place in June and we are soooo excited!!!
I’m a subscriber.
I have to love Elmo. I don’t think my son would give me a choice!
In our house, Elmo rocks!
I just subscribed.
Everyone loves Elmo. Grover is a close 2nd. Great giveaway.
ELMO is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you not love him.
We lOVE Elmo!!!!!!!
Cookie Monster!
I now subscribe to the newsletter.
Mama_Amethysts last blog post..On Winning…
We love Tina Fey.
Mama_Amethysts last blog post..On Winning…
I subscribe!!
My daughter loves Elmo. She calls him Melmo
We love the carribean amphibian!
My son loves Elmo of course…but my faves are Bert and Ernie!
Blogged this giveaway here— http://confessions-stayathomemom.blogspot.com/2009/04/giveaway-roundup_18.html
Jamis last blog post..Free Reusable Tote From Rachel Ray & Kraft
Button is on my blogroll!
Email subscriber! jadco123 @ hotmail.com
I always loved Grover, but of course my daughter is an Elmo fan!
Jamis last blog post..Freebie Time Again!
We love Elmo!
My personal fave is Snufulufugus(spelling????). But my 2 year old daughter LOVES anything Elmo.
I blogged aboue this giveaway! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/2009/04/win-it-elmo-and-bookaneers-pirates-who.html
Kristies last blog post..Giveaway: Yoplait Get Active Prize Packs!
My favorite is Big Bird!
I am a Google subscriber! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/
Kristies last blog post..Giveaway: Yoplait Get Active Prize Packs!
I have your button! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/
Kristies last blog post..Giveaway: Yoplait Get Active Prize Packs!
Oscar is my favorite character! He’s grouchy… but honest. :) Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
http:// w0wm0m.blogspot.com/
Kristies last blog post..Giveaway: Yoplait Get Active Prize Packs!
I subscribe!
I have always loved Cookie Monster!
I am a subscriber.
I love Abby Cadabby, she is so cute.
La La La La Elmo’s world….
I’m a subscriber.
I have two favorites Elmo and Cookie Monster. I still love Sesame Street. Thank you so much!
You are faved in my technorati-I’m idahojill, thanks
Your button is on my sidebar, thanks!
I subscribe, thanks!
Jill W.s last blog post..MomStart giveaways!
My daughter loves Elmo, of course! thanks!
Jill W.s last blog post..MomStart giveaways!
We love Elmo.
Rajees last blog post..Bread:Old fashionable loaf
I also subscribe!
My son loves Elmo!
My children love Elmo, but MY favorite is Oscar the Grouch.
I subscribe! :)
We love Elmo, too. My niece and nephew are entranced whenever they see him on TV. Sesame street was the best forum for all these characters!!
Krystals last blog post..Italian Comfort food
Super Grover!
I subscribe!
As a child my favorite was Snuffy, but my kids love Elmo.
Robin Rileys last blog post..Hannah Montana movie review
I am also subscribed to your email, my post box is now loaded with magazines, thanks to you!
My sons fave character is Elmo, but mine is snuffleupagus (I don’t know if I spelt it correcty though)
Win Elmo DVD @bargainbriana http://tinyurl.com/dyy7vw
twtr gahome2mom & following
subscriber by email gahome2mom at gmail dot com
button on blog – ABC listed
My favorite has always been Big Bird.
gahome2mom at gmail d com
I’m a subscriber.
We adore Cookie Monster! :)
Grover for sure! Thank you!
I subscribe via email.
MelissaWs last blog post..Rite Aid $5/$25 coupon
My favorite is Abby Cadabby….and, my kids call Elmo “Melmo” also!
MelissaWs last blog post..Rite Aid $5/$25 coupon
We’re a super grover family!!!
Big Bird and Abby!
I subscribe!
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
It has to be the Elephant Mr Snufalafigous? lol! He is so cute!
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
Maddie and I love Abby Cadabby and Elmo equally!
I liked Oscar. Thanks for the chance.
I also subscribe to your feed via google reader
Oh! I just love Mr. Snuffalupagus (did I spell that right? Probably not…LOL!) I’d also love to win this! My 2 year old twins LOVE elmo and books!!
My favorite growing up was Ernie- love his silliness! My kids both love Elmo.
I subscribe!
My 3 year old would probably say ELMO, but I adore Grover.
Amys last blog post..Grilled Chicken with Chipotle Pineapple Sauce
I love Zoe.
I teach math, so The Count is my favorite. My daughter loves Abby Cadaby and Elmo.
Arlene Ms last blog post..Rice Cereal
We love Elmo and have a two and one-half foot doll to prove it!
We LOVE Elmo AND dad is in the Coast Guard. This would be perfect for our kids.
love an oldie forgetful jones!!
Jessicas last blog post..News Around The Blogs 4/16
Elmo is my all-time favorite since he shares a birthday with my son!
We twitter also!
We also subscribed to your newsletter. What a great collection of information you have. Thanks for your time!
I’ve always enjoyed Grover. My five year old daughter’s favorite is Zoey and three year old son loves Cookie Monster (cause he’s a cookie monster also!) and my two year old adores Elmo.
Also, I subscribe via RSS.
Thanks for another great give away!
My favorite is Zoe! She is the first little girl monster on Sesame Street, right?
We are definitely a Big Bird house!
Me love cookies & Cookie monster!
i just subscribed to your news letter.
i have your button on my blog :)
my two year old would LOVE to have this!!!
I always liked Big Bird!
I love Elmo, even though I was a big Grover fan when I was a kid.
My favorite is The Count. ~ :)
Our favorite is Elmo.
I subscribe! :)
I have always loved Snuffy (snuffalufagas) as he is refered to at our house.
I subscribe to your emails!
Becky S.s last blog post..Dresses!
I have you on my blogroll :)
Becky S.s last blog post..Dresses!
Elmo is our favorite.
Nicoles last blog post..Giveaway Winners!
I would have to say the favorite in our house is Elmo followed by super grover :)
Becky S.s last blog post..Dresses!
Elmo is the favorite at our house!
I like Ernie but my nephew is all about Elmo.
I loved Snuffy growing up. My son loves melmo too!
Meghans last blog post..What a Fabulous Weekend
elmo by far then grover
My favorite is Abby Cadabby of course!
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I love Oscar the Grouch!
My fave was Big Bird-children’s would be Elmo!
I’m a classic Elmo fan. How can ya not love Elmo?!
I subscribe via RSS! :)
Elmo is my favorite!
$ Money Savin’ Momma $s last blog post..Get paid via Paypal tomorrow!
I subscribe.
My favorite has always been Big Bird.
My favorite character is Oscar. I wanted to name my son Oscar, my husband vetoed that name choice though. He is awesome.
our favorite is definitely Elmo!
I subscribe via email!
My favorite character is Grover, my daughter’s is Abby, and my son’s is Elmo. Thanks for yet another great giveaway!
My favorite Sesame Street character is Elmo.
I tweeted!
We LOVE Elmo in this house!
My favorite for a very long time has been cookie monster. Unless you count the muppets in the mix then it’s kermit thee frog. ;) My son’s is, of course, elmo.
Shane Edes last blog post..Review: Sailing to Sarantium & Lord of Emperors
Fave character: Snufulufugus :)