Recently, Cheerios sent me a package of 4 cute books! My 8 year old son loves to read to his little sister. He would read to his little brother but he isn’t as into like lil sis is!
Just this past week, I was telling my kids how I used to love spending summers in the library. My mom worked there when I was younger and I would tag along in the summers and it was the best place for a book worm like me to be!
So, I was pleasantly surprised to learn about Cheerios Spoonful of Stories program. Over the past seven years, Cheerios has given away more than 35 million children’s books by distributing them inside cereal boxes for FREE and nearly $3 million to non profit First Book, which provides books to children from low-income homes.
Cheerios is also looking for potential writers for children’s books. The $2/1 Got2b Ultra Glued Styling Gel or Any Got2b Smooth Operator Product (IE) encourages unpublished up and coming children’s book authors. Entries are being accepted from now until July 15, 2009. Winner will receive a $5,000 cash price and have the opportunity to have their book reviewed by Simon & Shuster Children’s Publishing.
You may have already found “The Great Dog Wash” inside a box of Cheerios as they are in 1.5 million boxes!
In addition to the book set I received, I have a set of 4 books to giveaway to one of you!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: What is your favorite kid’s book? Leave me a comment with your answer!
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 5/15/09 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 05/16/2009 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
I don’t have young children in my household any more, but I do work as a Nanny part time. One of our FAVORITE books to read aloud is Stand Back Said The Elephant(I’m going to SNEEZE) The kiddlets really get into this one !
My kids favorite is Good night moon. Awesome giveaway!!!!
My favorite books were the Little House books! Still love em.
Rebeccas last blog post..That’s Not Funny
Are You My Mother?
Charlotte’s Web
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we like poky little puppy and green eggs and ham
My son’s favorite book is “Fiddle-I-Fee,” but “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” has always been a popular one as well.
My favorite children’s book is by Keith Graves “Frank was a Monster who Wanted to Dance.”
DiscoveryWomans last blog post..Beautiful 2 God: Mineral Basics Make-up, Review and Giveaway!
My favorite book as a kid was always “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and it has also become one of my children’s favorites as well! We also love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
Thanks for the giveaway!
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I love Anne of Green Gables and have already read it to my daughter twice
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My favorite “Kid’s” book is the “Boxcar Children”. I can’t recall the author right off hand. I just checked this book out from the library to read with my 9 year old daughter. I still love to read it. Thank you for the entry.
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My son’s favorite book is Cleo the Cat by Caroline Mockford.
I like Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
Dr. Suess is a big one that I’ve had to read over and over.
My daughters favorite books are from Winnie the Pooh!
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My kids, and now my granddaughter, always wanted to hear the Dr. Seuss books. We also love Goodnight Moon and The Littlest Angel.
Thanks for the chance to win!
where the wild things are… eggs and ham…cat in the hat….loved to read….still do
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One of my favorites was “Are You My Mother?” by Dr. Seuss.
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My daughter loves “Can I help?”
I love you forever is a great book for all ages.
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My favorite children’s book is The Pokey Little Puppy. I loved that book when I was a child and I enjoy reading it to my son now.
At my house, we all love Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. And are excited about the new movie coming out.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I am an email subscriber as well, love the blog, you’ve saved us a lot of money. My faves have to be the free magazines though, our mail box is full now too. And I recycle them by taking them to our local library where they sell them on for 50c for their charity, which goes to buying new books for the library.
great giveawy, my son loves books, his fave at the moment is anything Walle and the Giving Tree (Silverstein), he even calls a local neighbourhood tree his and asks to go and climb on there.
We go the library all the time as well, out local library is doing reading sessions and the kids go and can get free books if they attend a certain amount.
My favorite books growing up was Goodnight moon and Green Eggs & Ham. The funny thing, my two older boys LOVE these books also when we read right before bedtime. Thanks for a great giveaway :)
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
I honestly have two favorite books that I grew up with, and now read to my own kids.
The first is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I’m always on the edge of tears when I finish the book. One of the best stories ever.
The second is Where The Wild Things Are. When I heard there was going to be a movie, I was all about it! I have Moeshe sitting on my bedroom dresser. If I could, I’d have every single one of the Wild Things lined up on a shelf in my room!
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ndisilvio @ gmail . com
nikis last blog post..This Week’s Free Loot
My son’s favorite book is The Three Bill Goats Gruff.
We love classics!
ndisilvio @ gmail . com
nikis last blog post..This Week’s Free Loot
I LOVE the Skippyjon Jones books.
just posted on my blog about this giveaway. :)
marthas last blog post..Mother’s Day
marthas last blog post..Mother’s Day
Favorite book has a child: There’s a monster at the end of this book.
marthas last blog post..Mother’s Day
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My favorite children’s book is Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree. I still can’t read it out loud, however, without tearing up!
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Dr Suess Green Eggs and Ham is my favorite.
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My kiddos favorite books are any Curious George book. I love them, too! They also like Dr. Seuss, Where the Wild Things Are, and now my oldest is into The Magic Treehouse series and Goosebumps.
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It’s hard to pick just one….
Hush, Little One will always be a fave because I read it to my baby daughter every night before she went to sleep.
Goodnight Moon will always be a fave because whenever I read it, she would giggle at the three bears sitting in chairs.
Llama, llama, red pajama is really fun to read out loud, so is Dinosaur Roar. Hmm, I’ll add Silly Sally to the fun-to-read-out-loud list.
Moo, baa, la, la, la is SO funny and easy to memorize.
We love to read!
Janet Carpenters last blog post..friday0508
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Love the belly button book
rajees last blog post..See you there!
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My favorite book is The Monster at the End of this Book!
Sandis last blog post..Some Sexy, Hot Babes (and some guys they were with)
I’m a happy subscriber, thanks!
My daughter’s favorite book changes regularly. Right now, it’s ‘Ten Apples Up On Top’ – an early Dr Seuss. Last week it was ‘Chicka Chicka Boom Boom’
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My favorite kids book is one called The Old Turtle. It has a really great message and the illustrations are beautiful!!
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My favorite would be The Pokey Little Puppy. I just love that story. Thank you!
I like Fox Makes Friends!
Lydias last blog post..CVS Deals 5/3-5/9
I subscribe to your page and think it is great and pass it along to anyone who’ll listen. My favorite book is a Cheerios book and I bought every box of Cheerios that I could find it in.
It is Everybody Needs a Rock. As a mineralogist I know this to be a true fact and wonderfully written book by Byrd Baylor.
Cali’s favorite book was also her father’s favorite– Goodnight Moon.
The Hungry Caterpillar is Abby’s favorite book.
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The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
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Favorite book is Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton
Any and all of the little golden books. I read them over and over again!
Renees last blog post..FIRST contest to give a business away on Twitter, using Facebook and as support sites.
And tweeted. :)
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It is so hard to pick just one… but one of my favorites to read to my little boy is I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak.
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We love One Winter’s Day.
My all time favorite book was If you give a mouse a cookie. I could not get enough of it ;-)
I – and my son – LOVE The Belly Button Book!
Ooh, that’s a tough decision to make! I really like the SkippyJon Jones books. They always give you a laugh!
My favorite book is ….Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see..
I lie “Percival the Plain Little Caterpillar”. Thanks for the chance.
My favorite book is Guess How Much I Love You. I gave each of my five grandchildren this book when they were born. I read to them often and this is their favorite also.
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Chancys last blog post..Go me!
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Where the Wild Things Are! And there is a moving of it coming out soon…. :D
I like Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
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Green Eggs and Ham
My favorite is Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type. It’s such a cute story, I read it to my son all the time!
My favorite book as a kid and one of my kid’s favorite books for me to read is – The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein.
The Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton!
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My son’s favorite: Five Silly Monkeys; My daughter’s favorite: Volcanoes & Earthquakes; My favorites: Custard the Dragon and Skippyjon Jones.
Lori Z.s last blog post..Fruitful Friday
My favorite book is There is a Monster at the End of this book by fury loveable Grover.
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My favorite book, the one my kids loved for me to read to them, is Goodnight Moon. I had the book memorized I read it so much! And the kids loved searching for the little mouse on every page.
Miss Rumphius. A way to make the world more beautiful…
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Our favorite book is the pokey little puppy. It’s a classic.
The Kissing Hand! What a treasure for your kids to know they take your love with them every where they go! :)
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we like llama llama red pajama. I know it by heart.
My favorite children’s book is The Lion’s Bed by Diane Redfield Massie. I think this book is out of print. Thankfully, I still have the copy from when I was little to read to my son! It is SUCH a great book!
Ashleys last blog post..Rain Rain Go AWAY…
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I agree with a previous poster, The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton is our favorite!
I blogged about this giveaway! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
Kristies last blog post..Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories
I have a bunch of favorite children’s books! I think my favorite of all time is the one with the two dogs… one tall, one short… one was wearing a red shirt, one a green shirt. I can’t remember the name!! Thanks!
nyckristie AT gmail DOT com
Kristies last blog post..Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories
Entry #2
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Entry #1.
My favorite childrens book is the Polar Express. I loved this book when I was a kid and I loved the movie too!
I read a lot of books to my 14 month old son, Thorin. But, Sandra Boynton’s Going to bed book is the one I recite to my son before he goes to sleep every night.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is my all time favorite! Now it is also my sons!
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar is my all time favorite! Now it is also my sons!
Our favorite book right now is Bad Dog Marley by John Grogan !
Stephs last blog post..Sign up for printable coupons !
My favorite book was Goodnight Moon. My Dad used to read it to me. It always takes me back to my childhood.
Dianas last blog post..Tropical Breeze Whipped Body Butter – 16 ozs