Buy local. Buy fresh. Did you know the average piece of produce travels 1,500 miles before it reaches it final destination? This means an additional 4-7 days before being put on your grocer’s shelf. I read a recent report that stated if everyone just purchased 2 local produce items weekly it will help keep these local growers in business and SUPPORT your own community as well as reduce the effect that the large scale agri-business puts on our environment.
I’m happy to announce my county is working hard create a weekly Farmer’s Market which will benefit all the community. Consumers will benefit from this Farmer’s Market by enjoying fresh, locally grown, in season produce. You can usually get a great bargain at these Farmers Markets as well!
We usually purchase from local vendors during the summer season if it is not something we are growing in our own garden or our garden veggies aren’t ready yet. I’ve found it is usually less expensive than the grocery store produce and tastes so much better! Though, I have noticed some chain grocery stores do try to buy local produce when it is season.
So if you are a local readers, please help support the Farmer’s Market! Tipton County is kicking off their Farmer’s Market on Saturday, May 9, 2009 from 8am to noon. It will take place on Court Street in downtown Tipton.
I may be interested in seling my produce at the Tipton Farmers market. Who do i contact about getting a booth space?
Are you talking about Tipton, Indiana??? I went to school there. Are you from there??