Coupons are everywhere, right? What if you are on a budget with no printer? There are many places to find coupons you just have to keep your eyes out. The following question is a question that has been posed to me several times by different people.
A reader wrote in…
I hope you will be able to help me. I am currently trying to shop for a family of 7 on a budget of only $400 per month. It is so difficult and our printer just broke so I can not print coupons. I get so little of them in the mail and although I have emailed many companies I am not getting any coupons in the mail. Do you know how I can get coupons in the mail. I don’t have money to spend to buy pre clipped coupons so I hope you might have some ideas. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it.
What do you think? Where do you get your coupons if you don’t have a printer or money to spend on pre-clipped coupons?
I have tons that I don’t use as well…email me and let me know what you might want.
j krugel coupon (at) gmail (dot) com
If it is a bricks coupon, hit the little HELP at the bottom of the page and sometimes it gives you help info but if your lucky, it will ask for your address and send you the coupon. Email me and I’ll send you some extras
The question is flawed. You DO have money to spend on pre-clipped coupons – $400 a month of it! The key is to make sure you are always spending LESS on the coupons (including shipping) than the amount you would have spent at the store. If you know you’re ALREADY going to buy 30 $1 bottles of coke this month, and you have the opportunity to buy $1/3 coupons (I’m making this up, obviously), then you can spend as much as $1 per coupon (including shipping) and still break even. If you can get the coupons for less, you are saving money.
I ask friends and relatives to give me the coupons that they don’t use. I also wonder if you could contact the Star and ask them if they have extras if you could have them? I am not sure what they would say, but…it is worth a try??
I get a lot coupons by mail from Krogers. Krogers and Tom Thumb will allow you to sign up their website for ecoupons which loads automatically to your Plus or Reward card. You don’t even need to print them out. Because I shop at Krogers a lot, they send me about 4 booklets of coupons a month. Most of the coupons they send me, are written “manufactured coupons.” Even if the coupon had a Kroger logo on, you can still use elsewhere so long as its written “manufactured coupons” on the top. I hope this helps.
Sugardale and Little Crow Foods mail out their coupons to subscribers of their newsletter.
To the reader who wrote in looking for more coupon, by mail, I think. My name is Holli & I have access to LOTS of coupons. Contact me n I will help u out…
I’ve been going to gas station on Monday morning and getting their Sunday papers out of the trash, I just go to one place and I get 8-16 papers they’re always on top so you’re not digging through gross trash juice and some places put them in their recycle bin so they’re in there with only boxes
we have a local job training center (its really an espensive building with a bunch of computers) that lets people print for free
i have been getting much better results writing a physical letter (handwritten, and it doesn’t have to be long) than just filling out the online comments. i just try to put something personal in it about their product (i.e., something like, it’s my 4 year old’s favorite bedtime snack). good luck!
Visit your local public library. They often have computers that are available to use and you can print out coupons. Sometimes, there is no charge for up to a certain number of pages.
Visit your local public library. Most have computers that are available for the public and they allow you to print out items. Many times you can print up to a certain number of pages for free.
I trade coupons via websites like hotcouponworld and afullcup. I also trade with friends who live locally.