Know Thy Coupon
In case you run into any problems with your coupons, KNOW what all the “official” language on it means.
One Coupon per Purchase
If you buy one bottle of shampoo, you can use one manufacturer’s coupon for that bottle. If you have additional coupons, you have to buy another item to be able to use that coupon. You are not allowed to use two manufacturer’s coupon per item. So if you had 10 coupons and 10 coupons, this is allowed. I used to think this meant I could only use one coupon per transaction. How far I’ve come! J (You can still use (1) manufacturer’s coupon and (1) store coupon at most stores.)
One Coupon per Item Purchased
This is the same as one coupon per purchase but with better language specifically stating one coupon per item purchased.
One Coupon per Customer/Family
This is rare but I have noticed this on some internet coupons or a big coupon like $5/20 purchase. The way around this is to make multiple transactions (if store allows) or multiple trips. YMMV on these types of coupons.
One Coupon per Transaction
You are only allowed one coupon for this item for each transaction. This is to try to limit how many you purchase in a transaction. So, just make a few transactions whether in one trip or multiple trips to get around this.