Get Dollar Savvy, a website by Reader’s Digest Association, has a pretty cool contest going on. Each Wednesday for 8 weeks, they are posing a new question about ways to save money. You send them your answer in 100 words or less by the following Monday. The Editor at chooses the 5 finalists from the week’s submissions based on on uniqueness (50%), practicality (25%), and cost-savings potential (25%). The following Wednesday, visitors get to vote on their favorite tip! The tip with the most votes by the next Tuesday wins $250!
So you can win $250 in addition to reading about all the fabulous money saving tips! What is NOT to love about that!
You can vote for week #1 right now and week #2’s question is up. So for all you Grocery Tightwads out there (I say this is the most loving way ever, ya know): What is the best way to save money on groceries? (Think Bargain Briana – ha ha!!)
Watch for the weekly grocery specials. Usually, you can plan most of your menus from those.
The best way to save money on groceries is to purchase store brand and always look for stuff on the lower shelves and not eye level as this is where the cheaper stuff is.