This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Dollar General for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. As a child, I loved to wake up on Christmas morning and check my stocking! Dollar General challenged me to see how creative I could get with a $25 Stocking budget.
Dollar General has a huge assortment of holiday items, which includes many budget-friendly items to fill stockings. My kids love getting other personal care items along with candy and other treats in their stocking. When I do things they already need like body wash or socks then I’m not only filling their stocking, it’s one less thing I will have to purchase for them later.
We live in a small town but it’s not too small for the Dollar General. As always, we were a bit rushed on time so I didn’t have time to grab any coupons before we headed out. However, we were able to still get some great deals.
Soap, pencils, hair accessories, body foam, candy, notepads are just a few of the things in the stockings!
I was able to easily fill two stocking for just around $25. I could have stretched that further by clipping a few coupons for the personal care items we purchased on the $1 aisle.
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Leave me a comment on this post and let me know what your top money-saving tip is for filling your stockings and you will have a chance to win a $25 Dollar General Gift Card.
Giveaway ends 12/11/2011 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
I love shopping at Dollar General, I get most of my girls Christmas, Birthday gifts there also anything they need or we need for the house. I save so much money and time at Dollar General. This would help so very much. I love this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I too shop the target dollar section, the michaels and joanns $1 sections are great too. I also save free samples of full size items, and use coupons for free or nearly free items. I also like to do small ($5 gift cards)
I love to use coupons for stocking stuffers. It’s fun to see how much I can buy with only $10.
My money-saving tip for filling stockings is to buy things that are on sale and with coupons.
I buy scented soaps at Bath and Body Works when they’re on sale and wait till Christmas to give them away
I use coupons to get good deals on stocking stuffers, as well as shopping the clearance aisle!
I buy items throughout the year and when target has the clearance on the $1 section.
I use coupons daily and shop for Christmas all year round.
Subscribe to feeds (like the one for this site) to get all of the daily deals sent to you. It’s amazing what’s out there and the coupons you can find.
I stock up on candy. Usually there are good deals this time of year, or I get some as fillers at Wags when they are like 30 cents a piece. I also get ind. servings of coffee and creamer in the $1 boxes at CVS. It depends on what I can get for free or cheap throughout the year, but my parents aren’t picky.
I shop the clearance section and collect samples that I’ve sent for during the year.
Definitely have to think ahead and buy throughout the year, not at the last moment!
I also shop clearance throughout the year and I can find great deals this way!
All the candy for my families stockings came from discounted halloween candy. I just made sure to get only the candy that didn’t have any ghost or witches on them, just the regular wrapping. I am also making goody bags for my kids’ class with this candy.
I shop all the stores for the clearance items.
My tip is to save freebies that I pick-up throughout the year with coupons. I include sample sizes that I receive free in the mail, also. All 3 of my children are tweens or teens so it becomes more challenging to fill their stocking affordably when you can longer pick-up cheap items like playdoh, color books, bubbles, etc.
Buy things in advance or make little things to go in them!
I generally shop all year for stocking stuffers, using coupons when I can. Then I add some holiday wrapped candy & I’m done!
coupon clippin is how i have BIG
I save up the clearance items that I get through out the year and I use coupons.
I buy little things or get them for free. I also save all the samples I get and include any appropriate ones in my stockings.
I use coupons for personal care items thru out the year when there are the best deals and save the items. Then wait for candy to go on sale and use coupons for those as well. And then fill in with small toys and games.
I try using coupons as much as possible and the ideas I get from sites like yours help me spread things a little bit more, but the love picking up the little personal items that I would be purchasing anyway to help fill stockings-body wash, chewing gum, note pads-with fun designs on the containers or designs I know the kids will love.
I buy little items troughout the year for stockings and my kids advant calendars I make them every year! I also throw in some of my stockpile body/hygiene items for them as well!
Target dollar section when it is marked down 50 to 75%!! Lots of great deals for stockings.
I shop around on the clearance aisles throughout the year and I also use some of the smaller prizes (makeup, small giftcards etc) that I win to fill the kids stockings.
I pick up items throughout the year when they are super cheap. I also buy certain things after the season and hold them back for the next year.
I buy clearance items and put them in my gift box (a huge Rubbermaid tote) all year. I also like to use my Coke Rewards points, Swagbucks, etc. to get free gift cards to add to stockings. You can also take advantage of the gift card bonuses different stores have Buy x amount and get x in bonus gift cards. I also give items that I get for free with my coupons throughout the year.
I make ornaments for my kids, homemade goodies, and coupon books.They LOVE it!
Big lots, dollar store, target $ spot, walgreens. This year, they are each getting a cheap movie from amazon and spin toothbrushes for only $2 after coupon and RR from walgreens. I will probably pick up some cheap candy or cups or pencils from there too.
I shop all year round, finding small items for stockings and big items for gifts very cheap. I normally wont pay full price for anything
I always get my stocking stuffers on clearance all through the year….whatever I need after that I get at Dollar General or Dollar Tree:)
i get things throughout the year and use coupons. thanks
I buy items that are on sale and at the dollar store. Things I knew that my kids will enjoy. I also fill the stockings with thing that I get on thier birthdays for free like Toys R’ Us $3 gift card and freebies for going in the store.
Thank you for the opportunity!
First of all coupons, then I try to make alot of homemade crafts, I also love to shop at the Dollar Tree where they have really good items for only $1. I usully put a bag of beef jerky in all the kids stockings since that is always their favorite every year!The Cover Girl coupons came in handy for one daughter I loaded up on alot of stuff for her stocking!
Combining coupons with sales is a great way to save.
My money saving tip is to reuse some of the old toys they didn’t play with and I put away, getting a little tough now though that the oldest is 8 :)
Auctions! I love ebay auctions, as well as sites like Listia where you bid with credits and get things REALLY cheap. I also use coupons (especially with your site) and homemade jewelry is REALLY cheap and a great way to get a lot of people something for little money !
For stockings, I purchase hygiene items that they need & try to buy things in a package that can be divided between my 3 boys. I usually put at least one candy item in the stocking (also purchased in a pack & divided up. I use coupons & look for great sale prices.
I try to buy things with my coupons that are on sale that I know will be great in stockings.
I save by clipping coupons and watching for sales.
my saving tip is to shop early! and buy candy post halloween (not all of it is themed) so it’s at 25% of the cost!
I buy through out the year and get things on clearance when its around 10 cents an item. What’s left me make extra christmas stockings and we give those to the families that sign up at my kids school for the secret santa programs that can not afford a christmas. This year i even donated a free norelco razor to a single dad :)
Shopping year round and COUPONS. More and more coupons.
I Love Dollar General!! I collect things thru the year. I hit a lot of clearance sales, and actually find great things at rummages and thrift shops. I use all the coupons and rebates I can find. I even make little goddies like mini popcorn balls, etc. I get things free thru websites and freebies. My kids really like getting $$ in theirs… pennies, nickles, etc.
Shop the dollar stores and the dollar section at Target!
I try to buy clearance all year long!
I save all my small gift card wins and use them to purchase the stocking stuffers for my kids! I also save all the free stuff I buy during the year!
Using coupons and watching for the biggest sales!
My mother always put little items like special toothbrushes, lip balms, even paint brushes and rolls of film for my artistic endeavors. So all year long, I pick up little things. I have a dozen Bath and Body works glittery hand sanitizers that I got for 36 cents each on clearance. I have several toothbrushes that I got for free through couponing, I also have a lot of sample size body washes and other items that came from coupons. Dollar General is one of my favorite places for couponing!
I use coupons and try to stock up on items when they are on sale for free or really cheap after coupons. Great way to fill stockings for little cost.
Shop the clearance sections! Easiest (and cheapest) way to fill a stocking.
I buy items throughout the year on sale/clearance. Stocking stuffers is the only things my kids still get from me at Christmas that is a surprise, so I like to have a little fun with it. My favorite thing to get them that I can done every year since they were very little is bandaids with whatever character/tv show that they are into at the time.
My latest money saving strategy for gifts is to stock up on the Scholastics $1-$3 books featured throughout the year.
I go to Target and/or Walmart the day after Christmas and stock up on stocking stuffers for the following year. I also use coupons throughout the year to stock up on personal care items. In all, the stocking stuffers usually cost less than $10 and they are FULL! :)
I always look for things on clearance after Christmas that are things that can last till next year. I also always hit the $1 Spot at any store I visit for items through the year. This way it doesn’t hit the wallet all at once.
Coupons & sales are always good, as well as Target OneSpot :)
I try to stock up on clearance items throughout the year that can fit in a stocking. By the time Christmas rolls around I have my daughter’s and niece’s stockings filled, and still have so much left that I make them gift bags to add under the tree:-)
I like to visit the Dollar Spot at Target to get lots of stuffers (great for birthday goody bags). Earlier this year when Target was making room for new toys after summer I bought cool toys on clearance like the mini skateboards, Phineas and Ferb figures and handheld voice recorder toys all under $5!!
When filling up stockings; i did small things in my husbands; like for instence he likes soccer and he uses socks like nobody else and loves candy; so i would buy the big bags of candy (reeses and kisses) and stuff them into the new socks and throw them in there; and they usually have small soccer balls and i put that in there and he will usually hint to me about a video game or computer game (yes i grown man playing non stop); and now with our baby’s first christmas i went out and bought spoons and plates and sippy cups (with coupons of course) and got a couple toys (we collect the matchbox classic cars for him; everytime we go to a store that sells them we have to get one no if and or but about it) so his stocking is filled with those and also learning books = D! Most things i did all year long; and the best store i thought to shop at was target cause they would do deals for buy a certain number and you get $5 gift card so buying things for the house and using the gift card so stocking stuffers = D
Stock up after holidays and throughout the year with clearance items!
I buy $$ items on clearance and stock up during the year to fill my kid’s stockings. Or I try using a coupon as well to save some dough..
I buy amost of my Stocking stuffers through out the year.When I find things on Clearance..etc! Its the best way to save!
My best money saving tip is to get things from bogo’s (non-perishables only) through out the year and save them for stockings. Then when it is after Thanksgiving I start buying on sale candies to go in them. I also look for the more than 1 item in a package at Dollar General to put in them.
I buy clearance items at the end of each season and I use coupons for other things that don’t go on clearance. I already have the stuff for my kid stocking just by doing that. By shopping at Dollar General, I can focus on getting bigger presents elsewhere.
I shop year round, look for clearances, use coupons/rewards, & try to remember not to go overboard! I think often kids get SO much for Christmas they don’t even use, need, or want everything they get!
Stocking stuffers are so hard for me but you guys gave some great tips!
I always try to find stuff in the dollar section at Target. Helps out a bit. Thanks, Jen
I buy things throughout the year and put them in a box for times when they do something really great or need a little bribe “my prize box” and i fill it with clearance items, stuff i find at garage sales, and even little tokens from the prize machines in the store. AT the end of the year i take what is left from my prize box and fill their stockings with it.
i almost always shop clearance & bargain racks, i also stop by the dollar store! :)
I would buy stocking stuffers on the clearance items and donate them to charity!!! I hope I win…..
I buy toys in July when they are clearanced at Target so I have plenty on hand for Christmas.
I pick of things at the dollar store or things that are on sale throughout the year and save for Christmas.
of course use coupons, but also look for great deals after holidays (i.e after Halloween, after Christmas, etc). Stores usually slash a great percentage off for seasonal items
I try to use coupons or watch for deals. The Dollar Store is a great spot. I like to fill them with useful things or treats that they don’t always get.
I get free perfume and cologne spray samplers from department stores, use coupons for free sample size lotions and other goodies. I add in homemade crafts (handmade jewelry, crocheted items and sewn items), cookies and candies for fillers.
i shop clerance sales all year, and look for great sales like at Bath and Body Works that I can combine w/ coupons
I keep a stash of free and sale items throughout the year. That way I not only have more money, but also more time!
My tips would be to watch for deals, use coupons with sales, and be flexible in what you’re willing to buy.
Like others, I try to buy at after Christmas sales and then watch for small deals all year long–also using 50% off coupons for craft and toy stores like Michael’s helps! Would love to win the gift card to help this year on stockings!
shop in bargain bins or clearance aisles
Throughout the year when I see a good deal I will purchase it for the stockings as long as it is not perishable.
I shop year-round for holidays and use B1G1 coupons as often as I come across them, for things such as shampoos, conditioners and body washes. I also keep an eye on clearance and blowout sales; after Halloween sales are an awesome time to pick up fun goodies for kids, and there are many accessories to choose from that will fit in a stocking (tiaras, nail polish, fake tattoos and other accessories). Stores often sell out of these items quickly, but as of last week, Target still had some good bargains online, including costumes!
i start buying stocking stuffers early
We shop at the dollar stores, you can get alot there for a little money!
I buy items on clearance throughout the year. I also submit rebates for items that can be used in stockings such as children’s books.
My money-saving tip for stocking stuffers is your site! I’ve found tons of little stocker stuffers like the Nintendo DS mini backpack for $4.99! Thanks BB!
I like to buy small things that I find that are unique throughout the year to put in Christmas stockings. My kids are grown now but they still enjoy getting small surprises like gift cards for eating out or gasoline gift cards.
I try to buy little things all year long.
The best money saving tip I have is to shop year-round for things you can – after Christmas clearance, Target $1 spot clearance, sales/coupons for personal/beauty products. Online deals.
Using coupons for small sized items is a great way to save!
I shop all year long always on the look out for stocking stuffers and easter basket items– love shopping targets dollar zone when they have it marked 75% off can get some great stuff that way for 25 cents each :)
A couple strategies: 1. coupons! 2. make your own (homemade body scrubs are top on my list year) 3. dollar bins at Michaels….they have some fairly good quality stuff!
Can’t get any cheaper than free. My son’s started to get into video games. I gave my son my old PlayStation I’d been storing in the closet and stuffed his stocking with all the video games I use to play. By the look on his face you’d think he’d won the lottery.
My top money-saving tip for filling stockings is to start looking for stocking stuffers in September after the back-to-school rush for all the great clearance bargains!
I like to buy things for my daughters throughout the year using coupons.
I buy items throughout the year when I find them on clearance or on sale.
My sons and daughters-in-law get a stocking full of free (or extremely cheap) personal hygiene products that I have stocked up on during the year using CVS rewards along with coupons. That way, I can stick some lottery tickets and a special $20 gift in their stocking. It looks like I spend alot but actually spend $25 or less!!
I try to look for things throughout the year that I know they like!!!
I shop all year long for clearance items, use my ECB’s and RR’s at CVS and Walgreen’s. Whatever I can do to get what I need for the least amount possible.
I love to find smaller items on clearance and stack it w/store & or manufacturer cpns whenever possible.
I buy throughout the year when I find a great deal!
Target always has some great stuff in their dollar section. There are tons of things for my daughter!
I also check clearance items, and the $1 aisles. A good money saving tip is to buy in bulk to split between stocking. I have 3 kids, so I buy things like chapsticks, candy, pens, pencils, and little notepads in to split up.
Shop all year round, check clearance racks all the time while you’re in stores. And don’t forget to use coupons.
I stock up on all the drug store deals during the year and pick up clearance items when I find them.
I buy after Christmas sales to stock up for the next year :) Candy I wait usually until closer to time though.
i love to walk around walmart & target during the year and find cheap stuff that’s on clearance!
My top money saving tip is to stocking stuff all year long! With coupons I get all kinds of neat candies/treats (their exp. date is usually plenty of time), fun lip balms & body washes for our teenager & using the clearance aisles there are always quick little fun things (matchbox cars, misc card games, handheld toys, etc) for the younger ones. Before Thanksgiving hits, my stockings are full and I can finish focusing on the bigger presents!
I try to use coupons to get cheap hygiene products, and also go for gift cards too! I love the idea of putting little notepads and fun stuff in it!