Merry Christmas to You!
From, The Carters
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i was clearing my junk mail and came across a standard reply email from you. Went to your site and back tracked to this post. I wanted to say thank you so much for answering and giving me the name of figurine company, now i can research them and get another scene going. We’ve lost all through the years. thanks again. Hope you see this even though it is 4 monthes later….lol
I was just searching and reading your previous posts and came upon this on and had to ask Is this you nativity scene or did you find this pic on the net somewhere?? if this is your set i wondering if you could give me the name of any markings/ company logo on them?? I am asking because we had the same set when i was child and in Europe. I would love to be able to find it again. Thanks if you can help
It is mine! :) It is Fontanini! My mom bought it for me and has added to my set as the years go along.
Merry Christmas !!
.-= Peggy Gorman´s last blog ..Merry Christmas =-.
Merry Christmas and thank you for all that you have done for my family and I!!!!
Have a great Christmas day :)
Merry Christmas to you ,too! :)
.-= Anita´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.