Luvs is excited to invite you to join the Luvs “Take a Stand” campaign. Say NO to pricey diapers! This campaign rallies moms to unite and take a stand on not paying too much money for everyday items such as diapers! Even though, I don’t have a child in diapers anymore, it wasn’t that long ago, that a significant portion of our grocery budget was towards diapers. When you buy Luvs diapers, you are getting a premium diaper at a discount price.
I’m very excited to let you know that beginning on September 15, 2009, you can go to and receive a $5 off coupon for any Luvs products. You will want to hurry to get yours as the coupons won’t last long! Luvs offered this generous coupon last year and with the $5 off coupon, I was able to get a pack of diapers for almost free when I combined it with a sale.
You can also try Luvs worry free with their guarantee. Luvs guarantees it will work great on leaks. So much, that they offer the Luvs Leakguard Guarantee. If you are not satisified with the leakage performance compared to your current brand, they will refund your money.
To kick off the “Take a Stand” campaign, Luvs has offered one lucky reader, a month supply of diapers, diaper bag, and a signed autograph picture of Marissa Jaret Winokur from the summer hit show, “Dance Your Ass Off.”
The month supply of diapers will be in coupon or voucher form so you can redeem them in the size you prefer at your favorite retailer!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: What is important enough for you to “Take a Stand” on?
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Tweet about this giveaway: Enter to win a month’s supply of Luvs Diapers @bargainbriana #LUVStakeastand
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Use my “Tell a Friend” widget to share with a friend or on social media networks.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 9/16 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 09/17/2009 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
its hard 4 me to buy pampers. an pay rent and other stuff if i can have 1 month of free pampers i will love it and will be able to buy my little girl other stuff. i am a young mom doing my best for my little girl.
I subscribe via email
I take a stand against teen drinking
I take a stand against racism, sexism, homophobia.
Unless they change their mind by the time my little one enters school, I will take a stand on the local public schools new policy NOT to correct slang for cultural reasons. Slang is not acceptable at a college level or in any job worth having, kids needs to learn ‘proper’ English.
Rss subscriber
i subscribe threw email.thanks,shannon flora
i tweeted!
thanks,shannon flora
i would take a stand on people being bullies!!to many of our children are commiting suicide bc of this problem. thanks,
shannon flora
I would like to take a stand on better education. I meet with a school board member today.
I would take a stand on my son’s educational rights
I would take a stand on bullying in schools!
email subscriber
I’ll stand for the safety and education of my children.
Your button is here
member (dot) thao (at)
I subscribe to email updates
member (dot) thao (at)
member (dot) thao (at)
I take a stand with raising my children the best I can, providing them with a loving home and providing tools to help them develop into decent human beings, to be polite, respectful and compassionate.
member (dot) thao (at)
I would take a stand on the education we give our kids nowadays. I don’t think it is good enough, or that discipline is nearly as good in schools as it was a few years ago…
Just subscribed to the newsletter
I’m taking a stand against chemicals and crap in products for our children.
I take a stand on the fear tactics that the government uses to try and take more of our control of our own lives away.
i am subscribed through email =D
I subscribe to your emails.
I take a stand on how people treat my kids. Just because they’re little doesn’t mean you have to be disrespectful.
Tweeted: lindsfrugalfab
I would like to take a stand against human trafficing. It’s more prevalent than you’d think. :(
I grabbed your button for my blogspot site!
I would love a month of free diapers!
I subscribed to your newsletter via e-mail! Thank you!!
I Twittered you
I take a stand! Luvs are great!
I take a stand on making sure my kids get good nutrition – or at least limiting the bad stuff.
I want to take a stand against the raging prices of diapers – especially with 2 in diapers!
I take a stand for equality in access to healthy food.
Subscriber via email!
I take a stand on Education cuts!
I just suscribed. this would be such a blessing to win
I’m a RSS subscriber.
I’m taking a stand to get debt free.
I am taking a stand for the high costs associated with newborns. Quality formula and diapers should not be so expensive! You want to do right by your children without having to go broke in the process.
I grabbed your button!
I would like to take a stand against bullying in our schools an don the busses!!
I would take a stand against crime in our schools and on the bus!
I will take a stand against anyone who trys to harm my family.
I want to take a stand against hunger. We should all try to give, even if we have just a little to give, to prevent hunger in America!
I have subscribed to the email.
I take a stand against any injustice done against my family or friends.
i tweeted….
i have your button
i get your rss feed on window live mail.
I take a stand on anything that has to do with the well being of my kids, whether it is schools, my friends, their friends, religion, or whatever.
Take a stand-support the March of Dimes!
I would like to take a stand on child and sex abuse against her children.
I take a stand against eating artificial ingredients in food. We have no products containing artificial dyes in our food.
I also subscribed via rss. thanks!
I’m a subscriber.
I will take a stand for saving money with coupons!
I think taking a stand on the amount of garbage babies create. We’re planning to cloth diaper almost exclusively to cut down on the estimated 16,000 diapers our twins are projected to go through until potty training. But we are realistic and know day care and travel and other times might call for disposables. It’s important to me to keep our current garbage production at a sane level and recycle and do what we can to buy used baby stuff, reuse or resell the stuff we outgrow, and to keep as much baby refuse out of our landfills.
I’m taking a stand against pricey diaper that are no better than LUVS.
I would take a stand about the swearing on TV!
Take a stand? For the most part, I’m pretty laid back, and even when I _do_ “take a stand” it’s in a more one-on-one, personal kind of way so that I can explain my reasons, but things that I’m passionate about are:
– Compassion, International and other orgnaizations who truely release children and their families from poverty while also presenting the gospel to them
– Honoring the heritage from the Lord that is our children by offering alternatives to abortion (through our local crisis pregnancy center) and preventing even the possibility of chemically ending the life (however “inconvenient” to me) of one of my own children by avoiding all variations of “the pill” which contain progesterone/progestin
There are other things that I love doing, but those are the ones that I find myself hard-pressed to keep silent about.
I try to take a stand on the environment. I want to have a beautiful planet for my little girl.
I believe in not paying full price for things especially diapers!
I subscribe.
I would take a stand on research for children with CVS.
I take a stand against animal cruelty.
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Tweet Tweet. Mama wants some free diapers.
I have a 15 Days of Couponing with Bargain Briana Button on my sidebar.
I subscribe via e-mail.
I would take a stand on providing clean drinking water for everyone.
“Discipline is the bridge
between goals and accomplishment.”
I take a stand on heart disease! It’s the number one killer of women. We need these women alive!!!!
Taking a stand against religion in schools! If you want your kid to hear about creationism and God, send them to a private school!
these are great deals
this is a great offer for Great diapers!!
Luvs Diapers are great! The fit well and prevent leakage. And to be able to get some for free! ? Well, what could be better? The $5 coupon is an added bonus
I take a stand for God’s word. God need s to be in the schools, and in the homes everyday of our lives.
Diaper prices keep going up! I say no to pricey diapers!
Need diapers for daughter!!
Taking a stand for diaper prices not going up
To spend more time enjoying my children than rushing to get a million to-do’s done each day
I take a stand on my family spending quality time with each other.
Taking a stand against leaky and expensive diapers for sure!!
I would also take a stand against anything that would hurt my children or other children also.
I stand for parents right to choose the best education for their child(ren).
I take a stand against anything and everything that hurts and/or makes my kids unhappy… ;0 )
Shared on Facebook!
I take a stand against spending my children’s inheritance on things that won’t work in our country.
I also subscribed to your updates!
I subscribed. Winning the diapers would be fantastic!
I’m taking a stand against new laws that take more of our rights away.
When knives are outlawed only outlaws will own knives.
I’d take a stand on ensuring the safety of our children.
I’d love to win!
I have two-year-old twins and a 2-week old newborn all in diapers. I would love to win this giveaway!
Some things important enough for me to “take a stand” on: my children’s safety, absolute Truth, the preciousness of every single human being, Jesus’ Love
I’d agree with others and take a stand for not taking God out of everything. We have a freedom of religion, not from religion.
I take a stand against child abuse
I will take a stand for our military, my husband is in the Navy and our pride in our country is something we take very seriously.
Taking a stand for my faith.
My kids are important enough to me to take a stand! Anything that affects their happiness, health and future, I will stand for.
Taking a stand against high diaper prices!!!
I would take a stand against anyone being treated unfairly.
And I would take a stand for anything to protect my children
this would be awesome since we are due with our third!!!
Taking a stand so kids with IEP’s get the proper attention
I subscribe via Rss/yahoo.
Shared on FB…my friends will get a kick out of the 5 dollar Q. Heard they are starting a midnight…hope I get one.
I would take a stand on the importance of funding education. Namely special education and education in the urban setting. Make sure that third graders are reading on level and stop using those same results as indicators of where to build your prisons. Pay now or pay later.
Take a stand on the importance of spending time as a family.
I subscribe to your e-mail updates
I take a stand on the value of family and making them stronger.
Take a stand for our children! and take a stand against expensive formula!
I am an email subscriber!
Blogged about it!!
I take a stand on my kids safety.
I’m a subscriber!
I blogged about this giveaway:
I’ll take a stand on anything that might negatively impact my kids. I’m normally a shy person, but I’ve discovered over the last year and a half that I’m not if I think one of my kids is at risk!
I shared this giveaway on Facebook!
I subscribed to your RSS feed!
I take a stand for the protection of my marriage and the well-being of my son!
I would like to take a stand on health care reform. I don’t know what the right answer is, but I know the system we have is broken.
I would take a stand against people smoking in their cars with their children. I think it should be against the law.
I take a stand on being wasteful
Posted your link to my profile on Facebook!
I take a stand against paying full price for anything.
I would take a stand for affordable healthcare.
I take a stand on so much its hard to pin point one thing… I got it… I take a stand on people who free load. Free load off the gov’t, others, and me.
I subscribed to your emails.
I take a stand on my kids watching less movies, and spending more time doing things together as a family.
I would take a stand against immigration. I am for having the imigrants here, and that the illigals that are here should be able to get liscense. Many of these people have started families in the united states. Including me, with a man that is not legal, and it is really hard on us, to know one day he or any of his family may be deported. And i guess i would also take a stand on racism towards that. The police harass them and treat them harshar than the do everyone else, atleast where i live.
Just used the tell a friend widget to email one friend!
I subscribed to the email newsletter!
Took a stand today on what my kids eat!
I will take a stand on spending too much money on things that my children can live without.
I would take a stand on reasonable healthcare for everyone. If other countries can get this right how come we can’t?
I take a stand on anything negative regarding my children.
I would take a stand on abstinence! Thanks
I subscribed to the email newsletter too
I take a stand by committing to be home with my children so that they can be raised by their mommy and not a day care provider.
I take a stand for speaking for the unborn.
I take a stand to help promote moral purity.
I subscribed!
I subscribe to your newsletter on the RSS feed. Thanks!
I tweeted:
I would take a stand on high grocery prices and rising gas prices.
I’m always taking a stand against pornography!
Posted this on my web site. Thanks for the info!!!
I subscribe via e-mail
I would take a stand on the crazy gas prices
I’d take a stand for our children’s future & protecting them.
I believe in taking a stand against paying too much at the grocery store.
Tweet Tweet!!
Blogged about it:
I would TOTALLY take a stand on anything that would negatively affect my children!
You are in my google reader
I would take a stand on anything for my kids.
email subscriber
I take a stand against child abuse and anything involving my children.
I just subscribed.
I take a stand on the importance of early childhood education.
I have your button on my site.
I’m a subscriber/follower.
I’m taking a stand on allowing women the choice to have a VBAC if they so choose.
I’m also an e-mail subscriber. Thanks for the give-away!
I’m taking a stand against spending too much on anything I don’t have to as I’ve just discovered money saving blogs!
Just used the tell a friend widget to email two friends! :)
New email subscriber – yay!!
Important enough to take a stand…allowing children the right to pray and worship God in school – we allow everyone else to worship, Christians deserve that right too!
LOVE Luvs!! THE only brand I could use with my first son – great price, great protection, great comfort!! GREAT giveaway! :)
Email subscriber
I always take a stand on protecting my children’s innocence. There may be a lot of bad things in this world, but I can keep them from watching trashy tv, etc. The extra work is worth it!
Put it on FB
Blogged :)
SUbscribe via email
Have your button!
I would like to take a stand on rude people. People should just be nice :)
I subscribe via RSS.
I tweeted:
It’s important to take a stand on charitable giving – helping others even when times are rough for yourself.
I would take a stand on living beyond your means. It only causes problems.
email subscriber
I take a stand on my kids diet. I give them as much organic food as possible and refuse to let them eat to much junk food
I take a stand for my Family & God! Who would we be without our faith in God & one another! Thanks for this giveaway & I hope I win! God Bless & have a great day!
I’m also a subscriber to your website!
I would take a stand against abortion.
I take a stand for God and for unborn babies.
Take a stand against removing GOD from everything!
I’m an email subscriber.
I would take a stand against child abuse.
I blogged about this:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I think every one has an obligation to tkae a stand against poverty in the world.
I take a stand for those who are vulnerable: the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly.
I subscribe via email. I take a stand to teach my children to know between what’s right and what’s wrong and always do the right thing.
I would take a stand against childhood obesity.
I became a subscriber via google reader :)
Talking a stand against wasting money!
I subscribe to your email.
I subscribe.
Since Mommyhood, my activist activities have definitely taken a back seat (it’s hard to march while managing a couple of kiddos). I actively take a stand any time said kids are getting the short end of the stick.
I take a stand against abortion, the murdering of innocent children. Children are a blessing, not a burden! Practice abstinence!
I’m an email subscriber!
I’d take a stand to protect my right to homeschool my children!
subscribed to your emails, clallen at ntin dot net , thanks tweeted thanks, clallen at ntin dot net
i take a stand on conserving utilities. it’s important to use our utilities wisely and to conserve them as much as we can. it will lower your monthly bill and it will make them last longer. thanks clallen at ntin dot net
I’m a subscriber!
I would have to agree with so many others and take a stand against God from everything. I’m afraid to see what the world would become without any faith in God.
I would take a stand on the topic of my faith in Jesus the Messiah.
I subscribe.
I have your button on my blog!!
love, love, love all your great ideas!!! I’m getting the hang of couponing…finally!
I’d take a stand on quality health care for my kids. I am fortunate to have good health care now but that could change as my employer bargains our contract with our union. I am hoping that we can continue to keep our health care.
just about to run out of diapers that i got a good deal on at walgreens! would be great to get some more!
I am now a subscriber via RSS!
take a stand for families – as too many are dysfunctional these days
I take a stand for my family!! They are so very important to me!
I tweeted:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I’m a subscriber.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I have your button on my blog:
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
What’s important enough for me to take a stand on is my faith in Jesus Christ. I will not deny that I am a believer and follower of Jesus.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
Already a subscriber!
I’m trying to start a curb-side recycling program in my area. We are just outside city limits so none is available.
The Family is important enough to take stand on!
I’m taking a stand to change my family’s financial tree!
I’m a subscriber.
I would take a stand for my kids.
I bloged about the coupon and the giveaway here:
I am a Subscriber! Love your Blog!
I would take a stand against being in Debt. From College Students to our Nation I think it’s important to live on God has given you!
My healthcare is important enough for me to take a stand on! I have learned that you have to be very active to recieve the kind of care that you deserve.
I Subscribe!
email subscriber
I subscribe!
I take a stand against the billions of plastic bags thrown away every year by using reusable bags.
Health Care Reform. I really think it’s vital to happy families, and since I know of families with chronically ill family members, it’s a personal thing to me.
We need to take a stand on our children’s educations. Where we live, we are unable to choose which school our children go to, unless we are fortunate enough to be able to afford private school. I think schools should have to compete for business, just like the rest of the world. If a school is going a good job, they will get students and thereby funding. If they are terrible, they “go out of business” and be replaced by something better.
I subscribe via RSS.
I would take a stand against discrimination.
I’m taking a stand by being my kids’ mom.
Taking a stand high priced diapers- it is ridiculous!!!
I subscribe.
I would take a stand on sugary snacks in my son’s class room. There are too many over weight kids in this country.
I subscribe.
I would take a stand to always keep freedom of religion (and freedom in general) in this country.
Take a stand for our children. Be a voice for the helpless.
I’m a RSS subscriber!
I would take a stand against junk food in schools.
Take a stand for keeping God in America just like our founding fathers intended.
I subscribe via google reader.
I would take a stand for the truth. I would also stand for the right to teach my children.
I am taking a stand against baby lotions that do not work and do not help my son’s dry skin.
Posted to my Facebook:
I subscribe to the daily update! =)
Here is my tweet:
i subscribe via google reader
I added to my facebook!
I would take a stand for anything that affected my kids health, safety and happiness
I would take a stand on protecting children!! Reading the news is just sad and someone needs to!
I have you in my Google Reader!
My faith… and my kids’ right to be homeschooled are two things I will NOT back down on.
I subscribe via google reader.
I would take a stand against high cost of health care. There is no reason that it health care can not be reasonably priced for the average joe.
Taking a stand to make family time a priority. We have busy lives, but we are making sure our first item of busy-ness is having time for each other.
Im a subscriber!
I take a stand against paying high prices on diapers!
Taking a stand against putting GOD in everything. Our science classrooms, our laws, our courts. The pilgrims may have camped here but it was a bunch of secular humanist who founded this country.
Taking a stand against leaky and expensive diapers for sure!!
I subscribe via RSS
I take a stand for those who cannot take a stand themselves, for whatever reason.
I Take A Stand to not sell out my morales in business, word and deed! . ; )
Taking a stand against taking GOD out of everything…our schools, our pledge, our money, etc. – GOD is what this country was founded on, and still should be!
Guess it didn’t like my comment about blogging about it. But I did, it’s there and I added the button to it, as you see in the last post.
Also put your button in my post.
Just blogged about it here:
Posted to my profile on Facebook.
Just tweeted about it: LameShrillowl
I would take a stand on our school removing in-town bus routes.
Just shared on facebook
Took a stand today on what my kids can/can’t view at school.