This is sponsored content. I’m proud to partner with CVS/pharmacy for the #FindYourHealthy campaign. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
When I signed my daughter up for fall soccer last spring, little did I know I would also be asked to coach the team. Apparently, the league was desperate for coaches and I have a hard time saying no so that makes me qualified. Oh and I totally passed the background check!
I may not be the most skilled coach but I have coached as well as helped coach teams in the past. As I played for years, I do know the rules. Perhaps, this does give me a little more credibility. We are about half way into the season at this point. There is more to this coaching gig than just showing up and telling eight and nine year old girls which position to play. Way more…like things you better have in your coaching bag of tricks.
During basketball season, my daughter had the most organized basketball coach with the most magical coaching bag ever. (Yes, Erica, I’m talking about YOU!) This coach was amazing at watching the game and somehow pulling out an ice pack of her bag without ever missing a beat. I’m not quite as skilled at finding the things in my coaching bag, I have used some of her ideas as a basis for my must have essentials in my coaching bag. I’ve partnered with CVS/pharmacy to share some of the most important items a youth coach needs in their bag beyond goalie gloves, extra balls, pinnies, and a whistle. (Oh, how you need a whistle.)
Must Have Items in Your Soccer Coaching Bag
Soccer is a great way for children to get physical activity, be part of a team but there are things needed to make sure they stay healthy and safe while playing. Here are some of the items that are need in every youth soccer coaching bag:
- First Aid Kit: This is a must have in every purse/bag/vehicle. I keep at least one of these in every location possible.
- Extreme Sport Bandages: These are nice if you have a cut that needs covered and want it stay on even when sweaty!
- Sunscreen: When we start fall soccer in Indiana, it can be sunny and hot on some of our soccer game days. Sunscreen is a must have especially if you have multiple games in a day.
- Hand sanitizer: At some point, the hand sanitizer will probably run out in our mobile restroom stations so this is great to have on hand. It also doesn’t hurt to use this after shaking hands with the opponents either.
- Hand wipes: You never know what kind of sticky mess your players can get into before, during, or right after the game.
- Hand bands: Must have for the players on the team who have loose hairs that fall out of their pony tails like my daughter.
- Hair ties: It never fails that at least one child loses or forgets a hair tie. Hair must be pulled back and out of the face so players can see what is going on during the game.
- Facial Tissues: Facial tissues are needed when the coach makes the kids cry. Just kidding! I really try not to make any of the players cry. I think I’ve only made my own child cry so far this season.
- Lipbalm: This one is for the coach in case she forgets her main lipbalms at home.
- Extra empty water bottle: This is in case a player forgets their water bottle and we can share water or fill up without having to share germs too.
- Snacks. Having a snack like the Gold Emblem Trail Mix bars are always great to have on hand in case a player is hungry, forgot breakfast, or coach needs a little something!
- Easy Close Slider Bags: These are perfect for storing items like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. that a player might be wearing and shouldn’t.
- Dry Erase Board: I found this dry erase board at my local CVS/pharmacy for just $3.99 and it is the perfect size for my bag and drawing illustrations if needed.
- CVS/pharmacy bags: These are excellent for collecting trash after the games. As coaches, we are responsible for cleaning up the bench area. I find it easy to collect my trash by repurposing bags from the store to collect trash and put it in the proper receptacle.
If you are coaching and don’t have your own bag of tricks I have great news for you all of these items can be picked up on your way home tonight at your local CVS/pharmacy.
What is in your coaching bag??
P.S. I didn’t realize how much my daughter runs with her tongue out until looking over all the pictures I took during spring soccer!
Disclosure: I’m proud to partner with CVS/pharmacy for the #FindYourHealthy campaign. I am being sponsored by CVS/pharmacy for my posts and activities, but all opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at or with the appropriate manufacturers. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
This a great list. Having a first aid kit is very important.
That’s a great list of suggestions. I coached my son’s soccer team when he was very young and you can never be too prepared.
Looks like the perfect bag! I’m not a coach, but I know some who would like this one!
I remember having something like this when we did soccer. It sure makes sense.
Great list you have there. I would also suggest a list with your team roster and emergency phone numbers!
Your daughter looks great! What a perfect bag. I like keeping a travel bag like that packed with everything I need for a trip!
Great items you chose for your soccer bag. This is great for any sport to have on hand.