My grandma posted this message about Facebook Scams as someone was trying to take advantage of her:
Beware of scams. I was on chat with who I thought was my niece until she said she was stuck in London & needed money, She comes from big family so called one of her sisters & she said that she knew where she was it wasn’t in London they wanted $1450 then when I confronted them they told me another story just be careful.
These scammers are getting bolder and bolder. They apparently have hacked into a family member’s account and then started Facebook chatting with this Facebook user’s friends. HOW incredibly bold!
Just another reminder to take the time and go through your apps that have access to your account and get those cleared out. Also, be sure to change your password to something that is difficult for anyone else to figure out.
Have you been approached by any creative spammers? Tell us your story so we can all be on the look out!
My friend had got a virus on her computer and they sent out an email with that same scenario that they were stuck in London. She had to shut everything down. Her Facebook account, changed her email, cancelled all her credit cards, changed all her passwords. Scary stuff!
Jennifer T
The same thing happened to our family. I knew something was wrong when my sis-in-law was on chat @ 8 am (she’s 3 hrs behind us). They said they had been robbed while in London & now were stranded there. We immediately called & woke her up to let her know what was going on. They had contacted some of her other friends as well & had accessed her e-mail accounts & were deleting her e-mails. They were in the process of changing her passwords. It took about a month to get everything fixed. She feels they gained access to her accounts while using wi-fi at her college. Please be careful with what info you share on the internet.
Jennifer T
The same thing happened to our family. I knew something was wrong when my sis-in-law was on chat @ 8 am (she’s 3 hrs behind us). They told me a story about being robbed while in London & now they were stranded (our family is close enough that I knew this wasn’t true). They had hacked into her fb account & were able to get access to her e-mail accounts also & were deleting e-mails. It took about a month for her to get everything fixed. She believes it could have happened while using wi-fi at her college. We all need to be very careful with the info we share.
Nantce F.
I had someone hijack my page.. I was in and chatting w/ a friend, then all of a sudden I was kicked out. They changed my password & so I reported that my account had been phished, after changing my log in email & password & some other hoops, I got back in & this person had like 4 chat windows open saying that I was stuck over seas with my 4 boys & my purse had been stolen or I had been mugged, etc… each window had a different story. Luckily most people knew it was a hoax & realized that right away & made sure they changed their settings & passwords.
I got hit with a “like” hack yesterday…all I did was view a web page and BAM page liked…