I received an email recently regarding DonorsChoose.org. Supporting DonorsChoose.org could help many public school kids! I’ve added a widget to my sidebar and will leave it there the entire month of October during the Blogger 2008 Challenge, which in 2007 raised $420,000 to classroom projects benefiting 75,000 students in low-income communities. I know times are tight for everyone, but please consider donating just $5. Every bit counts and it could make a HUGE difference in a child’s life.
Some History Regarding DonorChoose.org:
DonorsChoose.org grew out of a high school in the Bronx where teachers saw their students going without the materials needed to learn. Our website provides an easy way for everyday people to address this problem. Public school teachers post project requests that range from a $100 classroom library, to a $600 digital projector, to a $1,000 trip to the zoo. People like you can choose which projects to fund and then get photos and thank-you letters from the classroom.
I’ve selected 5 projects I thought were innovative. I especially like the idea of A Mathematical Mini-Economy project. The giant floor carpet map requested to help with learning History for special needs would help these children learn by actually being able to visualize! So many good projects. I’m starting out by donating $5 to each of the projects on my Giving Page. Please join me. You can see my Giving Page HERE. Note: This is a bonified 501(3)(c) so all your donations are tax deductible.
FELLOW BLOGGERS: Please consider creating your own Giving Page and encouraging your readers to donate! WE can make a difference!
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Thank you to the first reader to donate! It was very generous of you! :)