Babies are expensive. You hear it from everyone around you and yet you wonder what on earth they could be talking about. Baby clothes are tiny, tiny means cheap right? And babies don’t need many activities because they just sleep and eat right?
You think that way until you head to your local discount store to start looking for some of the things you will need and discover…babies really are going to be expensive. Cribs are hundreds of dollars, decent strollers are well over $100, clothing costs $10 – $20 an outfit and that’s just for a sleeper…
Don’t stress!
Follow these 5 easy ways to save on a new baby:
Register for Gifts
It might be obvious to save money on a baby by not having to spend it at all but even if you register for gifts you will still have to buy some things. The second best part about a gift registry is that many stores (Like Target and Amazon) will offer a discount for purchased items! So if you do have to buy more things you won’t have to pay full price. So register for a lot!
Don’t Buy New
You will learn quickly that babies just make a mess of everything so buying new clothing isn’t worth it. Find a local kids consignment store or watch your local Craigslist for cheap used baby clothing.
Consider Cloth
Cloth diapers can save you a lot of money in the long run, especially if you use them for multiple babies. Disposable diapers can cost up to $3000 a year while you can get a good set of cloth diapers for around $200 to last you until the baby is potty trained. We used Fuzzi Bunz when our youngest was a baby and they were not your mother’s cloth diapers!
Just because they make it doesn’t mean you need it. If you are on a tight budget, stick with the basics: crib, car-seat, modest amount of clothing, bottles, etc. Baby does not care if they have the latest, greatest baby products. Wipes warmer? Seriously, babies don’t need those!
These ideas are the tip of the iceberg. What are some easy ways that you save money on baby things?
Also look at They have some good cloth diapering options as well. Check it out!