September is National Preparedness Month. I will be joining the Clorox Company and Consumer Queen along with several other bloggers to help spread the word about Emergency Preparedness. Are you prepared?
Disasters can happen quickly without warning as we have seen with the Wild Fires in the West and the Tennessee flooding to name a couple most recent disasters. The most important steps to staying safe is being prepared BEFORE an emergency occurs. Many of the items you would need in the case of an emergency, can be stockpiled for cheap or free when you watch the sales and utilize your coupons.
For many people, pets are an integral member of the family; however, when disaster strikes pets are often left out of the emergency preparedness plan.
As you design your plan, here are a few steps to keep in mind to make sure your beloved pets are taken care of:
Create a Pet Survival Kit
- Pet food
- Vet records
- Can opener
- Cat litter/pans (if applicable)
- Medications (if applicable)
Keep your pet’s identification tags up to date and securely fastened to their collar. In case you are separated, your pet’s locator will know exactly whom to contact. Make sure to choose an alternate location within your emergency preparedness plan that allows pets. Keep in mind that many emergency shelters are unable to accept pets due to public health reasons
If you’re ever concerned about including your pet in your emergency preparedness plan and need advice, contact your local animal shelter or animal control office.
For more information please visit and download the preparedness guide: Prepare Yourself Now for Peace of Mind Later.
As a blog tour participant, I received information and giveaways from The Clorox Company and Consumer Queen at no cost to me. I was compensated for my time by The Clorox Company for participating in this project. All views are my own. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
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Flooding – not a big problem since I have rolling land and can move horses to a higher pasture. Tornado – tried that in 2007 – purely a matter of luck no matter what you do. The feed shed didn’t get whacked by a tree, so we were OK. Our city water was uprooted (literally) so we went back to well water.
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Yes, we have a plan in place for our 3 fur kids!
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No plan in place yet, but I plan on it….lol…I’ve got to get better at this planning thing.
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We don’t currently have an emergency plan in place–we did when we lived in FL though, b/c of hurricane season!
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We do not have a plan in place.
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We do have a plan for our family and our dog
I have a first aid kit bag for my dogs and cat, but no “bug out” bag yet.
Something to do…
Thank you!
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I don’t have an emergency plan right now. Thanks for the prompting!
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We do have an emergency plan in place- thanks!
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i do not have an emergency plan in place yet, but we have been working on it.
We have 2 cats and a dog and they are part of our emergency plan. Our border collie has a backpack which we keep two bottles of water in and a bag of food for him. Every time we go camping these get used/refreshed (which is often!). Our cat carrier fits both of our kitties and always has a clean towel in it and a bag of hard food. If we ever had to leave our house in a hurry, we’d have enough supplies to get the critters in the car and keep them fed and watered 2x. :)
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we went hiking with our dogs, and my plott/coon hound disrupted a ground hive of bees, and he was stung many times. It was then that I realized that I need to make a pack of emergency supplies in case something happen when we are away from home.
get ur emails lizi serrano /
lizi serrano /
i live in south florida so it would have to be a gigantic emergency for me to even ever leave my house!… and the dog and cat are coming with me no matter what! would never leave them behind… i’ve take my pets all over the world… they are a commitment!! lizi serrano /
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We have 2 cats, and no real plan, so much would depend on the emergency. We would most likely either take our RV trailer, or we would go to a family members home, so we would be able to take them if such an emergency were to arise.
we do NOT have a plan! Something we never think of in Ohio.. but we will now.. we have pets for every member of the family!
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No plan in place yet.
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I now have an emergency preparedness plan for our pets.
Thank you!
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yes, we had to plan one for a school project
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No plan in place yet, I need to do that. . .
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coriwestphal at msn dot com
I don’t have an emergency kit in place. I guess you just think it won’t happen to you! I better get my butt in gear!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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We have been lucky and have not needed an emergency plan. I really need to put this at the top of my to do list.
This is a great idea im gonna make one for all my pets!
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I am in the process of making one. I never thought of one for my pets. Good idea.
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I have a partial plan in place, unfortunately complicated by my cat’s special diet
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We have an emergency plan yet not for our pet, I definitely need to get him one!
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I don’t have a plan in place
Yes we have a plan, they are as much our kids as our human kids. Here are a few more ideas for your readers. Remember to have leashes/harnesses, carriers if you use them, photos of them in-case they get lost, copies of their shot records especially rabies tag info, micro chip info if they are chipped, an old shirt or piece of clothing of yours to help them feel more at home/calm, favorite treats, food, water, “poop” pick up bags, and a pet bed if they regularly use one. Go to to find hotels that take pets in case you have to leave your home. Check with your local Red Cross, college extension service or vet to find out if anyone does a pet first aid class in your area.
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Hi and Happy Monday! :) Well, have to admit that we’re one of those who don’t, but up above sure helps gets a person thinking about one, and including Kitty. :)
I have a pet emergency plan in place, i have also micro chipped my critters just in case, you never know what could happen in an emergency.
will make a plan now!
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We do have a emergency plan…however seeing this makes me realize that we might need to review it again!
We do have an emergency plan in place for our pets.
I have subscribed to your emails and feed in my Google reader for a very long time. Love your content…thanks!
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Since my cat is like a child to me, of course I have a plan. I have his emergency bag with necessities all prepared and know of 6 locations that are animal friendly nearby my home.
We do not have an emergency plan in place but thank you for reminding me to get one now!
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No plan in place yet, but I will be making one ASAP!
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romapup at gmail dot com
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Hope to do one.
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I finally got an emergency plan in place. Thanks for the info and contest!
I do have an emergency plan in place that also include my pup Bear :). Thanks!
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barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
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Facebook fan of yours. Barbara Montag
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
I do not have an Emergency Plan yet.
Except that I keep well stocked on cat food and litter.
It would be good to keep some extra bottled water around.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
I am now working on a plan. Thanks for the tips!
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Working on our plan – we live in earthquake territory!
We are working now to complete our Emergency Preparedness plan and emergency kit.
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mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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mearley1979 at gmail dot com
WE plan to make an emergency plan soon!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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I need to do this for our dog! I had not even thought about it! Thanks!
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I’ve started working on an emergency plan. It does include throwing the dog in the car and getting away :)
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Tweeted about the giveaway – UnKatchable73
We have a half plan for the pets. Getting them out and safe yes, but haven’t had a plan for food…. their papers, records, and horses information is all in one three ring binder so it can easily be grabbed
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None whatsoever but it would boil down to getting the kids and pets in the car and getting to one of our parents’ houses which both are well stocked with food for our pets.
We keep her license as well as other tags on her collar, we even had a new I.D. tag made because hers was not easily read anymore. She also has the implanted micro chip, but… We’d like to do all we can to insure her safety!
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I never thought of it, but we will now! Thanks
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No pets right now but if we get a dog again, I will definitely need to do this.
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I don’t have an emergency preparedness yet
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Don’t have a pet, but if I did, I would have one handy.
I subscribe to your RSS feed. Thanks for hosting!
We do have a pet emergency plan in place- hurricane season and all! Thanks for pointing this out.
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Right now we do not currently have one, but it is a great idea and something we should definitely consider!
my cats are included in our emergency plans. always make sure we have extra food, litter and medications on hand for them too.
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I don’t yet, but this has inspired me – I went and gathered some things together, and I need to pull some stuff for me and put together some first aid things – and think of a pet friendly location.
Thanks for this topic!
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I am ashamed to say we do not have an emergency plan….thank you for making me think about it….
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I have a plan now! =)
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We don’t have a plan in place yet, but this will help to think of one.
No, I don’t have a plan…yet!
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No plan in place, yet.
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I don’t…shame on me! Something for me to work on, for sure!
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I have not done a plan yet, but this will prompt me to develop one!
I don’t have a “kit” per sa. But i do have an extra bag of food, liter, and liter box in our pantry in case we need to go. I never thought about needing there records or tags! Good to know
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I never thought about an emergency plan for my pets!
Thank You!
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I really need to get on this for my 2 pets. Will download the clorox guide.
Thanks for this giveaway.
We have an emergency plan involving all our pets. Nothing matters except the lives of our family and pets!
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We do have an emergency plan in place – good idea!