Searching for ways to improve your health and fitness without breaking the bank? Of course! Although these may not be brand new ideas, sometimes they can be helpful reminders for both your fitness routine and your wallet. I’ve come up with some ideas on how we can save money AND contribute to our fitness goals.
-Skip the Candy & Cokes
You may think you’re saving on the daily $0.85 soda plus using your Buy 10, Get 1 Free Rewards Card- but what’s this habit costing your health? Plus add the impulse candy, gum, chips, or other snacks and even if you have coupons- are you really saving? Your kids may not like it at first, but try avoiding bringing home extra cookies, ice cream, chips, or other snacks. When eating out, order water instead of coke (it’s FREE)! Easier said than done, but you can avoid many empty calories and empty purchases by cutting back on these two things.
-Improvise with your Fitness Equipment
Milk jugs filled with water can make for great light-weight weight training equipment. You can also use canned goods, your baby sister, or even watermelons as tools for cheap improvised fitness equipment. If you’re on the handy side, or have a friend who is, you may even be able to create your own fitness equipment. Ever tried this?
-Exercise Outside or In a Free Facility
Can’t afford a gym membership? Go outside! It’s free to jog or run in your neighborhood, local park, or around a safe place such as a school. Some public buildings, like the school corporation I live nearby will even allow you to run or walk inside, on the track, or using the stairs around the facilities. This is a great way to save money, but be sure to be courteous when using these free facilities and be flexible if there are activities or other events taking place within the facility, school, church, or other venue.
-Use Your Company Fitness Discount Programs and/or Insurance Benefits
Many companies are adding fitness discount programs, corporate wellness, and fitness insurance benefits for their employees! Be sure to sign up and use these benefits! Some discounts include reduced gym membership rates, activity incentives (dollar value), free health screenings, free health information websites, discounts for weight management, smoking cessation programs, more. Also, be sure to check your insurance benefits to see if you qualify for fitness incentives there.
-Be Your Own Personal Trainer
It may take a little extra work on your part, but if you have a general idea of how you’d like to improve your exercise regimens you’ll save the cost of a personal trainer to do some research on your own. Take the time to write out your exercise plan, goals, and general measurements. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it could get you moving in the right direction. Maybe once you get comfortable and have exhausted all your personal (free) efforts, then you could consider talking to a professional.
-Be Disciplined- Use What You Already Have
So you may not have brand new shoes or the cutest workout tops, but your old tshirts and shorts will work too! Look around your house before running out to buy brand new everything. Be disciplined and use what you already have!
-Skim Our Magazine Deals for Cheap Inspiration
We are constantly updating our magazine deals here on BargainBriana! If you don’t see the one your looking for, check back soon or watch for updates on the BargainBriana Facebook Page! Be sure to notice expiration dates before purchasing with the discount code or other promotion.
*Good Luck & Have Fun!*
I borrow magazines from the library all the time and most have some sort of workout section. Usually a quick 10-15 minute deal complete with pictures of how to do each exercise. This is exactly what I need I usually try out the routine and if I like I make a quick photo copy before returning the magazine. I have a large collection of different workouts now that didn’t really cost me anything!