My freshman year at Purdue I was completely lost. I had one week to conquer my schedule, major, myPurdue, Blackboard, sports tickets, and Greek Life- not to mention buy my textbooks! My friends and I made our rounds at the campus books stores. Over $450 later I thought I was set for my first semester classes. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. I dropped some classes, add some classes, bought some books I didn’t need, and forgot some books I did need. This entire process was frustrating, to say the least.
My sophomore year I had heard of several sites where you could buy your books online, but had not tried any yet. I worried about too much like when and where they would arrive.
By junior year I had it figured out. I could wait a few extra days for the books. I knew I was getting the best price. I even knew I could and would sell them back for a reasonable price at the end of the semester. I wasn’t able to get all of my books online, but I was able to get most of them and it cut my book expenses for each semester by more than half!
If I were still in school now- I’d say this would be the best new option! Now you can use CampusBookRentals online to RENT your books at over 90% Off the original price and return them at the end of the semester. Don’t let those old text books sit around and collect dust. See if your Summer text books are available on this site today! Need more incentive to buy online? Now you enter to Win a $50 Giveaway Credit to use toward your first purchase!
How to Win?
Prize: CampusBookRentals Online $50 Coupon Code Credit OR a Large Fruit Basket
You can enter up to 4 times with the following methods:
1. Leave a comment below:
- Share your text book buying story.
- Why would you like to win this giveaway?
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2. Subscribe to my FREE newsletter. You must confirm your email for a valid entry. If you are already a subscriber, leave a comment letting me know you are already getting the bargains in your inbox!
3. Become a Facebook Like of Bargain Briana and! If already like, let us know (additional comment).
4. Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter: Enter to win $50 for my text books @bargainbriana & @textbookrentals. Comment w link to tweet for additional entry.
Please leave a comment for each additional entry.
Giveaway ends on: Sunday April 22, 2012 at 11:59 PM
Winner will be chosen by random. Be sure is in your safe sender list as you don’t want to miss the email if you are the chosen winner. U.S. Entries only. Alternate entry: Mail a postcard with the giveaway you are entering along with your name, address, and email to PO Box 14, Tipton, IN 46072.
**Please note: The companies have 6-8 weeks to ship prizes.
This giveaway was sponsored by and partner, Operation Smile. This Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
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I would love to win a fruit basket.
Just tweeted here:!/jennifer6183/status/191282454420652032
I’m a Facebook friend of Bargain Briana & CampusBookRentals
This would be perfect! I am a single mother & my daughter is in college. We rent her textbooks from Neebo and would love to try a different company also.
I am a fb fan of yours and
I get your emails.
I spent alot of $ on books. I saved a lot of $ then later selling my kids books on Amazon.
P.S. Like you & CampusBookRentals on FB
I’ve had to spend hundred on textbooks, which are usually pretty difficult to sell back. It would be so much nicer to just rent them for a few months.
I tweeted about this giveaway on Twitter: Enter to win $50 for my text books @bargainbriana & @textbookrentals.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I struggle every semester to buy my daughter’s books trying to find the cheapest way to buy them and always have to do everything at the last minute. This sure would help me!
i almost forgot in my previous comment i forgot to put that I am email subscriber and that I also like u in facebook
That would be great financial savings.
I already Like of Bargain Briana and on Facebook
as Maryann Drapkin
I already liked Bargain Briana and on Facebook as
Maryann Drapkin
I Subscribe to your email newsletter.
I have two children in college at the same time, and the amount of money we spend on textbooks is amazing. One book for my son was about $200. So any help we get with textbooks would be great!
I like both you and on fb.
I am an email subscriber.
So far I have bought the majority of my books from the campus bookstore. Though I did buy one used from another student.
I would like to win this to help with the cost of my books this upcoming semester. It would definitely help out.
I subscribe to your emails.
I never ever pay full price for my textbooks and usually get them off of or if possible. This worked really well for me when I was an undergrad and taking general education courses…it’s harder now that I’m in grad school and need books that are really specific to my field. I keep most of my books now because I know I will actually use them in the future, but if I know that I won’t be using the book again I will sell it or trade it in for an gift card. I’d LOVE to win this giveaway! I’m sure this would help with purchasing books for fall semester and free up a little cash so I can eat something else besides kraft mac and cheese :)
I like both of you on FB
I subscribe already via Google Reader
I would love to win because my textbooks for school can get very expensive! I do try to buy them used but I want them to be in somewhat good condition – which sometimes you have to pay more for!
I Like Bargain Briana and on facebook
I subscribe via email
I’d like to win this for my daughter. She sometimes buys her books from the college bookstore, then sells them back at the end of the semester (not getting nearly what she paid for them)
Thank you!
I’m an email subscriber
Gosh I could really use a win like this! I am working on my master’s degree and working full time to keep the bills paid, so every little piece like this helps on expenses!
We would love to get this, as my son will be going to Purdue next Fall. He is not
getting any financial assistance and this would help him out on the books!
This would be wonderful for my sister who has gone back to school. She is a single mom working a full time job and is a full time student.
getting the emails
I like you on fb already
I would love to win this because I don’t have enough money to buy my boks this coming semester.