“Leggo my Eggo!”
I’m not a morning person. Due to this, on a normal day, the kids might make their own breakfast or we will just grab a breakfast bar on the way out of the house. Their favorite breakfast is Eggo Waffles, which often results in a syrupy mess.
This leads to me being even more grumpy in the morning.
How to minimize the syrupy mess? Eggo has these new tasty Real Fruit Pizzas, which do not involve a syrup mess – at least in our household. So simply for the kids to make that they made them and ate them before I was able to get a picture. This also means they liked it if there was no evidence of the product left behind.
Not only can you eat this for breakfast but they would make a fun snack or dessert too.
Do you have any tips for morning routines and maybe how to get in one for me? This year we are going to have three kids in school and one in preschool. Mornings will be insane here!
Here’s a few I’ve thought of for myself:
- Buy a variety of easy to make items for breakfast in the morning.
- Plan ahead. I’m horrible at this!
- Create of list of the items needed each day
- Plan and organize. Again, I’m horrible at this two things!
How would you like to win a product sample set? Eggo through Motherhood.com has offered 5 Bargain Briana readers the chance to try out a set of Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas.
How to Win?
Prize: Eggo Real Fruit Pizza Sample Set (5 Winners); Plus a chance at the grand prize among 20 participating blogs which will include the product sample set, along with Kellogg’s merchandise and (2) Kellogg’s Mugs
You can enter up to 1 time per day with the following methods:
1. Submit a great morning tip!
Giveaway ends 7/27/2010 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Winner will be chosen by random. Be sure bargainbriana@gmail.com is in your safe sender list as you don’t want to miss the email if you are the chosen winner. If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner. U.S. Entries only.
This giveaway was sponsored by Eggo through Motherhood.com. Post was written 100% by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
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My morning tip is to have everything ready the night before! Clothes laid out, lunches packed, baths done, and decide what’s for breakfast!
On bitter cold winter days, use your automated thermostat to kick the temperature up a couple of degrees to make it more comfortable in the AM :)
well… I suggest… lay out the clothes for the kids the night before…. if they take their lunches to school… pack them the night before and that way they will be ready and all you will have to do is grab them and go in the morning…. and as for breakfast one of the favorites in our house in eggos with peanut butter and granola sprinkled on top with milk or juice …and it’s portable and can be eatten in the car if they miss the bus lol…. I hope these little tips help you out ….jill
Morning Tip: Lay out the clothes you’re going to wear the next day, the night before. That way there’s on surprise ironing or missing pieces or just plain inability to decide when you’re running late. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
Pack lunches the night before to save time in the AM :0
Have rules about how long each kid can spend in the bathroom getting ready – especially when your kids get to be teenagers!
Don’t allow the tv on until the very last teeth have been brushed so that everyone is ready to go out the door when you hit the power switch to turn the tv off.
I pack lunches the night before so the morning isn’t so crazy.
prepare for the morning the evening before, select your clothes and gther your keys and lunch before u go to bed.
Automatic coffee makers….my husband is finally a believer!
Living out in the country means my boys have to catch the bus. The only way I’ve found to be sure they dont miss the bus is to start the night before! I make my boys do their homework as soon as they get off the bus…which is while I am making dinner. Then I know its done! They put everything in their backpacks and put them on the loveseat by the front door. They take showers at night, before they go to bed.That way, all they have to do when they get up is get dressed, and eat breakfast before catching the bus.
Watch the weather the night before to anticipate any weather related clothing needs….raincoats, etc.
Get as much ready the night before
shower the night before, less time getting ready in the morning
Make sure you have everything out for the next day – including shoes! It will make the morning getting ready for school a lot easier.
I like to get everything ready the night before.
My tip is to wake up 1/2 hour before everyone else.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My morning tip is to have everything the kids need to wear picked out the night before. I also sometimes send my older daughter to bed with braided hair so that it’s not as hard to comb in the morning!
get your own complete outfit out the night before
Showers the night before help everyone get out the door quicker in the AM!
My best good morning tip is to have everything packed and ready to go the night before including lunches that way nothing gets left behind in the last minute scramble to get out of the door
Pick out your clothes the night before…no more different colored socks from being blurry eyed in the morning!
Have every thing from clothes to toothbrushes laid out the night before!!! Also, having back packs packed and by the front door the night before!
I make pancakes and french toast ahead of time and freeze it.
I have to say that having clothes choices made the night before definitely helps the morning run more smoothly.
My kids and I try to set up a menu for lunch and breakfast items for the whole week. This allows me to prep food and the kids like to help out also.
Exercising first thing in the morning helps me have the energy to get things finished in the morning.
Make sure you eat fresh fruit in the morning to kick start your metabolism
do what you can the night before, pack lunches, set out clothes, gather shoes and school bags in one place ,will save tons of time and keep kids happier since they dont have to search for things in the morning
Pack lunches the night before!
Set out your clothes the night before :)
Morning tip: if your baby decides to sleep in, have a backup plan (like an alarm clock) to wake you up so you aren’t late to work!
Getting up a few minutes earlier won’t take much from your sleep schedule but it can make a huge difference in starting off the day well…..!
Having my daughter pick out her clothes the night before saves me having to hear the morning “drama” about how she has nothing to wear, etc. Happy mornings lead to great days!
before bed – set out the next days clothes!
I am not a morning person but if the sink is clear and kitchen tidy when I wake up I am much happier in the morning.
Nightimes are busy but mornings are busier so prepare for mornings the night before. Also get up a few minutes earlier so the inevitable bumps in the morning can be taken in stride.
Morning tip – get as much done the night before. Helps the mornings run smoother.
Get as much as possible ready the night before!
We make fast fruit smoothies in the morning with frozen strawberries, blueberries, etc. – start with a little water, then fruit, and a dash of sugar or orange juice, and a handful of ice cubes. Very fast – no cutting fruit – and pair that with a frozen waffle (choc. chip if they won’t eat it without syrup) and you’re done; I don’t feel guilty for giving them a waffle this way!
I’m soooo not a morning person so I put my car keys in the fridge the night before so that I will remember to bring my lunch with me.
I also pack my breakfast and lunch the night before to bring with me to work! It’s also helpful to leave milk at work and just bring in cereal.
Have everything ready the night before:
– all clothes, socks, and shoes laid out
-buy clothes so kids can dress themselves without your help (fewer zippers, snaps, etc.)
-backpacks packed up and ready to go
– all permission slips signed and lunch/ field trip money also in backpacks
– if you pack lunchboxes, have all the non-refrigerated things packed the night before (napkins, raisins, fruit, etc)
-premake and refrigerate sandwiches and add them to the lunch boxes before you leave
-make it part of the night-time routine to get everything ready the night before
– plan to leave the house 10 minutes before you need to actually leave (just in case)!
A smoothly running morning routine makes it easier on everyone and gets the whole day off to a great start! Good luck!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Have your kids get their clothes out and approved the night before and save arguments in the morning
I set my coffee pot on a timer so it’s ready when I wake up!
I try to plan a menu ahead of time. I like to sit down each monday and plan that weeks menu. It takes time and sometimes i change my menu the day of if im not in the mood for whats on the menu but for the most part it saves me time.
chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo.com
I try to set my clock ahead and then don’t feel so rushed.
A great morning tip: lay out your clothes the night before.
My kids have the hanging canvas cubbies in their rooms that have a slot for everyday of the week. I fill each day with an entire outfit as I put away their laundry. They can choose an outfit for school, out of any day they would like but it must be from my choices. This gives them some freedom to select their own clothes, and the ease of all pieces being together with matching accessories. Has worked like a charm for me!
Having the kids shower in the evening makes the morning so much easier!
Make breakfast staples ahead of time (waffles, pancakes, muffins) and freeze them so you have a quick easy breakfast on hand for those busy mornings!
Start the morning with a nice cup of java.
Get up and get dressed before the kids do!
I often get the kids’ cups of milk ready and snack bags ready to go for their breakfast snack. I also always have their clothes picked out the night before.
My daughter likes to do my jobs so we always switch jobs in the morning; she makes my bed and I make hers!
One of my girls is not a morning person so the clothes are laid out the night before. In the morning I send one of the cats in to wake her up. Watson the cat walks on the bed up and meows at her to get up. How could someone be cranky with a cute kitty. :)
P.S. This one loves Eggos.
My best morning tip is to get as much as possible ready the night before, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
My morning tip is to make something for breakfast ahead of time that can just be heated – like a delicious breakfast casserole. I actually prefer these warmed up in the microwave.
Have the kids pick their clothes out the night before.
My tip is to put everything the kids need for school in their backpacks the night before!
I prepare all of my morning items the night before, that way when I’m tired in the morning, I don’t really have to think about preparing anything! Thank you for the giveaways!
This would be a great way to get the grandkids to eat fruit.
Plan, plan, plan. When we have something going on first thing in the morning I plan everything the night before. I have the kids pick out clothes and put out the items they want in their hair. I get everything in the car that I can put in and get whatever else ready the night before that I can.
I get up first and shower and when I am done with my shower I get my 15 year old daughter in the shower. While she is in there I wake up my 13 year old son and make breakfast for him. Then she is done he gets in ,she gets her breakfast and when his shower is done I get the bathroom back to myself. Sounds hectic but runs like clockwork.
If my son is hungry while I am making breakfast- I give him a little bowl of blueberries to munch on so he is not upset that I am doing something else!
on the weekends…make a casserole the night before!
As so0n as you wake up, make your bed!
My good morning tip is to have a nice breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.
Prepare for the morning as much as you can the night before….
I put a towel and everything that I’m going to need in the morning in the bathroom the night before. That way I can just get up and jump in the shower and get ready.
my morning tip is before u do anything splash your face with cold cold water, that’ll wake you up!
I agree with: Pack everything needed for the next day the night before. Also, showering the night before saves a lot of time.
Set up the coffee maker the night before. The sooner the coffee is brewing and ready, the easier the morning goes! Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Get up BEFORE the kids do!
I have a few things I do in the morning to try to make sure things run smoothly. First I give my son some time to lay around, even if it’s only ten minutes. He is really lazy in the morning (and he’s only 3!). I always try to make his lunch for preschool the night before as well. For breakfast I give him 2 choices and if he doesn’t want either, too bad, he can eat at preschool.
If you are a coffee drinking…get one that you can program when it starts and that way you have coffee as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning. Great way to perk you up!
I splash my face with cold water to shock my system and then get right in the shower to wake myself up. I never sit around in pj’s.
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
Set your alarm to get up 15-20 minutes before the kids. Use the quiet time for prayer, meditation, or organization. It might the only 15 minutes of peace and quiet you get the whole day.
We pre-make breakfast food and put it into the freezer, then nuke it in the mornings. It helps:-)
Get up 15 minutes before your kids do. Lay out clothes the night before, and have a launch pad of stuff ready to go out the door, backpacks, work stuff, etc. We homeschool, so I lay out our books for the next day the night before. You should check out flylady, if you haven’t already. She teaches you to use babysteps to build easy routines.
I literally do everything the night before- lay out clothes, pack lunch… anything left for the morning gets thrown to the wayside in favor of the snooze button!
I’m not a morning person – nor do I eat early in the day. I always pack myself a breakfast or keep things in my desk at work. My kids are well trained on getting themselves dressed and getting their own breakfast and I always pack up book bags, lunches and etc and have them ready the night before school. So when I wake up – all I have to do is get ready and when my bedroom door opens for the first time – it’s time to go. Everything is set out and ready and takes 1 minute.
well I’m not a planner or early morning person. But I find even getting up 10 minutes earlier then my kids..and having time to myself to do things..has been a big help. I’ll set breakfast out on the table and grab clothes out..and then wake them. It literally takes us like 15-17 minutes to get up and going. But yes, that might change one I have more then 1 going to school :)
I set my alarm early so every morning I have time to eat Breakfast with my kids. Its quality time well spent since I am a working mom and have the entire 8 hour day ahead of me before i get to see my kiddos again! I use my cellphone so I can set multiple alarms so the first few kind of wake me up by the 3rd or 4th alarm Im up! I get mysel ready, get the kids stuff ready then wake them up to get dressed and eat breakfast, shortly after we are out the door so I love that small window of time in the morning to enjoy breakfast and laugh with the kids!!
Morning Tip—don’t sit around in your night clothes. Shower and dress before anything else.
A quick workout can give you a burst of energy to start your day.
I like the English Muffins, pop them in the toaster and then put jelly or peanut butter on then, quick and easy
I know you won’t like this, but I’m in the “do it the night before” camp. You can lay out clothes, pack lunches, even plan breakfast and get the dishes out. Things will just go SOOO much smoother if you do.
I try to prepare everything the night before so I just have to grab them in the morning.
Early to bed, early to rise……allow extra time for the unexpected.
Get clothes out for every day on Sunday. If you can, plastic bags work well for storing them. Then your kids can just grab a bag to get dressed. Even better if it contains EVERYTHING – socks, undies, accessories!
Pack everything needed for the next day the night before. Also, showering the night before saves a lot of time.
Ha! Well I pretty much do a lot of what is listed above. My alarm clock (and my oldest sons, who has to get up before me) is across the room so I am not tempted to hit snooze. We set out clothes the night before and make lunches the night before. This way everything is ready. Makes mornings easier!
My Morning tip–Wait till hubby gets up first–let him make the coffee–lay in bed and wait till you hear him pour the first cup–then get up–life is great!! :)
I have the kids pick out their breakfast the night before so they can get it while I am getting ready.
Prepack the night before, including lunch box, breakfast
I get everything organized the night before – clothes, luches, backpacks, work stuff – makes for a much better morning!
The only tip I can give is to, have a schedule and never stray from it. Now with that said, my schedule is always MIA. Things rarely work out as planned in my household.*sigh*
Make a menu on Saturday or Sunday night for the remainder of the week of easy breakfast items (cereal, muffins, bagel & Cream cheese, fruit and eggo’s, etc) then you won’t have to worry about thinking up something in the morning. P.s. I avoid the syrup mess all together and rarely serve eggo’s with syrup. My kids love yogurt on top which is way healthier and less mesy!
Although it took me a few years to figure this out, my best tip to help with the morning is take a shower as soon as you wake up.
My morning tip is this : Sleep in in the mornings and homeschool! We haven’t had a hectic morning since we started homeschooling and we really love our mornings being stress free!
My morning tip is to start the day hugging/kissing a loved one!! A squeeze from my little girl is the best way to get going in the morning!
Since we have a commute in the morning…..I try to eat breakfast in the car….usually eggo waffles or french toast, but without syrup, its always delicious and saves 15 minutes at least. I place it is a paper bag with a napkin and can eat it in the car or, if I’m not hungry I can eat it later at work……yum!
I *TRY* to stay off the internet in the morning, at least until everything is done. It’s a major time-sucker. LOL
Morning tip: Precook breakfast sausage when you buy a roll. Then divide into the amount you will need for one or two days. Freeze divided servings and transfer to refrigerator as needed the night before.
With only two of us, I divide my sausage into 1/2 cup amounts; I use 1/4 cup sausage with 2 eggs (stretched with 1/4 cup water) for a super fast breakfast for two. Served with a glass of milk and some fruit this makes a quick healthy start to our day.
I get clothes ready the night before backpacks by the door with their shoes folders signed homework done out the door on time
I am hoping to learn some good routines thru all of you, my daughter is starting 1st grade (kindergarten want a big deal) and i have to start a job and put my 3 yr old in (family run) daycare, so i too, need this info. I hope these taste as good as they (seem to) look :)
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We lay out our clothes the night before. Otherwise it’s a big to do in the morning and it throws us off.
We prepack lunches and school bags the night before. And the school bag has its own hook on the front closet. It’s a wreath hanger! Then I do eggos, or premade muffins, or even pre cook my sausage or bacon and nook it in the morning. I even have made biscuit, sausage and cheese sandwiches. Then I pull it straight from the freezer to the microwave to the table!
Think ahead!
If your children take their lunch to school, pack it the night before and have it ready for the morning. Same goes for clothes (this works for anyone). Before going to bed, pick out your outfit, from clothes, to shoes, to accessories and set it out, so when you get up, it is ready and you are not rushing (works great if you sleep in!)
I make a list for the older kids with their nightly and morning routine and post it on the refrigerator. That way I don’t have to constantly remind them of what they should be doing, they have the list and they check things off as they get it done. I’m able to concentrate on getting lunches made, shirts ironed, etc. I even get to work in the email and a cup of coffee thanks to the lists! :)
Put everything you need to take with you by the door the night before so you can just grab and go in the a.m.
I am a crazy planner. I pick our clothes at the beginnig of the week, and plan meals and lunches. We get dressed and are out the door in no time, of course we have to eat in the car, so these would be great for us!
Morning tip: Put your alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off!