Recently I let ya’ll know about the FREE coupon for Lindor Truffles. Did you get this deal yet? If you did, you probably noticed that it printed out your Facebook profile picture as well as your full name listed on Facebook.
Some readers have brought up that they don’t like this at all because it shows their picture and name and this is getting a little personal, which I completely agree with. On the other hand, I think it’s also a deterrent for people to abuse the coupons and make multiple copies since their name and possibly face is right on the coupon.
I printed out one today from my spouse’s account and my son’s picture showed up on the coupon because that is what he had in his profile picture because it was his birthday this week. This is even more bothersome, in my opinion because it’s not just an adult face on the coupon but a child’s face.
We already know that sensitive information such as location and ip address could be used to identify you on a coupon print. Your face and picture is so blatant, though.
Let me know your thoughts!
I don’t like such personalization of coupons either and I agree about wanting to protect my privacy. With Facebook, I think people should keep in mind that the world wide web means anyone can access your information at anytime even password protected sites. That’s why with accounts that the public could view or have access to at anytime like Facebook Foursquare Pinterest or twitter etc I just use initials instead of my full name. I don’t have anything to hide but these days with advances in technology I’d never want to find out the hard way my identity was compromised like getting credit cards I never signed up for, or bills I’ve never made accounts for. Not to mention I also have my job and education to think about.
If people like using social media for coupons I’d suggest creating two accounts if you can–depending on the site’s rules One private one for just family and friends and one public one that uses your initials to follow companies to print coupons and/or play games, enter sweeps etc. Or if you don’t like social media for coupons see if the site offer’s mobile coupons through text messaging or QR codes for smart/iphones which is becoming more popular in my area.
I never use photos of people as my profile pic as a safety precaution, and my page is as private as can be. However, I am considering creating a junk FB account after seeing the idea in the comments! I did print this coupon, but simply cut out the portion that had my name on it. The accepted it no questions asked at wal-mart, and I enjoyed free candy!
so…most of us have a ‘junk’ email…don’t you have a ‘junk’ Facebook page??? one where you can let the apps have access to and post on your wall without annoying your friends???
No but that’s a great idea on “junk” Facebook page! You can also post on your wall “only to yourself” if you don’t want to annoy your friends! LOL
Absolutely not. There is very little privacy left in our lives today.
Also be aware when you enter your address for free samples, coupons and entryes for sweepstakes or giveaways on Facebook you are giving permission to all this companies to access your page and all your information!!
I hate the fact that in my print preview (of a coupon that eventually would not print off) my image/picture was used. My biggest issue is that I will send my husband to the store often will a few coupons and if they choose to view the image verses the shopper that they will decline to honor it. It is somewhat an invasion, I feel.
No Likey, bad JuJu.
Privacy, ha! Fact is that every time you use a store loyalty card or even a credit card they profile you – they know exactly who you are, what your shopping trends are, etc. So what’s the big deal if your name (mine is a nickname – not my real name) and picture (mine was from one taken 40 years ago) turns up in print every now and again? If you don’t want your name out there 1) get off the world wide web (hence the name) and 2) pay cash for everything! Much ado about nothing.
Chuck – Great point on the loyalty card non-privacy!!!
I create a Facebook page for this very reason I use that page to print coupons and keep my other page for personal use. That way I keep my personal info to my circle of friends
They can keep those coupons! I quit printing coupons off of facebook anyway when they went all askew with their privacy policies (what privacy policy you ask, I don’t know it either). My privacy is worth way more than the few dollars those coupons are worth!
re: personal info on coupons:
very scary – not worth the savings to lose control of our privacy
Correct me if I am wrong but I am quite sure that you dont have to use profile picture on your facebook.
@Tereza – No, you are not required to have a picture but many people do! I never would have guessed my photo would actually print on the coupon, though!
I too printed the Lindor Truffles and did not like what I saw. I am not sure I will use it or patronize them for putting me at risk.
I’m happy I did not bother with the coupon….I’m thinking I don’t like the pic showing either …sometimes I. Use my grandkids. Pics for my FB.
I noticed it, too – and don’t like it at all!
I’m a very private person and only have 70 people on my Facebook friends list, so now I am expected to share my photo and name with store employees as well as their company?
I’m not even sure I’ll end up using it. :(
I don’t think that having the picture and name printing out on your coupon is any more invasive that having that information on Facebook. The world wide web is viewed by more strangers than your coupon ever will.
Nanette- Good point about Facebook….However, there are people who limit to very close circles or don’t post all that much personal information to the public…
On the APPs to many of these facebook coupons you have to agree to thier terms and give permission to access your information….then it’s theirs, contacts pics and all…
@Jill – Thanks for pointing that out! Just a reminder to everyone to go and clean up those facebook apps every month or so! Delete any app that you aren’t using!
Keep in mind that cleaning up your apps doesn’t undo the damage. Once you agree to the terms and give the app access, removing it does not remove the information they’ve already taken. It just stops them from taking more from that point on. Hidden in Facebook’s policies it says you have to personally contact the page owner to ask for your information to be removed, but many terms say your agreement is irrevocable, so they don’t have to remove it.