As we continue our organizing journey, we expanding our kitchen organization to the cabinets! One of the biggest struggles in your kitchen is to make sure your kitchen cabinets are organized. Whether you are digging for that long lost lid to your favorite saucepan, or trying to find a lid to match your storage containers so leftovers can go into your fridge easily, Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets is important. Taking the time to organize the layout of your cabinets, storage inside cabinets, and even purging unused or broken items is very important.
Purge Broken Or Unused Items: We all have pieces in our cabinets that don’t fit together, don’t have a mate or simply never get used. Sure you thought you’d need an egg timer, but reality is you only hard boil eggs once a year and it collects dust the rest of the time. Purge the broken or mismatched items. Sort out items that aren’t used and donate or sell in your next yard sale.
Invest In Lid Holders: One of the most common complaints people have in their kitchen is lost lids. Whether they are lids for your pots and pans, or lids for your storage containers there are tons of options to help. We love the lid storage that easily mounts inside your cabinet door.
Use Hooks Inside Cabinets: Things like pot holders, towels, skillets and more can hang on hooks inside cabinets. There are easy over door hooks that are great for towels, etc., or you can look for more heavy duty hook systems to hang your heavier pots and pans.
Arrange For Easy Use: Having your utensils to cook with in a drawer on the other side of the kitchen is a waste of time and space. Invest in some hooks to hang them, or switch drawers so the right items are near their uses. Keep glasses near the refrigerator. Pots and pans go near your stove, and so on and so forth.
Store Items That Aren’t Used Often: You may have items like your cake carrier, deviled egg dish or even holiday plates that you don’t use often, but don’t want to get rid of. Pack those away and store in your storage area, or at least put them on top shelves so they are out of the way and making room for other items. One way you can do this inexpensively is to use an old shoe box and store on a higher shelf. You still know that you have the gadgets and you can access them when you need them those few times a year.
Organizing your kitchen cabinets is really about your own personal ease of use. Take the time to look at what you use most often to make sure you have it in convenient locations. No matter where in your kitchen cabinets you place things, it must work for you and your cooking methods.
My kitchen cabinets like everything else (besides my pantry and spice cabinet! ;) ) is a complete mess. We moved into our house last year and I’m still working on a good flow for the kitchen cabinets. Plus, my plasticware is completely out.of.control. I actually bought a couple Pyrex sets last year so I could move away from the plastic. However, the hoarder in my, doesn’t quite want to part with the plastic, yet. I’m quite embarrassed by these before pictures, which is why they are staying a little blurry with bad lighting! This is probably going to be a day long or more project. Wish me luck, folks! :) Like I did in Week 1, once I have my cabinets organized, I will share my after pictures with you! {See the After Pictures here.}
{52 Weeks to a More Organized Home/Life}
If you have any of the hoarding tendencies we describe in this post, you may want to work on getting organized for the New Year. Getting organized and staying organized always seem to be on my list of New Year’s Resolutions. Would you like to join me in getting organized for 2015? Each week we will tackle one area of the home to help you get organized, reclaim your sanity, and save money since disorganization can lead to spending more or missing out on discounts.
Are you interested in actually getting organized for 2015? We have worked extensively on a series to help you get organized in 52 weeks. If you would like to receive these emails about how to get your home organized in 52 weeks, you can sign up to receive just ONE email per week. You can sign up at any time during the year without missing a beat.
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Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!