Erin posed this question in the comments recently:
I love your blog. This is about the only place that I can find deals at Marsh written out for me! Quick question- Do you have trouble using internet coupons at Marsh? The few times I have tried they said they wouldn’t accept them. Even the Cheerios coupon from the Cheerios Challenge they turned down!
I have a very coupon friendly Marsh and haven’t had any problems. Someone usually has to come over and approve something though because any free coupons have to be approved by someone higher up. I laugh because I’m always a “problem.” I personally know many of the cashiers at my Marsh since I live in a small town so maybe that helps?
I would carry their own coupon policy with you! It tells what they will take and they even have a link to internet coupons on their home page.
Marsh Supermarkets has elected to accept all internet coupons excluding the following:
- Photo Copies
- $5 or greater coupons
- Free Item coupons
- Coupons purchased via online shopping sites
- Coupons that appear to have been altered
Another tip if they won’t accept a coupon, ask for the manager. You don’t have to be nasty about it but be assertive and know your coupon rights. Usually managers are more informed about the coupon policies than cashiers. So it never hurts to ask for a manager.
If you still have problems, you might write a gentle letter to Marsh corporate and let them know the situation. I’ve found Marsh usually has excellent customer service.
It is always a good suggestion to carry the coupon policy for a particular store in your coupon wallet or binder. Just in case. I rarely have a problem with internet coupons.
Don’t forget about this great tip from Freebies4Mom about Smartsource printables & Know Thy Coupon, which described all the coupon terminology!
Any Other Suggestions or issues with internet coupons?
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Wow .. Marsh is the only store I haven’t had problems with … my Kroger refuses to take then. With WalMart, you never know .. every cashier has a different interpretation.