I think what Bilaal Rajan is doing will bring awareness! He is asking fellow students, teachers, and the general public, to go at least one hour without any shoes for the Barefoot Challenge. Last year I visited Guatemala for a mission trip. Like many other developing countries, underprivileged children can not afford school or know where their next meal is coming from, let alone afford something so simple – shoes.
On my trip, I wanted to give my shoes to every single shoeless child I saw – and there were many of them. Many of these children walk barefoot in unsanitary conditions (think sewage in the streets), to work, and while walking to school. I just can’t imagine walking around in my yard without shoes, let alone walking in rocks or other hard surfaces.
So if you can, try going barefoot for just one hour to help raise awareness for this cause. Bilaal Rajan did it for one week and suffered through rough skin, blisters, stepping on broken glass and enduring exclusions from many of his favorite activities.
Bilaal Rajan has a book coming out and from reading his blog, watching his youtube videos, I would consider buying it. He is a smart kid who wants to do good in this world!
What a great idea! Thinking of children who have no shoes is heartbreaking. Have you ever heard of Tom’s shoes? They are a shoe company that gives a child in need a pair of shoes every time a pair is purchased. Check it out: http://cdn2.tomsshoes.com/default18.htm.
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