Like it or not, the Furby is a hot holiday item this year. I noticed at least three Furby commercials during a 30 minute television show last night. It was enticing enough of a commercial to get my daughter to want to check out Anyway, the closer it gets to the holidays, the hard it is going to be find these in stock anywhere. Right now, they are selling for $72 shipped on Amazon or just $54 (LOL – retail price) on
Another option is Toys ‘R Us, where the Furby is priced at $59.99 with free shipping. If you spend $125 on your total order, you can take advantage of this 20% off your $125+ purchase at (valid through October 24, 2012.) There are a few color options available.
I remember these were popular back right around the time my oldest daughter was born – 1998ish. Our Furby would mock her cry. Hopefully, that didn’t damage her or anything! :) My younger brother eventually locked his Furby in the closet and we think the Furby may have went nutso from the lack of human interaction.
Anyway, the new ones are way more high tech and cool! Someone on your list is going to want one so buy it now before the holiday madness begins so you can sit back and relax. Hopefully, we will find some deals on Furby this holiday season but since it’s so hot, I’m guessing there won’t be many deals out there – it will be a “get it when you can” attitude.
Want to save loads of money this holiday season? Find the latest holiday deals I’ve posted about. You can also check out the Hot Holiday deals, Giveaways, and my Holiday Gift Guide. These pages are being updated often.
I love my pet TickleMe Plant
Here is another one for the kids
Search pet TickleMe Plant to grow the only house plant that closes its leaves like crazy when tickled!! Great gift idea