This giveaways is part of a series of many to come in the 15 Days of Holiday Giveaways at Bargain Briana!
I love the Night at the Museum movies. This past summer, my kids and I enjoyed the Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian in our local theater. In this movie, Larry, played by Ben Stiller finds out the ancient Egyptian tablet is going to be shipped off to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. Which could be a disaster of epic proportions since it is the largest museum in the world.
If you enjoyed the first movie, you will enjoy the sequel as it is very entertaining and engaging. It is fairly predictable but the kids enjoyed the special effects and comedy and so did I! Some of the new characters in this version include Amelia Earhart, a nasty pharaoh, Dexter the monkey, and many more of our past favorites.
This movie releases today, December 1, 2009 and is listed on Amazon for just $9.99.
Would you like to win this DVD to enjoy in your home? I was provided 5 copies of this movie to giveaway to (5) readers!
Be sure to check out the Bargain Briana Holiday Gift Guide for more fantastic and unique holiday gift ideas! This list will be updated throughout the coming weeks so check back for ideas and coupon codes.
Entry Methods
You can enter up to 5 times with the following methods:
1. Leave a comment on your favorite Night at the Museum character.
2. Become a fan of Bargain Briana on Facebook.
3. Tweet the following on Twitter:
Find out who wins the Battle of the Smithsonian @bargainbriana Enter to win
4. Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry. If you are already a subscriber, leave a comment letting me know you are already subscribed.
5. Place on your blogroll or place the Bargain Briana button on your sidebar.
Prize: (5) winners will receive Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian on DVD.
Please leave a comment for each additional entry. Ends around 12/7/2009 at 11:59 EST. Winner, chose by will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page. Be sure is in your safe sender list as you don't want to miss the email if you are the chosen winner. If winner doesn't respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner. U.S. Entries only.
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
This giveaway was sponsored by Bender/Helper Impact. Post was written 100% by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
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.-= LaVonne´s last blog ..Make Your Own Candy =-.
In the first movie I liked the miniature cowboy played by the Owen guy. I thought he was funny. :)
.-= LaVonne´s last blog ..Make Your Own Candy =-.
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Dexter is one my fav’s!
I like the little cowboys!
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My favorite character is the monkey!
I am a fan of the Einstein booble heads.
I really liked Robin Williams character Teddy Rooselvelt!
Current email subscriber!
My husband LOVES this movie! I swear, we watched it three times in a row one night (on different cable channels) shortly after my son was born. Now that we don’t have cable, the DVD would be PERFECT!
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.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Meet Vanilla Joy! =-.
I’m a FB fan: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Meet Vanilla Joy! =-.
I loved the cowboy and the roman in the first one. Loved when they drove around in the remote control truck. Funny!
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Meet Vanilla Joy! =-.
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I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly)
I haven’t seen the movie, but my kids have, and they say the dinosaur Rex is their favorite.
Your button is in the left sidebar of my blog under Blogs I Adore.
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Holiday Gift Guide: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Wii and DS Game Review =-.
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nessa at texashousewife dot com
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Holiday Gift Guide: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Wii and DS Game Review =-.
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.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Holiday Gift Guide: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Wii and DS Game Review =-.
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nessa at texashousewife dot com
I love Rexie the T-Rex. Thanks for the chance to win!
nessa at texashousewife dot com
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.-= sarah buki´s last blog ..Exciting things to come!!!! =-.
im terrible with names but the cowboy guy was funny
.-= sarah buki´s last blog ..Exciting things to come!!!! =-.
My favorite night at the museum character is the rock that talks! But then again, I like the cowboys & indians too, and pretty much every other character. Oooh the monkey too!! :)
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love the monkey
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.-= Laura DeLuca´s last blog ..Mail for 12/5/09 =-.
got your button
.-= Laura DeLuca´s last blog ..Mail for 12/5/09 =-.
email subscriber
.-= Laura DeLuca´s last blog ..Mail for 12/5/09 =-.
I like the indian girl Sachachea (I know I spelled that wrong)
.-= Laura DeLuca´s last blog ..Mail for 12/5/09 =-.
Loyal subscriber. I like Teddy!
I haven’t seen the second one yet, but I really like the Robin Williams character.
email subscriber
Have never seen the movies, but I always love Ben Stiller
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.-= Sandra S.´s last blog ..$5 off $5 Purchase Printable Hallmark Coupon ~ Hurry! =-.
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.-= Sandra S.´s last blog ..$5 off $5 Purchase Printable Hallmark Coupon ~ Hurry! =-.
My favorite character is the “Hey Dum Dum” Easter Island rock guy. Thanks!
.-= Sandra S.´s last blog ..$5 off $5 Purchase Printable Hallmark Coupon ~ Hurry! =-.
I became a fan on fb!
I’m a subscriber via Google reader.
My favorite character is THeodore Roosevelt.
Our favorite character is the dino!
Jen VG
fb fan/Letesshaw
My fave character was the crazy monkey and the lead actor.
I love Robin Williams in the movie.
I just loved both of the films! They are so funny.
Robin Williams is my favorite in anything he is in (NANOO NANOO)! I love his quirky take on Teddy! Read your blog every day on-line!
tweeted. . .
I like the dinosaur. I haven’t seen the second one yet.
I’m a fan on facebook.
My fave character is the monkey.
My favorite character is Robin Willams as Roosevelt. He’s the best!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I am a fan on facebook! :)
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I have your button!
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Natalie Ahtoaeiloa
I liked Owen Wilson’s character the best because he was funny! Thanks!
I am an email subscriber.
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
I am a facebook fan. Screen name: Jessica Hendrickson
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
I love the interactions between Octavius and Jedediah. So funny!
Thank you for the chance!
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
tweet tweet.
Would really LOVE to win this for the Eldest Princess (ok and me because I loved this movie!). :) Thanks Briana.
.-= Cherie from the Queen of Free´s last blog ..Kraftmaid Kitchen Idea Book is Back! =-.
I’m a facebook fan, too. I *heart* you. ;)
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.-= Cherie from the Queen of Free´s last blog ..Kraftmaid Kitchen Idea Book is Back! =-.
Love the little monkey Dexter.
I am registered to receive e-mail.
I love the monkey!
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I love Robin Williams as Roosevelt
i love the teddy roosevelt character,ROBIN WILLIAMS
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Teddy Roosevelt is may favorite character in Night at the Museum. Amelia Earhart is awesome in this one too.
I didn’t see all of the first movie. I loved Amelia Earhart from the second movie. She was so strong and brave. The slang from her era was fun. The whole movie was the perfect escape. It was so funny.
Tweeted it @farrah1230. :-)
.-= Farrah´s last blog ..Vomit Wake Up Call =-.
I am a subscriber.
I like the pharoah.
I’m a fan on facebook!
My boys like the little monkey.
I am also a email subscriber.
I love the dinosaur, Rexy. He’s my favorite. I haven’t seen the new one yet. Thanks for the entry.
We love the first movie and can’t wait to see the second. My favorite character is Jedediah – the cowboy.
Facebook fan
Email subscriber
I love the “Dum Dum” rock, my daughter and I always repeat his lines to each other, lol!
Tweeted –
Thanks Again!
.-= Heidi V.´s last blog ..Sakura Rose Giveaway – Ends – 12-07-2009 =-.
Became a fan on Facebook – HeidiVargas
.-= Heidi V.´s last blog ..Sakura Rose Giveaway – Ends – 12-07-2009 =-.
I liked the The Thinker Hank Azaria.
Favorite is Jedidiah! (I know I am spelling it wrong!)
ckachelmuss at gmail dot com
i love the dinosaur
I’m a fan on FB!
Well your uncle Scott loves TR ……but i’m going with Owen Wilson because i love cowboys and Owen Wilson !!!!
My favorite character is Teddy Roosevelt. He seems to be the glue that keeps everything together.
I subscribe by email.
.-= Lisa A.´s last blog ..Deja vu all over again =-.
My favorite character is Octavius, played by the hilarious Steve Coogan.
.-= Lisa A.´s last blog ..Deja vu all over again =-.
I’m an email subscriber!
My favorite character is of course, the monkey!
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I tweeted!
The dinosaur is my favorite. This is a great movie.
I’m an e-mail subscriber. jenmizener at gmail dot com
I really liked the first movie. Ben Stiller’s character is my favorite.
My favorite character is Robin William’s Teddy Roosevelt. jenmizener at gmail dot com
I subscibe to your RSS feed via Google Reader.
I have never seen Night at the Museum Smithsonian, but I saw a commercial for it and it looks really good. I would love to see it. Since I haven’t seen the movie yet, I don’t know who my favorite character is, but it would probably be Ben Stiller’s character.
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.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..ABC’s Modern Family =-.
I like Teddy Roosevelt the best.
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..ABC’s Modern Family =-.
Tweeted here
I am an email subscriber and love all the bargains you post about:)
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My favorite is Larry
My favorite character is definitely Amelia Earhart. In fact, I liked Amy Adams “Amelia” much better than Hilary Swank’s.
I am already a subscriber to your newsletter.
I subscribe to bargain briana via e-mail!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Kroger =-.
I love the dinosaur the best!
.-= jennifer´s last blog ..Kroger =-.
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I honestly havent seen the first movie, but I know my family loved Rex. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
My favorite character in this movie was Amy Adams character-Amelia. She was funny and lovely.
Email subscriber!
I like the Dinosaur!
I’m an email subscriber!
We have only seen the first film but we love the monkey!
Thanks for the chance to win!
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My favorite is Larry! :)
I tweeted about the giveaway.
Dexter is my favorite character!
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Facebook fan. :)
Your button is on my sidebar, thanks!
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email subscriber, thanks!
.-= Idaho Jill´s last blog ..BEARPAW boots giveaway! ends 12/9 =-.
Teddy Roosevelt is my favorite character.
facebook fan, Idaho Jill, thanks!
.-= Idaho Jill´s last blog ..BEARPAW boots giveaway! ends 12/9 =-.
tweet, thanks!
.-= Idaho Jill´s last blog ..BEARPAW boots giveaway! ends 12/9 =-.
I’m an email subscriber.
My family’s favorite character is the dinosaur!
Owen Wilson and Robin Williams were so funny in the 1st one! I would love to see the 2nd one…just haven’t quite gotten there yet.
.-= Idaho Jill´s last blog ..BEARPAW boots giveaway! ends 12/9 =-.
I love the Amelia Earhart character, she is a very gutsy gal!
I am now a fan on Facebook.
Im a fan of yours on FB !!
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im an email subscriber of YOURS !!!!!!!!!
Teddy Roosevelt is my favorite character from Night @the Museum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite character would have to be the night guard Larry.
My Favorite character is robin williams as teddy roosevelt
Let’s see…
I am a fan on facebook (Catherine Piercefield Horton)
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My fav character is Teddy Roosevelt
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I love Owen Wilson!
Facebook fan!
My favorite character is Amelia Earhart:)
I LOVE the monkey!!
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I subscribe via email!!
I subscribe via e-mail
I already am a fan on facebook
I have never seen this movie
I also subscribe!
I have a special fondness for Teddy!
I subscribe to RSS through Google Reader..
I think we like jedidiah best, with Rex a close second!
I subscribe to the RSS Feed via Google Reader
I am a fan on Facebook
My favorite character is the Easter Island statue. “Gum Gum Dum Dum”, I love that. I haven’t seen the second installment, but I want to badly.
OMG I LOVE the 1st movie! I’m sure i’ll love the second one too! And my hubby looks just like Ben Stiller, soooooo handsome (but taller!).
Rexy the t-rex is my favorite character.
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..12 Days of Christmas Day 1 Zosephine Diaper Bag Giveaway =-.
You are in my blogroll.
I love Teddy Roosevelt!
I tweeted about it, and follow you!
.-= Monica´s last blog ..Motor Oil Review and Giveaway: =-.
Added your button to my left sidebar!!! :)
.-= Monica´s last blog ..Motor Oil Review and Giveaway: =-.
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Owen Wilson playing the cowboy was a good touch.
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.-= Jenn Elton´s last blog ..Crayola Giveaway Winner! =-.
We like the rock (“gum gum dumb dumb”)
I’m a subscriber to your blog!
I like Teddy (Robin Williams)!
Oooh I haven’t seen the second one but I have seen the first one! I love Robin Williams’ character!!
.-= Katie´s last blog .. =-.
My favorite character is the stone face… that says Give me gum!
I am a email subscriber!
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Rex is my favorite!
I’m a subscriber, via Google Reader.
I’m a fan on Facebook.
I love Jedidiah (Owen Wilson)!
We enjoyed the Cowboy character. Would like to see this movie too. Thanks for the giveaway.
.-= Lawanna´s last blog ..Watching the Night Sky for the Space Station =-.
Became a facebook fan Coolmoms Cooltips
.-= Mena´s last blog ..Kibi’s Sweets: Abosutely Delicious and Beautiful Cakes =-.
just tweeted I am @coolchillmom
.-= Mena´s last blog ..Kibi’s Sweets: Abosutely Delicious and Beautiful Cakes =-.
Really like the roman and the easter island rock
I’m fond of Owen Wilson’s character. I really just like Owen Wilson – I like everything he does, be he does a great job on his cowboy persona.
I subscribed to your RSS feed
Love Ben Stiller- Larry:)
the statue that says hey dumb dumb got gum gum?
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Favorite character = T Roosevelt ;0
I like Attilla the Hun
I am subscribed to your RSS feed :)
I already follow on facebook
I like the dum dum guy.. cute
email subscriber
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Picture Me Winner =-.
Facebook fan (Danielle Parent Garcia)
We like the little ‘soldier and cowboy’ guys (Owen Wilson)
Loved the movie, it woould be a great addition here at home. Love your blog as well, Thanks
Placed your button on my blog!
Already a subscriber
Already a fan on FB
Love the evil Pharoah
you're on my blog roll
I love the Easter Island rock.
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I like Jedidiah.
We are huge dinosaur fans here in our house. So Rex is our favorite character!
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Just watched the first one on Thanksgiving. The kids loved it! The movie is so fun! Gotta love the naughty monkey!
I tweeted!
I'm a subscriber via Google reader.
I love Jedediah Smith! :)
I haven
't seen this movie yet, but my kids did. Their favorite character is the statue with the 'guns' "Firepower!
Your button is on my sidebar…
I subscribe via google reader…
I am a fan on facebook :)
I am a facebook fan!
I subscribe via google reader :)
We loved the first movie, but have yet to see #2. My dino-loving 4 year old loves that Rexy the dinosaur plays fetch!
I haven't seen this one yet, but my children love the statue of the thinker (at least I think that is the statue) They love when he talks about his 'guns'. "Firepower!"
I just becam a fan on facebook!! I love this movie!!
I subscribe via google reader!
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I'm a fan of yours on FB!
I am a facebook fan! That is how I heard about the contest it first.
I don't know what my favorite character is – havn't see the first :)
My girls would love to be entertained with a new movie for Christmas Break!
My favorite character is the rock. "Hey Dum Dum!"
I'm not sure what my favorite character is – dare I admit I've never seen the first movie?
My daughters would love this movie to watch over christmas break (and I would love to have the be entertained and sit still for more that 5 minutes!)
Thanks so much!!!
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My favorite Night of the Museum character is the dinosaur!
I have your button on my sidebar.