All of us need to eat healthy but few of us actually take the time to do it. Some of us make excuses about exorbitant food costs or those nasty tasting veggies, when in reality most of these excuses can be easily dealt with. The fact is, we can eat healthy and generally do so without sacrificing taste, cost or time. The key is to find the things that work for you individually. An open mind will go a long ways towards improving your health as well.
Here are some powerful healthy food changes you can make today!
Commit to change
Once you make the commitment to change your eating habits, the rest will come easily to you. Mentally we have to decide that what we have done in the past is not working. With food, that can’t be understated. Deciding to make the change is the first and most important step. Without it, you will be wasting your time and energy on food changes that won’t last.
Begin to introduce fruit as a sweetener
Fruit has natural sugars and can be bad for you if you over do it. (like everything, right?) That said, when you use fruit to replace sweeteners like sugar, equal and so on, you add all kinds of good things to your meal. Watermelon can be added to a million dishes and make it taste incredible. Loaded with water and explosively tasty, watermelon and other fruits can be a great way to jazz up the things that are bland because of a lack of sugar.
Eat on a schedule
Eating on a schedule gives you diet structure and it makes it much easier to plan out what your body needs. When you eat haphazardly or when the mood strikes, you can and will lose track of what you are doing. Instead, lay out a plan for your meals and eat on a regular schedule. You will start to see and feel a difference in no time.
Make your healthy foods convenient
When it comes to veggies and fruits, you want them to be the easiest thing to grab when you go in the kitchen for a snack. Make sure you wash, cut and portion the veggies and fruits ahead of time and you will be far more apt to grab them when you reach for something fast or on the go. Convenient is vital because that is the one thing that chips and junk food have going for them. Likewise, keep any junk put away in the tops of your cabinets.
If you eat a ton of vegetables like I do, you find yourself constantly looking for ways to make your food quick and easy to eat. I use a chopper to keep things bite sized and always available to add into recipes. This one is my favorite and it is extremely easy to use. It also is a great deal over on Amazon. Head on over and grab yourself one! (you can thank me after if you wish)
Never shop off the top
If you go to the grocery store without a list, there is a better than average chance you are going to get distracted from your diet. Proper food choices generally happen when we are organized about it. Think about it…. you go to the store to shop for food. Food is the one thing that can make or break your diet and health that we can completely control. Why not spend some time thinking about how and what we will consume?
What other food ideas do you have that help you stay on track?
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