I highly recommend contacting customer service when a product does not meet your satisfaction or when it exceeds your expectations. Why? For one, you give the company valuable feedback about their product/service so they can make changes if necessary or continue with something people love. Two, they usually will compensate you in some way for your inconvenience or for your loyalty to their product. Lastly, if it is an employee you are praising, they get might get rewarded and acknowledged for your actions.
Recently on Reviews by Bargain Briana, I wrote about experience with two customer service issues – ConAgra and Hefty. After contacting both of them, I received follow up within a week. I received coupons to use on my next purchases from both of the companies. As a customer, I trust companies who want to make corrective action. Both of these companies were readily available via phone or email contact as opposed to Burger King’s “Customer Service” which offers only phone contact within convenient hours for them.
In the past, I’ve contact customer service for a wonderful experience too. In the past, I’ve emailed CVS several times about my favorite cashier, letting them know how friendly and helpful she was. If my family loves a product, we email customer service and let them know. I try to do a mix of both and not only contact Customer Service when the negative strikes. Though, it is usually a much stronger urge to contact a company when something goes awry. I know from working in Customer Service, it is nice to get those phone calls, letters, and emails that something went right.
How to Contact Customer Service:
- First, find their contact information. Usually you can find it on the product or you can look it up on the internet. Sometimes it is easier/quicker to send an email if they have an email contact. If not or they don’t respond via email, a phone call is necessary.
- Next, have all the documents you need handy. It might be a receipt, warranty information, a package, other times you have contacted them, etc. This will make the phone call go much smoother if you have all this information available.
- Don’t start attacking the person/product. I always like to start off nice and gauge their reaction. You usually get a much better response if you stick to the facts and don’t put the other person on defense. I usually start out with, Maybe you can help me, xyz happened.
- Clearly define a resolution. Let them know how they can make you a happy customer again.
- Document everything. I like to write on a piece of paper (maybe the receipt, invoice, manual), the date of the call, time on hold, person(s) who I spoke with, and how the call ended. (If they gave a resolution, write it down and make sure they follow through with it.
- Most companies are very responsive to your issues. However, there are times when it can get frustrating especially when they clearly aren’t getting it or you are such an unhappy customer that nothing is going to make you happy. Try to keep your cool as usually a reprensentative will be more responsive if you don’t go off the handle. Don’t be afraid to ask for their supervisor or someone higher up.
- If you write or email, make sure to document exactly what happened in the situation, include a copy of your receipt if necessary, and include your contact information.
Lisa – I would suggest contacting your credit card company and disputing the charge! That should do the trick!
I am never afraid to approach a manager in a restaurant if our food is not up to par. They are usually very responsive about trying to make it right by either removing that item from our bill or giving us a complimentary entree off our next visit. If you don’t speak up for your self – you will never be treated properly and you will still be eating something you are unhappy with.
We are going through a really annoying situation right now with a company well actually (2) that have been billing our credit card even though we cancelled service within the appropriate 30 day trial period. We have conacted them 3 times since then and given them all the information as far as who we talked to and the confirmation numbers and we have been assured that it was cancelled but they continue to bill us. We are just trying to get our monthly charges refunded ($80.00) and have them stop billing us every month. It is so annoying to be told that we have been cancelled and then still be billed over and over. what do you do about that?? I’ve decided to go to the BBB. I’m fed up.
I’ve also contacted cvs about some bad diapers. they were quick to respond!
I’ve emailed stating the a coupon won’t print and they send me a coupon for a free product. I’ve done this with degree clinical.
I have complained on cracker barrell’s website. Twice, I have been served cold food. They sent me voucher’s for two free meals ( no maximum!). Also, emailed Publix for great customer service. Got an email thank you and also a phone call from the store manager. He told me that they reward their employees for EACH compliment a customer reports!
I just contaceted Carter’s last week. My son’s new jeans ripped the very first day he wore them from just a little stumble. They had a great response. Emailed me promptly, sent me a paid envelope to return the pants and the promise of a free replacement. yay for carter’s!
Heather Cs last blog post..Target deals
I’ve emailed quite a few different manufacturers with positive feedback. I’ve received a free scrubbing bubbles can, kleenex coupons, 2 coupon books for SCJohnson products, free ziplock steamer bags, and I’m pretty happy with the result. I just say how much I enjoy their product and ask for a free sample or coupon – worst thing that could happen is a no responce right? Doesn’t hurt to ask.
The company where I work has a fantastic Customer Service Dept! We also like hearing the praise! It kind of gives everyone a boost. This was a very good, informative post about a subject that we might not even think about till we are having a problem with something. Thank you.
I contacted customer service a Mr. Coffee to try to find out where I could buy a replacement carafe for our espresso machine. I broke the carafe (COMPLETELY my fault) and after looking at all the stores in my area contacted customer service in hopes they could tell me where to find one. After emailing back and forth several times the reps response was that she didn’t know where I could get one and that maybe I should just buy a new espresso machine. I will never buy another Mr. Coffee product again as a result.
I have done this a few times alway with positive results. Just this week I got the new mocha coffe at McD’s at the drive thru. It was not even warm. I emailed them about it and yesterday they called to thank me for my info and are sending some coupon for free coffee’s. One time I bought some pepperidge farm cakes that were freezer burned, after contacting them they sent me coupons any product they make. I usually don’t hear anything back when I email companies about positive experiences.