Game Stop has a promotion if you trade in Zulily. Final promotional price is net after trades. Games must be in working condition and subject to manager approval. Ends 6.7.2009. I can’t find which games will be counted but if you have some games you don’t play much this may be a good opportunity to trade them in for this new fitness program.
I just purchased mine on Amazon for $59.99 using Amazon gift certificates I had accumulated. I haven’t had a chance to open it up yet but I am sure I will blog about it! I’m always looking for SOMETHING to help me get motivated to exercise…one of these things is going to stick, right?
Even at $59.99, that is a bargain compared to a gym membership I won’t use! ;)
My blogging friends Jessica and Julie participated in the EA Sport 30 day challenge before it was released and it sounds like they had fun doing it! If you need some motivation (like I do), you should check out the Wii Mommies forum for support with your fitness goals!
Have you ever traded in games before? I’ve noticed that the used games at Game Stop are almost the same price as the new games so wondering if they give you a great deal on the popular ones you trade in? Any experience with this? Let me know in the comments if you’ve gotten a good deal doing this!
We trade in games for new ones all the time. We have a GameStop card which gives you an extra 10% off any used games you buy. The trade in value depends on how old/new the game is and what the demand is for the game. We bought Wii Sonic vs. Mario Olympics and we hated it so we traded it in and got $30 for it because it just came out. But if you trade in old GameCube games you might get $0.01 for it. It just depends. It’s definitely worth it for my family. We are gaming geeks so we trade in our old games to purchase a new one. They also let you trade in DVDs. Those can help bring up your total trade value if you are saving for a new $60 game. :)
This is a good deal if you have some of the cheaper games on the list (Like We-Ski and Carnival Games)… but I wouldn’t trade out the popular, still expensive games. The cheap $20 (retail new price) ones listed won’t get you much back in general and their re-play is kind of low, so trade it while the deal is going on (if you’re are after the EA Active game).
I found the list of trade-in games- there’s a lot included!
Devons last blog post..Some More Target Deals
My experience (I’m in Ohio) is that you don’t get very much for games when you trade them in. They give a little more when you trade for in – store credit than if you get cash but still not anywhere near what they sell them for. I always try to sell them on Craigslist first before heading over there.