Did you know you can file your 1040EZ and other simple returns such as a 1040A or 1040 for FREE at TurboTax.com? You can even Efile for FREE with direct deposit. With Efile, you can get your refund in your bank account in as little as 8 days. (IRS states 8-15 days is the typical turn around time.)
I’ve been a user of TurboTax CD Edition for many years now. I’ve found it provides very easy, step by step instructions which help maximize your deductions. Turbo Tax translates complex IRS language into language that we all can understand. You can rest assured you will get the maximum refund (or pay the least amount tax due) with the TurboTax Guarantee. If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparation method, you will be refunded the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state purchase price paid.
During the interview process, based on your interview questions, Turbo Tax will determine which Online Software will meet your needs. (You can see a complete comparision at TurboTax.com.) No matter how simple or how complex your return is, you will find Turbo Tax user friendly. Note: If you do not qualify for the FREE version, you do not have to pay until you file. So you can try this product out for Free. If you don’t feel it meets your needs, simply do not file and you will owe nothing! From my experience, you will find this to be very thorough and easy to use.
One of my favorite things is the constant updating of your Refund/Tax Owed. See below for an example. Nice to see that change when you input new or additional information.
The only negative thing I can think of TurboTax Online Software is it may run slow for the people who have dial up access. However, it does save and update your file when you create an account for every change you make. This gives you peace of mind that the work you’ve completed won’t be completely lost if you lose your connection.
You might also want to check out the other user friendly products in the Intuit family. I’ve been a user of Intuit products such as Quicken & Quickbook Pro for over 13 years and have been very satisfied with their products.
Intuit has offered me (3) Turbo Tax Deluxe Edition Codes. Three lucky readers will be able to reddem these codes for (1) Free Federal Preparation & (1) Free State Preparation and Efile with Turbo Tax Deluxe Online 2008.
If you decide to go ahead and purchase any of the products in the Turbo Tax family or file a FREE Tax Return with Turbo Tax, it would be highly appreciated if you shopped through this banner:
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Tell me how you normally prepare/file your taxes!
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. (Just choose one please!) If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends January 30th around 8am EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by random.org, will be announced by 1/31/09 and I will contact you to get you set up online. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Find many more giveaways at the mega Bloggy Giveaway Carnival going on right now!
We always use Turbo Tax…it is easier and quicker…and not to mention (cheaper) ;o}
I would love to win this one for sure! Thanks!
Please pick me!
Please pick me!
Please pick me!
I use Turbo Tax online!
Thanks for the great giveaway :)
last year we paid to have our taxes prepared. i was hoping to ‘do it myself” this year. thanks
I’m a subscriber.
I have your button on my sidebar.
I’ve been using Turbo Tax for years. It is the best product around.
I have been using Turbo Tax for about 3 years because our tax guy was just getting to expensive and our taxes were getting to small again.
Wehave been using TurbTax for the past 4 yearsor so. All the info is storedand it makes it much easier!
We pay an accountant way too much money right now.
CCs last blog post..Love in Any Language
I usually use turbo tax free edition, but it looks like we are going to owe this year, so I would love to try the deluxe edition to see if we can get anything else on there to help us out. =)
Katrinas last blog post..It’s giveaway time!
Normally we use H&R Block for our taxes, but this year I’d really like to do our own.
We normally hire a CPA to do ours.
Sandys last blog post..Photo Hunt -Chipped
I usually just do my taxes at my parents’ house, since they pay for Turbo Tax each year. But I moved across the country and can’t do that anymore so I’d love this freebie!
I do them myself and often make mistakes so this would be great for me!
I usually use tax cut to prepare my taxes.
We use turbo tax and love it! Thanks for the chance to win!
We normally go to a tax service, but not this year!
Thanks for the chance to win. We’ve used turbotax for years.
We always file online through whatever is cheap/free! I need to get started on this years!
we always use Turbo Tax, too!
We always use TurboTax, and we love it! Thanks!
Mindys last blog post..Inauguration Day Pizza
I tweeted.
Donna Ks last blog post..isABelt Giveaway
I put your button on my blog.
I am a subscriber.
I use Turbo Tax. (But I haven’t bought it yet this year.)
Donna Ks last blog post..isABelt Giveaway
I’ve used TurboTax for years! I love it!
used turbo tax last year and we need 2008 so this would be perfect — thank you!
Tweeted the giveaway (as guettel78) here: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1160810812
Subscribed to your RSS feed through Google Reader – thanks!
I actually usually use either TurboTax or TaxCut software to prepare my taxes — though they can be a bit pricey, they pay for themselves, in my opinion, by virtually eliminating any errors and ensuring the maximum refund for a user. Thanks for the giveaway!
My wife does the taxes….she uses a program but I’m not sure which one she has used in the past.
I use Turbo Tax, so this would be great. It is so easy to do your taxes with this program. Thank you for the great giveaway.
We use Turbo tax it’s the only way to go. Thanks for the giveaway!
dianasrk gmail com
I have used turbotax.com the last couple of years and really enjoy it, but would love to save a few bucks. :) Thanks for holding this contest.
I have done my family’s taxes for over 20 years. I started on paper and have e-filed for about the past 5 years.
My dad normally prepares my taxes. He’s the best! :-)
Katherine K.s last blog post..Bring on the Bling! | Julie’s Floral Lifestyle Blog
I faved you on Technorati as Alibis
I subscribed via google reader.
I usually went to H&R Block until last year when they got our address wrong, which is plainly right on the w2, so it took almost a month longer to get our return. They also over charged us and said that it would be taken care of before we got our return, and of course it was not. So I decided this year I was going to use Turbo Tax, as that is what my Mom and Sisters use and they have never had a problem.
the old paper way
my husband has used turbo tax for a few years now and has been very happy with it.
We normally use Turbo Tax even though my husband is a public accountant. That should communicate how good the program is. We haven’t bought ours yet this year; I’d love to win it. Thanks!
Brianas last blog post..Here’s what my boys are doing this snowy/icy day…
We’ve used Turbotax for years now. It’s by far the easiest system out there, and so much cheaper than paying someone to prepare it.
Christinas last blog post..How A Bendy Straw Nearly Made Me Cry
We actually used Turbo Tax last year and really like it. It was so easy and so fast and I’m with you – I like the constant updating of the $-number. It’s motivation to get the form done faster. :)
bren j.s last blog post..What? Again?
We could sure use this. We bought the cheapest version of TurboTax last year and sent in our printed copy by snail mail.
Andreas last blog post..Gestating Bobo at 38 weeks
I used turbotax last year.
I subscribe
I used turbotax last year.
Kikis last blog post..The winner of the Tiny Tag Designs Giveaway and Valentine’s Day Special
Added your button
We have someone prepare it for us and spend $225 a year to get it done would love to have it for free this year.
Amys last blog post..Happy Birthday
Just Tweeted an entry.
@bargainbriana Tweeting to enter to win a Turbo Tax Deluxe Edition Code.
Subscribed to email. :)
Turbotax. Always. :)
I have been using turbo tax since last 5 yrs.thanks
I am another fan of Turbo Tax myself!! We have always used it in the past and love the product & ease of use. Thanks for a great giveaway :)
I have been using Turbo tax of a few years. I love it its soo easy.
I always use Turbo Tax!
We normally have an accountant friend do it but it takes so long because it is being done as a favor ot us.
We use Turbo Tax! Great giveaway, thanks so much!
We always use TurboTax! What a great giveaway!
I do our taxes “by hand”. Used Turbo Tax once and loved it but don’t feel like I should spend the $. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Susans last blog post..Doll Beauty Pageant
I normally use Turbo Tax for my taxes. This would be great! Thanks!
LOL I love Peggy’s reply :)
I usually go to H and R block but they are so costly and not very well trained last year I asked a simple (well should have been) question and the tax preparer was clueless. Im not sure how we will do it this year Im still waiting on my W2
Thank you for being part of the Bloggy giveaway.
How do I normally do it? Wellllllllll
1. Find our w-2s
2. Find the instruction book and download forms
3. start reading and praying
4. Insert info
5. pray some more because I am not sure i understand the form
6. erase what I put in because I did not understand
7. fill it out again
8 Pray again
9. Hope that I got it right this time
10. found something I forgot
11. erase again
12. fill it out again
13. tired of it all and set it on the freezer till the 15th
14. Pull it down and as long as I do not have to pay decide it is good enough.
15. See a mistake
16. file for an extension
17 repeat process at end of extension time.
OK< now the world knows!!!
Peggies last blog post..Welcoming in 2009
I always use TurboTax and have never had a problem. Easy to use as well
I usually use TaxAct to do my taxes but would love to try TurboTax. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’ve always used accountants, but I think we’re going to give software a try this year.
Come enter my Target GC giveaway!
Mrs. Sprinkless last blog post..Our (insert irritated adjective here) Car
I’ve been using TurboTax for 2 years now. I love it!
I always use TurboTax but only eFile for my husband and I; the kiddos have to mail in. We’d love to win a free filing for one of them! Thanks!!!
Shawnee Hs last blog post..Sewing Expo Anyone??
I blogged:
Michelles last blog post..dkMommy Spot John Masters Giveaway
I’m a subscriber via email
Michelles last blog post..dkMommy Spot John Masters Giveaway
I tweeted:
Michelles last blog post..dkMommy Spot John Masters Giveaway
I have your button on my blog sidebar
Michelles last blog post..dkMommy Spot John Masters Giveaway
Every year I’ve used tax preparation software, either TurboTax or TaxCut…I actually prefer TurboTax though.
Michelles last blog post..dkMommy Spot John Masters Giveaway
My dad’s my accountant, but I’m 31, so I should probably grow up and do it myslef.
I have filed using turbo tax for several years now and definitely plan to do it again!
Liz @ Working Moms last blog post..WFMW: Foamy Dish Soap
I have your button
I normally efile using Citizen tax (Free)
Julies last blog post..Special offer: Kissing and Cooking
I have done it for the past couple of years using Turbo Tax, and I usually get Turbo Tax free for being a State Farm customer. This year they did it different so I don’t know if I am getting it free or not. Thanks for the info about Turbo Tax. (-:
My fabulous hubby…..and good old Turbo tax online!
Love that baby.
Maybe this year…we’ll get something back instead of paying in so much. Hubby was unemployed 4 months! I’m good…I’m not bitter.
wandas last blog post..Cabin Fever
I have used turbo tax in the past but for the last two years I have used a guy.
My husband usually does it using Turbo Tax.
The last few years I went to H and R Block but I wasn’t very happy with there service or the price! So this year I’m going to attempt to do them on my own since I can’t afford the high price to take them in. This would be fantastic to try! Thanks for entering me.
Turbo Tax Baby!! That is what I have been using for the last couple of years! I LOVE IT!!
Thank you for this opportunity :)
Christine @ Live Laugh Love and Bloggingss last blog post..Wordless Wednesday ~ A Motherless Daughter
i use turbo tax
I usually use Turbo Tax
We usually use Turbo Tax online but we don’t normally buy the Deluxe version in order to save a little money. This would be great! Thanks!
My husband does it and he uses Turbo Tax!
I use turbo tax and love it! Definitely worth the money, but it would be even better if it were free to me!
I’m a turbotax girl. We’ve used it for the last several years and love it.
We use turbo tax. It is great to use and is easy to understand we love it here! thanks
We normally do H&R Block but are tiring of the high fees. I know our taxes can’t be that difficult and this looks like an easier way of doing it.
I used to have them done until last year when I became a stay at home mom and then we switched over to Turbo Tax. Thanks for the perfect giveaway!!!!!
I normally use Turbo Tax, but I haven’t bought it this year..YET.
I love how easy it makes doing my taxes, and has probably saved me money. TRigell at aol dot com
We use Turbo Tax, but unfortunately we never qualify for a free e-file. I’d love to use this to help defer the costs.
kathleens last blog post..WW: Part Two (with Toothbrush)
We have always used Turbo Tax, but this year I think we may have to upgrade because we had our first babe. This would be fantastic!
Melodys last blog post..5 Months Old!!
We usually use TurboTax, so this would be great. We could definitely use free filing, since I’m pretty sure we owe money because of my husband’s contract work. Saving money always helps! Thanks for the opportunity.
Toris last blog post..Closet Cleaning
I prepare my taxes by going to H&R Block. Kinda expensive but it gets the job done.
I am an email subscriber.
Last year we tried one of those private tax people because there was a good deal however we usually get them done but H & R Block.
I’ve used TurboTax for years… but always one of the extra copies my dad had. This year, no extra copy. This year, I need my OWN TurboTax :)
Michelles last blog post..Tasty Tuesday!
I am also a subscriber to your blog!
I usually do our taxes myself. It is so time-consuming so this would help me so much!
Tanyas last blog post..Not My Best
normally – i would print the papers, try to figure out the numbers, get frustrated and take them to my dad. This would be great!
We use Turbo Tax, it is the best!
WE love Turbo Tax!
I use turbo tax every year LOL
I did a blog post about the giveaway today. Thanks!
Angies last blog post..My entertainment addiction has a new dealer
We’ve been using TurboTax for years! This is one bloggy-giveaway my hubs would be thrilled for me to win ;)
Shannons last blog post..I’m pimpin’ out my hubs!
Your button is on my blog! Thanks!
Tiffanys last blog post..Did you hear?
I have tried it all – Turbo Tax CD, H&R Block online, … This year I would love to do Turbo Tax online for FREE! :)
Tiffanys last blog post..Did you hear?
I subscribe. Love the blog!
I used to have an accountant do my taxes, but the past few years I’ve done my own—by hand.
Would love the Turbo Tax!
I subscribe :)
I’ve used Turbo Tax the last couple years and like it very much.
tweeted here:
I subscribe via email:
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
blog button is on my sidebar here:
blogged this giveaway here:
I still do them by hand and send them in via snail mail
I used Turbo Tax for the first time last year, and it’s great! I’d love to use it again this year.
We have always purchased Turbo Tax each year. It has worked well for us! Thanks
I’m a feed subscriber! :)
Up until last year, we’ve always used Turbo Tax online. However, last year we had some complicated expenses so we used an accountant.
I subscribe
Great to read about this when I opened my email this morning. My husband and I would love to try Turbo-Tax for free this year!
Last year we did H & R Block for the first time and I thought it cost us a small fortune!
Stumbled *andreashops*
I have your button on my sidebar.
We normally file our taxes through Turbo Tax online. I have used it for years and love it.
I just follow the form and instructions and do it manually. It is tedious! So I am hoping to win one turmo tax softward! Thanks
Your button is on my sidebar, thanks!
I am a subscriber, thanks!
We pay someone (which I hate) because we have rental properties and it gets complicated…but I’d love to be able to plug the numbers into this & see if it works for us-would save us money, thanks!
Jill W.s last blog post..More giveaways for you!
We have a family member that does it for our family. Thanks for the opportunity!
Just tweeted about the giveaway. I really want to win! :)
My husband has been on me to get TurboTax ASAP. He loves it and he’s a tax attorney so I hope that says something! Make me a winner, Briana! :)
Also a subscriber via email..great give aways!
This would be such a great gift to cut down the cost of paying an accountant…ugghh.
I also subscribe to you in my Google Reader!
Katies last blog post..
Well I usually just do the 1040EZ online with TAXACT but this is our first year as a married couple so I think I need to investigate new options. Thanks for the info about Turbo Tax!
Katies last blog post..
I would SO love this. I usually file with Turbotax, but I haven’t bought it yet because there hasn’t been a good sale or discount on it. This couldn’t be perfect enough!! Thanks!!
I normally have an accountant do ours since we are self employed, but I would love to try it.
Jeanine P.s last blog post..Do you have a Prescription to Refill ?
I use Turbo Tax online.
floreksas last blog post..Christmas and a Health Update
H&R Block :-(
I dugg it (pestkaj on digg)
I subscribe via yahoo rss as pestkaj at yahoo dot com
I usually pay to do my taxes online
i stumbled! (aplotaxisamomum)
i subscribe to your rss feed!
i added your button!
i normally use TurboTax online. I’d love the chance to use the Deluxe version!
2nd entry–I’m already a subscriber. Thanks!
I’ve used Turbo Tax Online for the past few years. It’s really fast for me, and I love how it updates with every change you make. Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I just subscribed – love your site!
My husband does ours with Turbo Tax!
My husband computes our taxes each year with Turbo Tax. I would love to have a copy for this years!
This is my 2nd entry…I receive your e-mails. :)
Jens last blog post..McDonald’s Valentine’s Coupon Book for $1.00!!!
We use Turbo Tax usually, so this would be great! Thank you for offering this. :)
Jens last blog post..McDonald’s Valentine’s Coupon Book for $1.00!!!
My father and I work through it together, though I was planning to get TurboTax this year.
I already subscribe to the blog via google reader!
I typically have had an H&R Block person do it for me, but it’s soooo expensive! I’m looking for a better way.
I stumbled this… my user name is ncheapskate!
I’ve always gone to H & R Block but got sick of how much they charge for every little fee… Last year I bought TaxCut for only $30 (had coupons and rebate deal) and found it to be agreeable… would LOVE to win this contest so that I could do the taxes for FREE this year!
Someday my blog will generate enough income to require an accountant! :-)
Christinas last blog post..Free Gum From Trident
I just added your button to my sidebar. Thanks!
Angies last blog post..Prayers & Good Thoughts Needed
I have been using Turbotax for years and swear by it. This prize would come in handy big time for me this year! I’ll blog about this on Tuesday and try to send you some newbies. Thanks!
Up until last year you prepared my taxes for me. Last year I tried Turbo Tax and liked it