I’ve wrote about Hefty a couple of years ago and how their customer service rocks! Even though I was having a problem with a particular line of bags, they quickly sent me a free product coupon so I could try another product. I love it when companies take care of their customer’s concerns quickly.
Plus, this gave me the opportunity to try the $2/1 Got2b Ultra Glued Styling Gel or Any Got2b Smooth Operator Product (IE), which can better with stand my family’s trash. Not only does Hefty offer trash bags but they offer quality plates, bowls, cups, and food storage bags.
Hefty has this fun new video which gives some tips on how to save on your family picnic/cookouts. Watch the video above and you will have access to a $2/1 Got2b Ultra Glued Styling Gel or Any Got2b Smooth Operator Product (IE).
Not only do you have access to this printable coupon but Hefty wants to give 5 Bargain Briana Readers a $10 Kroger Family of Stores Gift Card to help you have a fun picnic. You will also receive a $1/1 Hefty One Zip Food Storage coupon, which is valid until December 31, 2011.
How does this sound? Awesome, right!
How to Win?
Prize:(5) Winners will receive a $10 Kroger Family of Stores Gift Card + $1/1 Hefty One Zip Coupons
You can enter up to 5 times/day with the following methods:
1. Share your favorite money saving picnic/cookout tip!
2. Become a Facebook Liker of Bargain Briana and Hefty on Facebook.
3. Tweet the following on Twitter:
Share a money saving picnic/cookout tip with @bargainbriana for a chance to win @Hefty Coupons + Gift Card! http://bit.ly/cjxT5m
4. Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry. If you are already a subscriber, leave a comment letting me know you are already subscribed.
5. Place BargainBriana.com on your blogroll or place the Bargain Briana button on your sidebar.
Please leave a comment for each additional entry.
Giveaway ends 7/27/2010 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Winner will be chosen by random. Be sure bargainbriana@gmail.com is in your safe sender list as you don’t want to miss the email if you are the chosen winner. If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner. U.S. Entries only.
This giveaway was sponsored by Hefty. Post was written 100% by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my Disclosure Policy.
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
My favorite campout/picnic planning tip is to package everything individually and label it with the person’s name. A lot of the time we are busy doing something and the kids are starving, so this way they can go grab their food and start in. Saves a lot of time, and a lot of whining!
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Divide up what everyone will bring…..e.g. one family bring drinks, another sides, etc.
I stock up on hamburger buns when they are on sale and just freeze them!
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I stock up on supplies throughout the year (my freezer is full of hot dogs that were super cheap!). We like to make sure we bring water everywhere!
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Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
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Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
Cookout tip: Watch your sale papers early that way you can get everything you need for cheap!
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
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(This one is probably obvious!)….but….2L of pop are **much** cheaper than cans/bottles
We like to do potlucks with family, so no one person has to make all the food.
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Save time, money and effort in cleaning your grill by turning it on “high” after you are done grilling and burning off the food debris. A couple of minutes is all it takes :)
My tip is to freeze most of your bottles of water so they keep everything cold and you don’t have to buy ice for your coolers. As they thaw drink up. :)
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Stockpile your picnic supplies before your picnic trip….don’t wait and buy at the beach/park store. Yikes!
I bring extra clothes and plenty of water.
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Use cloth napkins…just wash and reuse!
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Picnic tip: Don’t but ice for the cooler…freeze clean 1 gallon jugs and use them to keep your food in your cooler cold. You can even have ice water to drink if you want! Thanks for the giveaway.
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I freeze the bottled water and use it in the cooler!!! Also, putting wash clothes in the cooler are great for hot little kids…My kids always run to get a cold rag to put on thier head!
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I buy charcoal when it’s on sale, use a coupon, and get another item free with a coupon.
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Bring reusable utensils, cups, food storage.
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We always have tons of picnic supplies that we stocked up on at rock bottom prices or even free and everyone pitches in and brings something so that no one has to bring it all.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite money saving picnic tip is to stock up on hotdogs, brats and buns when they are on sale and then you’ll have plenty to grill all summer long.
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Get together with friends and each bring something to share :)
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Have picnics with friends! That way everyone can bring 1-2 items and save a little money!
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Get a cooler with wheels.
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Make your own ice!
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I use coupons like crazy and then can easily throw just about anything from my pantry into a bag/cooler for a quick picnic!
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mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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To save money on a picnic, invite several families and have everyone bring part of the meal.
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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I use reusable dishes and napkins.
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Instead of overpriced bottles of iced tea try making “sun tea”. Toss four large tea bags into a clear pitcher or jar full of water, and let it bake outside for three hours. Later, dilute with water, add a little lemon and sugar, and refrigerate in emptied and rinsed soft-drink bottles.
I use as many coupons as I can and buy stuff when it’s on sale.
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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com
fan of hefty and bargain briana on fb.
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com
Don’t use paper plates and plastic ware–they’re expensive and bad for the environment. Take ‘real’ dishes and wash ’em when you get home.
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com
A good way to save money is to have everyone bring something to share.
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My favorite money saving cook out tip is to make sure it’s a potluck when inviting other people. Also, I use less expensive cuts of meat and marinade to add flavor and tenderize.
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We make everything ahead of time for our picnics that way there won’t be any left over mayo, mustard, etc. to go bad while we are having fun.
Protect your hair from chlorine in swimming pools. Before you go swimming, at a minimum, get your hair wet. Your hair is like a sponge and absorbs the first thing it comes into contact the most. Once drenched , the damage is not as bad. But even better, once you have wet your hair, take a small amount of cheap condititioner, such as suave or vo5, and put it in your hair, then comb it thru with a big tooth comb; tie your hair back and go swim.
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Liker of Bargain Briana and Hefty on Facebook@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
Bring enough snacks, homemade brownies or so.
Moneysaving tip = Bring watermelon! Its cheap and it goes a long way.
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My saving tip is to have a pot luck.
tweeted Share a money saving picnic/cookout tip with @bargainbriana for a chance to win @Hefty Coupons + Gift Card! http://bit.ly/cjxT5m
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I always pack extra clothing items for the kids and stockpile on all picnic items throughout the year for summertime!
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If you are having a cookout, have your family or friends bring a side dish with them or you could at least have everyone bring their own drinks to save money!
Just buy all that cookout stuff at rock bottom prices w/coupons and sales and keep the stockpile up. I’m very well stocked on paper plates, cups, napkins, condiments, all those cookout necessities that I don’t have to make a special trip and pay full price if we have a last minute get-together.
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Take a change of clothes for the kids, along with a detergent pen.
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Freeze anything you can to help other stuff stay cold:
grapes, water bottles, yogurts, cheese, etc.
Save on ice!