Huggies is giving me 1 Full Pack of Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers (size newborn, 1 or 2) to give away to one lucky reader! There is also a printable coupon available for $3 off a pack! Combine with a sale and you have a great deal!
Huggies Pure & Natural boasts a breathable outer cover that includes organic cotton. It is hypoallergenic, fragrance free and includes a touch of aloe & E.
Have you heard of Huggies new reward program called Enjoy the Ride? It is a new loyalty program where you earn points to redeem for prizes or a chance to win prizes!
Log into your account or register at to enter these codes to get you started. (Thanks Mercedes!)
- 5 points STLPM-MBQPZ-RLPGB when you join the Potty Project
You can also register for a FREE eCookbook with over 55 pages of Fall Recipes!
How to Win?
Easy Entry: Leave me a comment with your favorite diaper! For me, I’ve had a favorite diaper for each child – because of different needs! Luckily, we are out of the diaper stage for GOOD! YAY!
Bonus entries (Up to 4 additional entries):
- Blog about this giveaway.
- Grab my button. (It is on my sidebar)
- Subscribe to my free newsletter via email or RSS. (You don’t want to miss out on any deals/giveaways!!!)
- Digg, Technorati, Twitter, Stumble, etc. If you twitter, be sure to include me (@bargainbriana) in the twitter so it see it.
Leave a separate comment for each extra entry. It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.
Ends around 5/22/2009 at 11:59 EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by, will be announced on the Giveaway Winners Page by 05/23/2009 and I will contact you shortly. (If winner doesn’t respond to my email within 48 hours, I will pick another winner.)
Want to win more? Enter to win the rest of my current giveaways!
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I like Huggies supreme.
I subscribe!
last minute entry! huggies are by far my favorite, my kids have small bums so they HUG my kids perfect
I love Pampers, but I hear the Huggies are great. Thanks for the chance to find out!
I’m a subscriber
We cloth diaper with Fuzzibunz, but use huggies as a back up.
linked to your website via my facebook page!
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I love the huggies brand of diapers and pull-ups (1month old & 3 yr old) they fit great – tend to run on the larger size, which is important to me as both of my youngest kids are bigger (not fat) for their ages. I don’t like the way the pampers swaddlers leave an “imprint” on my son’s bum & their easy-ups tend to run 1-2 sizes smaller than the huggies (my 3 yr old is in the 4-5T).
I am also a subscriber and avid fan!
I love huggies natural fit, which you can get a good deal on if a store has them on sale, and use a coupon.
anything that doesn;t leak through is my favorite
I’m a subscriber.
We flip between Pampers and Huggies depending on the deals and coupons! When my daughter was a newborn, our favorite was Pampers swaddlers but now that she is older…either brand works! :)
Just subscribed, too! Looking forward to some great deals, thanks!
Usually use Huggies or Luvs but would definitley LOVE to try out the Pure n Natural brand!! Thanks!
A MUST for babes who have sensitive skin and eczema! :p
LOVE these diapers well worth the penny! :P
I LOVE these diapers. I always used Pampers swaddlers and cruisers for my first one but after trying these I was truly amazed. I do not want to use anything else. They are truly what a diaper should be. Hardly any inks used, organic cotton, absorbant, free of perfumes, and NO rashes :) What else could you possibly ask for. They did their homework with this one A+++++++++ :)
I subscribe … thanks
I have your button… thanks
Debbs last blog post..Mothers…
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I havent’ had to use diapers yet, but beginning in November I will. So far, Huggies are my favorite, but that is because they have had the best coupons thus far.
Huggies leaklock are my favorite. I hate having oopsies.
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My two kids both liked pampers better but who knows for the next one.
My first baby is due June 20, so I don’t have a favorite diaper yet – It would be great to try the new Huggies!
Used Pampers swaddlers, then moved to Huggies Little Movers, but found Huggies Pure & Natural ( bought the last 2 bags at Target the other day! ) work great for our baby, who gets rashes and has terrible exzema. Would love a chance to win. Thank you!!
I always love Pampers but been using Huggies for awhile now thanks to Walgreens deal a couple weeks ago.
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Danielles last blog post..Be sure to get your free chocolate today
I have always loved Pampers, but with my last two, I have also liked Huggies and since they tend to go on sale more, I buy them more.
Danielles last blog post..Be sure to get your free chocolate today
I love huggies…but really I use whatever diaper is on sale…Thanks for the giveaway
i am subscribing
i really love the way huggies fits but i also love that pampers holds up really well through the night… im soo confused!! (lol)
I have used Huggies on both my boys! I also like Kirkland’s diapers at Costco.
Thaos last blog post..My First Mother’s Day
Your button is located here
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I really like Huggies and Pampers but because I have twins, I try to find the most economical diapers. That means store brands. I would live to win this.
Thaos last blog post..My First Mother’s Day
I love pampers swaddlers with both my children.
I also subscribe.
When my little one was first born we dealt with constant diarrhea and diaper rashes. (We later found out they were due to a milk allergy.) During that time, Pampers was the only diaper we could use. Now that she is older, I still stick to pampers at night, but I often use Huggies or Kroger brand too if they are on sale or there are good coupons.
Huggies Ultra Supreme
I would so like to win this prize… I just found out I am going to be a “Grandmother”… so it’s been a while since I have had the opportunity to use a diaper… I have read a lot about Huggies Pure & Natural and I am very interested in learning how they are compared to other diapers. My favorite would have to be the one that has the best coupon and the best price… bargains…
thanks, Debb
I have always loved Huggies~
I subscribe via email
I loved Pampers for my daughters. My sister-in-law uses Huggies. She has one little boy still in diapers and a baby on the way. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
huggies seem to work well, although right now i have a stock of the walgreens diapers. thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite diapers are Huggies!
When my son was born we used pampers and they worked great. As he has gotten older, Pampers don’t seem to fit him as well as the Huggies.
Used Pampers until we got a great deal on Huggies and tried them. Now we use both depending on the deal.
we’ve been very happy with pampers cruisers!
I just had my first baby girl and I love the Huggies best! No leaks and no problems with them.
could really use the diapers! We love huggies and pampers around here…they tend to ‘contain’ the mess!
Also, I blogged about the giveaway. :)
Jaimes last blog post..Why I love Huggies :) :)
We are hooked on Huggies Gentle Care! I’m actually a little bummed that she’ll be outgrowing them soon — I think they only go up to size 2.
you are in my google reader.
i have always used pampers for my boys, esp. newborn swaddlers. however, with my baby this time around i sent away for the huggies naturals when there was a sample. i really liked them!
Sarahs last blog deals!!!!
I subscribe too!
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
The Pampers Swaddlers are really absorbent.
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
Grabbed your Button too…
I stumbled You!
I subscibed with Google Feed direct to my iGoogle page.
For my 10 month old daughter I like Huggies Supreme the best, but when Wag’s has a good sale I buy their brand and the premiums are not too bad. My son uses Pull-Ups, and I haven’t found a store brand that compares.
I always the buy the Huggies at Sam’s Club.
For my son Huggies, snug & dry works best. They keep him dry with no leaks!
Huggies Supreme are the best ever!
I subscribe by email.
I always liked the Pampers Brand.
I love huggies for newborns… I have a baby girl on the way so they can be put to good use!!
Consider me subscribed ….by email!
I love the Pampers Swaddlers especially for nighttime because they are super absorbent.
I use huggies for my 5 month old twins…unless I get a great deal on another brand. Just got them some B1g1 free Walgreens brand! All they other brands tend to leak for us.
With my son I LOVED Pampers Swaddlers.
I always used Luvs, but a good friend with a newborn prefers Huggies. So thanks for this chance to share with her :)