Thanks Frugal Fair Hope for alerting me to this new CVS Beauty Book Coupon Insert!
She found these in the beauty aisle. Sometimes they are loose and you can also find them in the Reinventing Beauty Magazine. Frances has been kind enough to share a picture so you know what to look for.
- $1 Hershey’s Bliss (manufacturer’s coupon)
- $1 any one of the following, Rohto V cool, Arctic, or ice eye drops, Oxy Max 90ct pads, Max Wash, Clear Spot Treatment, Sensitive 90ct pads, Sensitive Pads, Sensitive Spot Treatment, Softlips Vanilla, Cherry, Raspberry, or Strawberry Lip Balm (manufacturer’s coupon)
- $2 Soft Soap
- $1 Blade products purchase
- $2 Veet product
- $1 Vickery & Clarke products purchase
- $1 Viologie products purchase
- $2 24.7 Minerals products purchase
- $2 Skin Effects products purchase
- $1 Fruitopia products purchase
- $2 Cristophe products purchase
Maybe you will be lucky and find some of these coupon booklets in your store. You can ask at your local store as well.
Check out this week’s CVS Deals for more savings!
I love your site. The layout and ease of finding what you need is fantastic! Thanks for posting this.
Frugal Fairhopes last blog post..Search Internet Get Gift Cards