I have the newest Kroger Coupon Policy for the Central region in my hands. Several of the changes are the good but I’m not please with the extreme printable coupon limitations.
We reserve the right to limit no more than five (5) paper manufacturer coupons for the same product, each coupon value considered (1) in the same transaction. (BB Commentary: Note the phrase “reserves the right”. This doesn’t mean that they won’t. It just means they can limit you. This will be YMMV.)
Limit one manufacturer coupon (paper or digital) per item purchased. (BB Commentary: This is just clarifying what the system currently allows anyway. No real change here.)
Expired coupons are not to be accepted. (BB Commentary: Stores around here accepted expired coupons? Ha!)
Only Pharmacy Competitor Coupons accepted. (BB Commentary: Reasonable. Just FYI: Walmart does accept competitor’s coupons.
Couponed Item will not be sold to dealers. (BB Commentary: This makes complete sense! I wonder if it will apply to garage sale dealers as well?)
Internet Coupon Restrictions/PAH Coupons
- “Free Item” Internet coupons can be accepted if all purchase criteria is met. (BB Commentary: This is one advantage over Marsh Supermarkets as they do not allow Free or B1G1 Printables, at least no B1G1 in my location.)
- Only one Internet coupon per item will be accepted. (BB Commentary: This one needs further clarification as well but based upon the next item, it’s pretty safe to assume this is one internet coupon per item per day as you are only allowed two from the same manufacturer per day.)
- Only two Internet coupons per manufacturer per customer, per day. (BB Commentary: Ouch, this one hurts. My understanding is you can only use for example (2) Betty Crocker printables per day regardless of the items you are purchasing. I’m not sure if this is across the board – General Mills family – so then no third let’s say, Cheerios printable coupon. I’m waiting for further clarification on this one.)
Internet coupons that display characteristics below will not be accepted. (BB Commentary: All of these are understandable and reasonable.)
- Blurry
- Out of proportion
- Do not scan properly
- Appear to be altered in any way
Doubling – (if applicable)
Manufacturer’s coupons 50 cents and below will automatically be doubled.
Doubling does not apply to the following:
- Free
- Kroger
- Catalina
- Retail Food Store Coupons
- Electronic Coupons
- Items prohibited by law
NOTE: The Store Manager has the right to accept, decline, or limit the use of any coupon. (BB Commentary: This could be a YMMV situation. Be nice to your store managers! ;) )
I understand why the stores are creating these limits and restrictions. Part of it is because of the Extreme Couponing show on TLC, people stockpiling beyond what they truly can use, and coupon fraud (ie people using fake printables or making copies of the printable coupons).
In conclusion, if you use quite a bit of printable coupons, I’d skip using those coupons at Kroger. If you are local, check out my Extreme Couponing Realistically workshops for a FREE couponing class near you.
What do you think of the new policy? Have or will any of the changes affect you or where you shop?
if you have a bogo free coupon and store is having sale of bogo free of same item.. is it free or is it half off both items then one free. i thought i would get razors free. but i had to pay half price of one for both.. other people on fb say they get them free at krogers.. do diff states have different policies? thanks
Our policy changed here in Cincinnati also. This is the same as our new policy.
I use many printable, they won’t be getting much of my business from now on.
I’m just one, but I’m sure there will be more.
So they will double coupons 0.50 or less?! That is excellent news as I thought that perk had been eliminated from their policy as well.
Thank you Briana for all your advice and postings!
Yes they will still double coupons $0.50 or less according to the policy! :)
Be glad you guys can still double. I’m in Texas. Kroger did away with it here. :(
what area does Central Kroger cover?
Check out this map: http://www.survivingthestores.com/kroger-regions-map
Sorry, missed your post Briana.
Thanks for your hard work!
This only further alienates Kroger from my shopping.
Your mileage may vary! :)
Your mileage may vary.