Not only is there Staycations, there is a fun alternative called “State-cations.” Think of it is an opportunity for adventure in your own home state. How many times have you passed by that museum or historical landmark in your own neck of the woods.
There are so many fun things to do in our areas and you can really save on travel costs as well as saving time by staying locally. Since school is back in session for many of us, we only have limited time on the weekends.
As part of a Mom Central blog tour for the Holiday Inn, I’ve come up with some fun ideas of things to do in Southern Indiana. Holiday Inn boosts over 2,5000 locations in the United States in every states, makes them a perfect hotel choice for your own State-cation. For a fun weekend getaway in Indiana, we could drive south and stay at the Holiday Inn in Jasper. There are so many things to do in that part of Southern Indiana.
We could tour President Lincoln’s Boyhood Home at the natural memorial. We can fish, ski, bike or hike at Patoka Lake. We could tour the monastery at the Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferninand as I’ve never actually be inside of it, only viewed it from the outside. Of course, a weekend trip down south isn’t complete if you don’t visit Holiday World, with their free soft drinks all day and affordable food prices, it is a “economical” amusement park.
What would YOU do for a weekend State-Cation?
This is a sponsored post for Holiday Inn through Mom Central. All reviews/recommendations are based on my own honest opinions and experiences and not edited or written by the sponsor.
Funny… my husband just called me this morning and asked if we wanted to go on vacation in our home state of Michigan in a few weeks. Michigan is blessed with beautiful fall weather and the interesting tourist destination of Mackinac Island. We booked a hotel through (4% upromise savings!) for only $49/night and are planning on window shopping, touring or biking the Island, eating fudge, spending some time in Fort Mackinac and resting after what was a crazy, hectic summer.
We had a 4-day State-cation last weekend. Saturday, I went with friends and visited every cupcake establishment in the Indianapolis area. Sunday, we visited the new Dave and Buster’s restaurant/arcade in Castleton. Monday, we started the day in Edinburgh, perusing the outlet stores, then headed to Nashville for the afternoon to check out much cuter shops. We ended the day in Columbus for dinner, then headed home.
Indiana definitely has some hidden treasures, if you’re willing to explore!