Need a quick, inexpensive Valentine’s Gift?
One of the many great people I met at Blissdom09, Beth Rosen of the Mid Life Wife, has a great vlog with her friend Laura about 5 gifts you can make in 5 minutes for $5. Check out it, Beth is a sweetheart who was so easy to talk to. Beth is also looking for guest bloggers of the week – tenured moms. Most blogs seem to be geared toward newer moms so I think it fantastic what Beth is doing.
Jendi, of Jendi’s Journal, who I didn’t get to meet, has a great round of many ideas for FreeFlys. We tried to tweet to find each other but it never quite worked out.
Want to make a craft project with your child?
Another fantastic person I met, Marie @ Make & Takes, and my partner our sad little September/October birthday group has a site called Make & Takes which has fabulous ideas on craft projects you can do with your children. Right now she has several easy, inexpensive Valentine ideas like Valentine Tic, Tac, Toe, Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Hearts, and a kissable treat.
Want to cook something fun?
Fellow Indiana bloggers, Sara & Mary Ellen, who shared the delicious Smashies with me have a site called Mom’s Marbles, which gives new ideas to keep moms from losing their marbles. Cute, right? Just like Sara & Mary Ellen. I first met Sara at the Ridemakerz event in December but we didn’t really get to talk because of our kids. They have a fun food idea called Queen of Hearts’ Tarts.
San Diego Mommy aka Gidget aka Nicole has some yummy treat ideas for V-day. She is just as adorable in person as she is on her blog! She is a twinsie to Marie @ Make & Takes.
Free FreeFlys. Make a meal made with love!
Have a silly picture?
Enter your favorite silly face photo to win this week’s contest at I ♥ Faces. This really has nothing to do with V-day except their logo has a ♥ in it. Make sure to follow all the rules to enter. I have a cute picture of my son making a silly face in his baseball uniform, I plan on entering. I had the opportunity to share an outlet with the two lovely ladies – Amy & Angie behind I ♥ Faces on Saturday.
Want a purty card for free?
Amy, Living Locurto, has free downloads galore. Most importantly for this week is a free Valentine’s Day Card downloads. You will want to check this link out for more locurtolish downloads.
P.S. I will be posting more about the fantastic women I met at Blissdom09. I met so many great mom bloggers as well as making business connections.
Have a BARGAIN Valentine Idea? Post in the comments or link it, I would love to hear your ideas!
Wow thanks so much..I feel so special to be included with real bloggers..miss you but love your blog…Beth
Beths last blog post..What Kiss Counts as Your First?
Sorry about the spelling error…I meant to write “Wasn’t Blissdom fun?!” Good grief! ;)
What Blissdom fun?! :) You are such a sweetie to give us such a wonderful write-up for our new photography website. Thank you so much!
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
theArthurClans last blog post..More Fun At Blissdom.
I LOVE Locurtolish! That’s so funny:-) Thanks for the great shout outs! So good to meet you at Blissdom.
Amy @ Living Locurtos last blog post..Scratch-Off Lottery Ticket Valentine
Thanks for the info. I love seeing people sharing ideas with one another that can improve their romantic/family life. Good stuff.
Thanks for helping me figure out how to link, even though it should have been obvious. :)
Have a good V-Day!
Ryan M Hall
How did I not meet you at Blissdom? Where were you sitting. I spent Saturday at the Ohio table…
The Happy Housewifes last blog post..Hot Breakfast Challenge Week 2 plus a Giveaway!
Just saw your tweet and wanted to share my list of 25 Free Printable Valentine Activities for Kids.
Chars last blog post..25 Free Printable Valentine Activities