You may not be able to totally escape having a snake or two slither through your yard. If you prefer that snakes stay in another location — far from your yard, you may be looking for a few ideas to help you out. If you want to deter those creatures from hanging out, check out these tips.
Keep Your Yard Mowed
You know that term, “Snake in the grass,” isn’t just a few words thrown together. It’s accurate — snakes can be found in tall grass and if you put off mowing your yard regularly, chances are the snakes know it. Tall grass also attracts the vermin that snakes love. Make a habit of mowing on a regular basis to keep the grass cut short so those tall blades won’t attract and offer a cushy hangout for those slithering creatures.
Clean Up the Clutter
Do you have piles of brush, firewood, trash, and other stuff around your yard? Snakes look for cluttered piles to hole up in and wait for their next meal. Take some time to clear out and clean up your yard. Remove the clutter and make an effort to keep the piles to a minimum — or at least away from your yard and home.
Rake Up Leaves
After fall comes and those leaves hit the ground, it’s easy to put off getting them raked up or mowed and mulched. Don’t put it off or you might find a snake or two have made use of the hiding spots created by that blanket of leaves. Once you take the time to rake up the leaves, don’t leave piles of leaves sitting in your yard. Yep, those piles are also a haven for your slithering friends. This is particularly so in the warm climate areas where snakes have not started to find their dens.
Don’t Offer Snakes Food
What do snakes eat? They look for mice, rats, frogs, and even eggs for tasty snacks. Hedges and other brush will attract mice, and water spots around your home will attract frogs. Even bird houses situated close to your home will draw in snakes. If you have chickens in your backyard, the eggs are a feast for snakes. Do what you can to cut down or eliminate these tasty treats. Clean up and clear out hedges and brush piles, empty things that have collected water, move bird houses to the outer perimeter of your yard, and make sure you collect the chicken eggs on a regular basis — at least once or twice every day.
Snakes will invariably pass through your yard at one point or another, so you can’t totally rid your yard of these guys. You can, however, use some strategies to cut down on their visitations and hopefully deter them from taking up residence regularly.
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Thank your suggestions! I was advised that moth balls are a great deterrent.
You never said what Wouk keep the snakes out of the yard.
As someone who is TERRIFIED of snakes, I clicked over from my email interested to see what it said. However, the picture you have at the top of the article caused me to scream bloody murder. Can I suggest that you remove this and save other people from having a heart attack? Not everything needs a picture.
I said the same thing about tne picture